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Zardiw's Log and Tips


Dec 4, 2021
Well at this point I have NO fucking problem approaching and talking to girls.....well....SOME problems depending on how hot she is...lol....and what my current state is. I've found that at times, you're almost FORCED to approach....something pushes you.....lol

Working on keeping the convo going though. Talking about shit that I notice about her.....about our current environment....etc. Treating her like an old guy friend, and talking to her like that more or less, is a good mindset I think.

And just spit it out.....no thinking ahead of time how it will sound, etc....all that bullshit.

I talk to everybody...people in line at the grocery store, other strangers....I don't give a fuck....and I think if you start talking to Everybody.....it's a lot easier to talk to girls.

Right now I'm working on initial postings on dating apps.....and Texting to get the date set up....but I'm halfway decent on that I think.

Want to learn new stuff that's out there w/regard to that.

Current 'lay' count: 3.......that's recently (for some reason, I've been a hermit <worked on my business> for a lot of years...coming out of my shell now) .......one time I added up all the girls I'd been with in my life and it was 42.....every one of those was assisted by/result of booze....lol.....fwiw

Hoping to learn and contribute here......

And fwiw, my basic philosophy is NOT to just fuck girls. My aim is to give them a fucking experience..(of course the fucking is a nice side benefit..lol) I wanna kiss and suck every fucking inch.....work my way Slowly to her clit/pussy eventually...get her to come..that's an important goal. .....But just feeling that naked skin on skin contact is where it's at.....

Flipping people the peace sign works very well..........if they don't give it back I tell em......you gotta give it back.......or there'l be war.....with a smile.......then when they do it I'll give em a thumbs up....or put my arms in the air and say Yay....lol

How to Sexualize from 0-40:

Hey..you know where the term 'Missionary' (as in position) came from?
Most don't have a clue.
Well, it came from Africa.
Cause they all did it Doggy over there.
But then the Missionaries came over......and these natives would peek into the window, watch em fucking and say WTF is that?...lol
So that's where the term came from.

Probably leave it there for awhile.......

Take it from 40-100: So.....which do you like better?......lmao

Another one is talk about the constellation Orion.
Well, he has a belt of 3 stars......and there's a sword hanging from that belt (fwiw, it Always points South)
It took me fucking YEARS to finally realize that sword is really his cock......lololol

Also, I try to maintain an attitude of I'm just having fun...no requirement by others to act/be/say anything back.

Sitting on a stool outside of NYPD in Palm Springs.......girl walks by.......I say 'Free Drinks' and point to the bar...then say.....'But you have to have it with me...........lol'......Just started that....got one girl to do it.....had an Amazing convo with her.....I ask her what she wants to drink.....she says suprize me.....got her a Moscow Mule....my fav drink lately....
