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Zars new log - actually taking this seriously


Sep 7, 2023

Hi all;

After a recent experience where i was in a girls bedroom sitting next to her and I didn’t make any sort of moved at all and eventually lost her interest - i’ve decided to set actual goals for this pursuit.

I’ve bought the ebook by Andy about how to get laid in 6 weeks; and while i know it shouldn’t be taken literally- i’ve decided to take it literally

I have set myself a goal to have sex by the 18th of april; when i started this challenge or i’ll force myself to go and see a prostitute and have to suffer the pain of admiting i was too much of a loser to do it normally.

Heres how I plan to make that happen in reality:

I’ve decided to drop 250$ into a professional photoshoot for tinder - i’m going for street shots with very good clothes that look candid make me look important. I have a shoot booked for the 13th of march. I’m gonna use a high quality smartphone camera with a tripod to capture physique and hobby shots - and use some old prom pictures as some filler social shots

I’m going to buy 1month of hingex, tinder platinum and around 100$ of boosts for both apps;

i’m messaging every girl who matches with me quickly and directly screening girls by asking them if they want to link up (gen z slang for meetup and fuck ; no strings attached) -

i have observed an issue with going to the traditional approach of going out on dates that you guys suggest as in; I don’t know whether shes ok with me touching her and since i don’t wanna come on too strong I don’t but it’s as if it always goes to shit; likely because being a virgin means im not romantically compatible with any of these girls.

I’ve decided to solve this problem by ruthlessly going for hookups with girls; i reckon if i know i have permission mentally to fuck her it’ll be easier and way more natural when i try to touch her and i’ll need to verbally ask (and thus turn her off from my utter lack of confidence) to go further. And along with that a rejection will mean far less; and i will never need to worry about emotionally investing in a girl.

A weird thought pattern that i’ve been having is that i often get very angry with women whos fucking bullshit i have to put up with - whos egos have been inflated due to them being white and seeing me as nothing but a brown currymuncher think they can treat me like shit for example; instead of surpressing i’ve been calming myself down with “at the end of the day i can always pay for a hooker; I don’t need women to like me i can say whatever i want fuck them”. It’s not mentally healthy. And i really don’t get why i was so fucked up as to be the guy who couldn’t get a girlfriend in high school.

I’m also going clubbing for the first time next weekend. I’m gonna dress well - load up on drinks and talk to no fewer than 10 girls i catch holding wye contact for longer than a second. If the convo goes well im going for a number and if it goes really well im gonna ask them if they wanna make out and then if they wanna go somewhere more private.

I hate how i’ve put this much mentally into it but i’ve gotten fuck all for results.

I like reminding myself that all the effoet i’ve invested means nothing if I don’t have the balls to approach girls in real life and actually have success; a 10% success rate irl for 50 approaches beats a 0.7% success rate for 50k matches. You can’t reach the max limit of the calibre of girls you want online. It’s only time wasters or girls who’ll max be ok with hooking up once bc they’re lonely looking for a non existent perfect man.

Right now im trying to just feed myself statistics on how tinder was designed to keep me single so i get myself out of this hole. What i need is a way to overcome that overwhelming feinf of not having permission to talk to girls i find cute.

Second to that; i need overcome the feeling that touching girls is wrong. If i cannot do that it will be physically impossible for me to have sex.
zar04 said:
After a recent experience where i was in a girls bedroom sitting next to her and I didn’t make any sort of moved at all and eventually lost her interest - i’ve decided to set actual goals for this pursuit.
Oh man this takes me back, I used to be this way. You're 19 right? That's super young, it's normal to feel uncomfortable being physically direct, you'll get over it with time.

zar04 said:
i’m messaging every girl who matches with me quickly and directly screening girls by asking them if they want to link up (gen z slang for meetup and fuck ; no strings attached) -

Yeah don't do that, especially if you're a virgin,.

zar04 said:
i have observed an issue with going to the traditional approach of going out on dates that you guys suggest as in; I don’t know whether shes ok with me touching her and since i don’t wanna come on too strong I don’t but it’s as if it always goes to shit; likely because being a virgin means im not romantically compatible with any of these girls.

I’ve decided to solve this problem by ruthlessly going for hookups with girls; i reckon if i know i have permission mentally to fuck her it’ll be easier and way more natural when i try to touch her and i’ll need to verbally ask (and thus turn her off from my utter lack of confidence) to go further. And along with that a rejection will mean far less; and i will never need to worry about emotionally investing in a girl.

The problem is you're trying to portray yourself as super sexual and trying for something casual, but you won't be able to completely hide the fact that you're inexperienced. It's gonna come off as incongruent and possibly put the girl off.

That said, it's the right idea. It does pay to be "ruthless" and super direct about what you want. But given your experience level it's fine to slow things down a bit and even target a second or third date lay. You don't have the experience or confidence yet to be hyper sexual and aggressive.

zar04 said:
A weird thought pattern that i’ve been having is that i often get very angry with women whos fucking bullshit i have to put up with - whos egos have been inflated due to them being white and seeing me as nothing but a brown currymuncher think they can treat me like shit for example;

Kudos for recognizing this is just a weird thought pattern. As with most things in life, there probably is an element of truth--I don't doubt that brown guys can have it 10% harder in western countries. But dwelling on it and feeding your negativity is the best way to make sure you get shitty results. (Yeah there are some guys out there who hate women and fuck a lot of them anyway. they already know who they are and aren't coming to forums for pickup advice)

zar04 said:
And i really don’t get why i was so fucked up as to be the guy who couldn’t get a girlfriend in high school.
very out of touch, this is completely normal

zar04 said:
I hate how i’ve put this much mentally into it but i’ve gotten fuck all for results.
what you put into it "mentally" means absolutely zero. Only the external physical actions you take mean anything at all.
zar04 said:
Second to that; i need overcome the feeling that touching girls is wrong. If i cannot do that it will be physically impossible for me to have sex.

Yup. Next date you can try this
1. Hug when you meet up
2. at some point show her something on your phone, lightly place your hand on her back when you do it
3. if she's wearing a watch/ring, gently grab her hand and ask her about it
4. start resting your hand on her back for longer at a time
5. if you've gotten past that step, you can start placing your hand on her leg. if the date goes on longer you can keep it there for longer, also move your hand closer inside/towards her crotch (not all the way)
6. Ask her back to your place
Don't put so much pressure on yourself at 19yo. I know it feels like everyone is having sex bit you but theyre not. I was there and lost my v at 22.

Set a deadline of 18/04 sure, but don't set yourself up disappointment and force yourself to go to a hooker because you'll just be bitter. Some guys go to a hooker just to get it done but you're holding a gun to your head and calling yourself a failure if you go to one, and you will then use that as a whip to lash yourself down the line.

I was desperate as fuck but I'm glad I waited and lost it to a gorgeous Canadian because I earned it myself and be proud I did, no matter how things are now.

So set a goal for that date, but not try go zero to hero when you've little experience especially with physicality. Something more attainable like first base or just saying "hey why don't we go back and chill at mine fo some music" or any of what lacroix suggested, it is a big step in this game at the beginning.

And lose the racial angst bullshit, no-one gives a shit what colour you are. Sure, westoids tend to be entitled, but girls dont owe you shit because of it either?

Are you a guy that girls would like to be around? Are you chill, funny, interesting, or just angry at them? Are you a fucking mind reader that you can tell these girls are just ruling you out cause you brown?

I doubt it, so drop that shit. Seeing girls as the enemy is a sure way of turning into an insufferable cunt noone want to date.
Spazdig said:
And lose the racial angst bullshit, no-one gives a shit what colour you are. Sure, westoids tend to be entitled, but girls dont owe you shit because of it either?
Racism is a very valid and real problem. It simply isn't true that girls don't care about your race. But overall attractiveness is much more important.

It's definitely not productive to fixate on it. I know some guys who use their race as an excuse, and that's absolutely the wrong way to go about things. It's an immutable trait, why would you waste your time obsessing over it?

But racism absolutely exists and I feel like it would be invalidating to say otherwise.
zar04 said:
I have set myself a goal to have sex by the 18th of april; when i started this challenge or i’ll force myself to go and see a prostitute and have to suffer the pain of admiting i was too much of a loser to do it normally.
This is not productive man. Why are you setting time limits for yourself? A lot of this shit is very random and sporadic. As a guy who thought about doing the same thing around your age, I am super glad I didn't. Fucking a hooker doesn't seem like it's going to help you. What you're probably missing is not sex per se, but the feeling like you're good enough to have sex. A hooker will not accomplish this for you.

You sound like you're on the right track by going out and talking to girls. Try not to rely on alcohol too much, it'll become a crutch. You are young man, you have a lot of potential as long as you're willing to put in the work.

zar04 said:
It’s only time wasters or girls who’ll max be ok with hooking up once bc they’re lonely looking for a non existent perfect man.
With all due respect, why should they want to hook up with you more than once with the attitude you're displaying? I'm a firm believer that if you want to retain girls, you need to build a relationship (i use that term loosely), and make it more than just sex. Unless your dick game is really really good, girls aren't going to stick around for just sex. Try building an emotional connection of sorts too, I've found this to be a lot more fun and fulfilling. Usually with my fuckbuddy I will take her to dinner or to some activity and then we'll go fuck. Some guys might feel "beta" doing this but I don't see the issue at all. If you're treating girls like they're just good for hooking up, you shouldn't be surprised that they don't want to see you again after a hookup.
You will suceed, man.

Look, this is a judgment-free community, and the guys will back you, and allow you to work through your issues. I never dismiss guys issues, no matter what, and I will back them, regardless of how damaged they are, provided they do the work and are coachable. I will stand by them through hell if I have to. No limits.

I am brown as fuck. I do get laid, am good with girls, and have been getting outcomes. It is harder, yes, however, you aren't allowed off the hook. You are not brown-brown, that is, you may be able to play the racially ambiguous card, or may be a little white passing. This means you're golden, so don't sweat it, we can sort such guys out FAST. However, if you are proper brown-brown, like me, (legit curry brown), then you can still win. Big time. You will just need to become absolute iron and a monster of work ethic. I developed into a masculine and tough kind of person, through 3 years of hardcore grinding, and women did start to want my dick. In real life, I have women ask me out, (2 in 24hrs lul), I do get women inviting themselves over to my place, shit like that, but I do things very differently to what I learned and I stopped following any of the conventional wisdom over a year ago. I also, admittedly, never did get dating apps to work very well for me. That is just product-market fitment and yes, brown-brown (very Indian looking) is not necessarily sexy to most girls but with work ethic and consistency, you can still attract them, and get laid.

We are working on the forum transition, and me and my leadership team, are going to get you all striving for high level success, not just in pussy, but in money, and actual impact, leadership, and doing big things.

The boys here know, I made it work from nightmare mode, and am going to the top.So why can't you?

Truth is, you can. You just need the right guidance from responsible and ethical men who can support you. Which is us, here, at Winner Within.

Success is possible, just look at me: hardcase, brown, unattractive, older. Still made it.

And so will you.

Are are additional challenges for being brown? Yes, BUT ONLY if you're not good looking enough to pass the looks threshold. If you are a good looking brown guy, I can make you into a slayer. I wish I could find young men like that, I would create savages. I did this shit, on nightmare mode. Didn't get my first online dating match for 6 months, despite trying daily. Today, after 3 years of work, I may get one lead a month, on a good month. That drives me to go further, test different markets, and improve further. As an experienced guy, who is a brown guy who came from nothing, I assure you, it can be done. And if you're bad looking, there are ways around this. I get laid, because despite being brown-brown, average to slightly below average in attractiveness, because I am a determined and strong man. That can get you far, believe me.

If you can make yourself genuinely good looking guy, your problems will mostly be solved. I assure you of that. If you're good looking, even if you're brown, it doesn't matter! You will win, big. The only issue, is if your looks are bad. That is a bummer, but dealing with that myself, I can tell you, even if this is the case, you can also use the law of large numbers, and you can be very cunning, strategic, and clever. Me and another legend called The Bastard, pulled this shit off, at Low SMV. No excuses!

Getting you laid, is easy, We can do that, easy.

I'd like more than that from you, though. I want to see SUCCESS and ACHIEVEMENT.

Lets get this lay sorted, and then, lets make you into a slayer. If you post on my forum regularly, and show promise to this community, I will make sure you become a slayer. But I only back true hard workers and guys who respect their peers and engage with my community.

There are many angles we can take. But for now, just show up, take action, and we'll dial this in.

Show me how serious you are. Take a step towards me. And I will take a step towards you.

This forum, is a personal passion for me. I love running this forum, and helping all men, regardless of background. This is a space, where we do not care about your race, nationality, or anything else. We care about WORK. Our guys, will support you, not because you are a pussy slayer (I don't give a rats ass about that), but if you are a standup man who works hard and has values.

Just paid a photographer to do some new photos; gonna get a tripod nd high end smartphone camera w blur for gym physique photos; getting another with a leather jacket done. Rate photos pls. Will be getting a new phone to circumvent the shadow ban; not using any old photos bc it fucks my elo. Any advice? Also all my hobbies are extremely nerd shit - no video games or anything like that but still something very hard to sell. Trying to hookup with a girl rn; my and her schedules never fucking align but she has a free house and im more than happy to shout some drinks.
MakingAComeback said:
You will suceed, man.

Look, this is a judgment-free community, and the guys will back you, and allow you to work through your issues. I never dismiss guys issues, no matter what, and I will back them, regardless of how damaged they are, provided they do the work and are coachable. I will stand by them through hell if I have to. No limits.

I am brown as fuck. I do get laid, am good with girls, and have been getting outcomes. It is harder, yes, however, you aren't allowed off the hook. You are not brown-brown, that is, you may be able to play the racially ambiguous card, or may be a little white passing. This means you're golden, so don't sweat it, we can sort such guys out FAST. However, if you are proper brown-brown, like me, (legit curry brown), then you can still win. Big time. You will just need to become absolute iron and a monster of work ethic. I developed into a masculine and tough kind of person, through 3 years of hardcore grinding, and women did start to want my dick. In real life, I have women ask me out, (2 in 24hrs lul), I do get women inviting themselves over to my place, shit like that, but I do things very differently to what I learned and I stopped following any of the conventional wisdom over a year ago. I also, admittedly, never did get dating apps to work very well for me. That is just product-market fitment and yes, brown-brown (very Indian looking) is not necessarily sexy to most girls but with work ethic and consistency, you can still attract them, and get laid.

We are working on the forum transition, and me and my leadership team, are going to get you all striving for high level success, not just in pussy, but in money, and actual impact, leadership, and doing big things.

The boys here know, I made it work from nightmare mode, and am going to the top.So why can't you?

Truth is, you can. You just need the right guidance from responsible and ethical men who can support you. Which is us, here, at Winner Within.

Success is possible, just look at me: hardcase, brown, unattractive, older. Still made it.

And so will you.

Are are additional challenges for being brown? Yes, BUT ONLY if you're not good looking enough to pass the looks threshold. If you are a good looking brown guy, I can make you into a slayer. I wish I could find young men like that, I would create savages. I did this shit, on nightmare mode. Didn't get my first online dating match for 6 months, despite trying daily. Today, after 3 years of work, I may get one lead a month, on a good month. That drives me to go further, test different markets, and improve further. As an experienced guy, who is a brown guy who came from nothing, I assure you, it can be done. And if you're bad looking, there are ways around this. I get laid, because despite being brown-brown, average to slightly below average in attractiveness, because I am a determined and strong man. That can get you far, believe me.

If you can make yourself genuinely good looking guy, your problems will mostly be solved. I assure you of that. If you're good looking, even if you're brown, it doesn't matter! You will win, big. The only issue, is if your looks are bad. That is a bummer, but dealing with that myself, I can tell you, even if this is the case, you can also use the law of large numbers, and you can be very cunning, strategic, and clever. Me and another legend called The Bastard, pulled this shit off, at Low SMV. No excuses!

Getting you laid, is easy, We can do that, easy.

I'd like more than that from you, though. I want to see SUCCESS and ACHIEVEMENT.

Lets get this lay sorted, and then, lets make you into a slayer. If you post on my forum regularly, and show promise to this community, I will make sure you become a slayer. But I only back true hard workers and guys who respect their peers and engage with my community.

There are many angles we can take. But for now, just show up, take action, and we'll dial this in.

Show me how serious you are. Take a step towards me. And I will take a step towards you.

This forum, is a personal passion for me. I love running this forum, and helping all men, regardless of background. This is a space, where we do not care about your race, nationality, or anything else. We care about WORK. Our guys, will support you, not because you are a pussy slayer (I don't give a rats ass about that), but if you are a standup man who works hard and has values.


I understand what you mean but i’m just fucking weak.

I try but shit that everyone else has no fucking problem doing scares me.

I can’t fucking talk to people unless they talk to me first; i can’t fucking approach girls period.

I’ve ghosted on fucking 80% of any of the dates i was ever supposed to go on.

I would’ve gotten laid now if i was fucking pathetic. Abd i’ve tried not being weak. But I can’t. I don’t have the fucking strength. It’s why im worried im not gonna make it.
zar04 said:
I understand what you mean but i’m just fucking weak.

I try but shit that everyone else has no fucking problem doing scares me.

I can’t fucking talk to people unless they talk to me first; i can’t fucking approach girls period.

I’ve ghosted on fucking 80% of any of the dates i was ever supposed to go on.

I would’ve gotten laid now if i was fucking pathetic. Abd i’ve tried not being weak. But I can’t. I don’t have the fucking strength. It’s why im worried im not gonna make it.

You're thinking you're being strong and courageous by treating yourself so harshly, but its the opposite. Yeah, you are a coward, so what? Virtually everyone is society today is cowardly beyond belief. This need to reject yourself isn't helping. Way too much focus on perfection and an inflated sense of what your capabilities are. I'm not telling you to give up, but why not drop the act and admit to yourself where you really are? Maybe you need to aim lower. Find the easiest thing you could do that would involve some courage that you COULD ACTUALLY DO, then go do that. Don't be afraid to aim lower. Then start making some tiny progress. Maybe you need to go out in public for walks 3 times a day, or volunteer at some charity, anything. Try to find the least scary thing you can do that involves some level of courage and is a thing you could actually do. Then build on that.

Also, I don't think you understand that 'faking it until you make it' and 'courage' are LITERALLY THE SAME THING. They're not similar concepts, they are literally 100% exactly the same. You sound like you have some belief you're supposed to feel like X instead of Y when you do scary shit. No, no, no. That's not how it works, that's not courage, that's desensitization. You get that way through multiple prolonged exposures to something scary (which requires courage), but its not the same thing as being courageous, its just becoming less sensitive.

The best thing about doing scary things (courage) is that it tends to build the skill of courage generally across domains. Desensitization is almost always domain specific, courage is a general ability.

Embrace failure and pain. You're allowed to go on dates planning to fail and get your ass kicked. Willingly accepting and taking on a negative experience is a positive experience. Expecting and wanting an experience to be positive is almost always a negative experience. I'm all for optimism and hope, but those concepts can be misapplied. As long as you show up, then you can't fail when your goal is just to endure something scary for a while then go home.
zar04 said:
I can’t fucking talk to people unless they talk to me first; i can’t fucking approach girls period.
You are describing every normal 19 year old. This is something you work on, no one is just born with it. Also check ya DMs

3rd last is my fav photo
zar04 said:
I can’t fucking talk to people unless they talk to me first; i can’t fucking approach girls period.

I was a housebound khhv who did not even have a concept of talking to people from my own initiative being POSSIBLE until April 2021, age 22. Or even messaging anyone of my own initiative. The only social interaction I ever had for my whole life was with extremely gregarious people reaching out to me.

Back then, when I engaged in social interaction my body would enter such an insane amount of fight or flight that my left cheek would twitch visibly. To show you how extreme that anxiety is, the only time I've gotten that in the last year has been a combination of fasting, stimulants, and brutal workout all at once, and even then it was like 1/10th the intensity of twitch.

Almost no one on KYIL was born at the finish line socially speaking. Huge amounts were in your position. They simply took the steps to advance, and rejection by rejection, as they swung the pendulum further into failure, it swung back harder into success. You can start with small swings, we all did. Just keep it accelerating and eventually you'll get there.

Actually, beyond "there" in a way.

One thing is noobs kinda think they 1. start approaching 2. ??? 3. holden style harem within a couple of years.

Which doesn't happen. That reward they get less of, or in a longer timeframe, than they expect.

But everything else that you pick up along the way is SOOOOOO much more rewarding than you thought. All the skills, positivity, experiences, friends, etc. Changes and results whose value are impossible to grasp before you start the journey, yet only compound on themselves harder and harder with time.

I setup a tinder account; bought premium; put up my photos (all rated 8+ / top 2% on photoeval which is notoriously hard on look ratings) and i’ve gotten fucking pathetic results. Like 5 matches ; all of which have gone nowhere with the girls just doing 1-2 replies before ignoring me.

I even boosted and got 0 matches from the boost

What the actual fuck am i doing wrong? I’m tired of fucking tinder - im considering quitting this fucking entire pursuit because i’ve sunk fucking hundreds of dollars all to get 5 fucking matches. For fucks sake i could’ve fucked 3 hookers with that much money:.

I’m not being fucking picky with my swipes; if a girl isn’t overweight or extremely cunty in her bios and pics I swipe on her - I don’t swipe right automatically and i do actually reply quickly.

One of the photos i was using on photoeval got a comment from a fucking 8/10 blonde from ireland telling me she’d smash - yet on fucking actual tinder a fucking 4/10 ghosts me.

It’s not my fucking photos anymore - somethings wrong i’m considering fucking quitting I can’t fucking waste hundreds of dollars on this fucking app.

I think i’ve been shaddowbanned - would a good piece of advice be to buy a cheap iphone and im and create a new acc and what should i do to make sure i bypass the shaddow ban if i spend anymore money to get no results im fucking done.

And also on a more general note - this isn’t at all efficient . To the guys who have dozens of lays - what the fuck did you do in my position that ended up working. Like seriously i’m not ugly enough for it to rationalise these results i have actual proof im not ugly but tinder and online dating like specifically isnt working. I know that the fucking correct thing to do is to delete these shitty fucking apps and talk to girls in person but im extremely overwhelmed by the feeling that i’ll come off as a creep and the fact that i’ve had nothing but rejection from women in any practical terms of results make me feel like why even bother. I need to know what to do to make it. This is fucking annoying i was hoping i’d actual improve from getting better photos i need a roadmap for what to do. Not fucking high level mindset bullshit i’ve tried absorbing that for 2 years keep in mind im a fucking autistic virgin i need step by step instructions to defeat my own brains malignant hardwiring and get laid.
Breathe, breathe. I understand how frustrating this can be, but I can guarantee you this problem is fixable and you're doing something wrong that you're not realizing.

Which photos? Post the exact ones you used here and exact order.

You're not shadowbanned. A shadowban means ZERO matches and likes.
zar04 said:
(all rated 8+ / top 2% on photoeval which is notoriously hard on look ratings)
Hot girls are likely not doing these evals. Post your profile here to get advice from guys who know how it works. Likely there is a lot of improvement to be made.
zar04 said:
all of which have gone nowhere with the girls just doing 1-2 replies before ignoring me.
Texting is very difficult. Im still not good at it but there is a sticky post on the forum with resources on how to learn it.
zar04 said:
what the fuck did you do in my position that ended up working
First of all, are you in a big city? What worked for me was trying out new profiles and photos and boosting until it suddenly worked. Just gotta try to improve it incrementally and keep going.
You could go for cold approach but from my experience I benefited a lot from online dating first - this was less scary to me and knowing that there are girls out there that like me helped me build up my confidence.
GoodLookingNerd said:
zar04 said:
(all rated 8+ / top 2% on photoeval which is notoriously hard on look ratings)
Hot girls are likely not doing these evals. Post your profile here to get advice from guys who know how it works. Likely there is a lot of improvement to be made.
zar04 said:
all of which have gone nowhere with the girls just doing 1-2 replies before ignoring me.
Texting is very difficult. Im still not good at it but there is a sticky post on the forum with resources on how to learn it.
zar04 said:
what the fuck did you do in my position that ended up working
First of all, are you in a big city? What worked for me was trying out new profiles and photos and boosting until it suddenly worked. Just gotta try to improve it incrementally and keep going.
You could go for cold approach but from my experience I benefited a lot from online dating first - this was less scary to me and knowing that there are girls out there that like me helped me build up my confidence.

I live in sydney; 4.5 million people; not the cause of the problem.

Online dating is fucking poison for my mental health. Just openign that putrid red icon and seeing yet again no fucking replies no fucking matches hurts like nothing else. I’m borderine suicidal cant focus throughout the day. I hate this putrid piece of shit. Fuck tinder - 90 a fucking month for platinum likes that dont do anything; 50 dollars for 1 boosts that dont do anything. I’d fucking throw a brick at these pricks if could. You have any idea how much work i put in to get fucking spat at. Im fucking mad. 5 matches. 5 fucking matches is all im good for - this is my peak. This is what all the work in the world results in - even getting money hiring a photographer paying extra like a cuck bitch for OLD cant get me a fucking date. Im a fucking loser. How the fuck am i this pathetic. I can’t take this anymore i’m fucking spinning out of control. The more i try the less results i get. Everytime i read about how everyone else here gets fucking lays dates fucking atleast something it hurts. I cant take that fucking pain anymore. I need to know what to do so i can fucking have hope. I feel like everything i put my fucking faith in has turned out to be bullshit; and theres no point in trying. Money wasted; and nothing to show for it.

I’ve attached my profile. Its not perfect but its should have atleast gotten me something. If im beyond fucking hope just tell me save me the pain of wasting more money so i can make noose and end this bullshit. Don’t fucking lie to me please I want the truth. I’d rather be dead than live this fucking lonely and sex deprived. Everything i’ve believed in and had hope for - that maybe; just maybe if i work hard and do the right things i’d be good enough to get some fucking pussy but no; alas here i am. I’m fucking getting blackpilled.

Also; text game doesn’t mean shit. Ot literally doesn’t if your hot enough abd the girls wants to fuck you will fuck unless you self sabotage. Im not a fucking coper im not gonna distract myself i wasted 12 months spending money on PUA texting garbage to conclude that all game works on ugly chicks and the hotter they get the less effective it is. Just be fucking hot.
pancakemouse said:
Breathe, breathe. I understand how frustrating this can be, but I can guarantee you this problem is fixable and you're doing something wrong that you're not realizing.

Which photos? Post the exact ones you used here and exact order.

You're not shadowbanned. A shadowban means ZERO matches and likes.

I’ve tried; i’m beginning to think it isn’t. Like come on who fucking is a virgin after trying this much shit like if you’re a virgin despite trying its probably terminal.

I’ve posted my profile above; it’s fucking bad i know but it’s not so bad that i should be getting this. Im getting less fucking matches with better photos. The mental impact of this has been awful. I need to know what i need to do escape this hell of being a fucking virgin. This is a waste of fucking time and money. Fucking tinder i’d like to take their ceos and waterboard them.
zar04 said:
I setup a tinder account; bought premium; put up my photos (all rated 8+ / top 2% on photoeval which is notoriously hard on look ratings) and i’ve gotten fucking pathetic results. Like 5 matches ; all of which have gone nowhere with the girls just doing 1-2 replies before ignoring me.

hey next time before launching into your emo crybaby im gonna kill myself rant can you share the following extremely vital information

- how many swipes you did (can guess. order of magnitude is fine)
- how many days ago you started doing this (can't be more than like 14 since that's when you last posted without having evaded the ban yet)

pancakemouse GoodLookingNerd like on god decent chance the dude posted this suicide note after starting literally yesterday and doing 10 swipes. and is shitting his dick because if you recall its the same dude who posted a year ago about how he needs to take tren and go on a "suicide charge" and get laid within 4 months or else he detonates the vest because I don't even remember wtf the convoluted logic was
zar04 said:
I live in sydney; 4.5 million people; not the cause of the problem.


I’ve attached my profile. Its not perfect but its should have atleast gotten me something. If im beyond fucking hope just tell me save me the pain of wasting more money so i can make noose and end this bullshit. Don’t fucking lie to me please I want the truth. I’d rather be dead than live this fucking lonely and sex deprived. Everything i’ve believed in and had hope for - that maybe; just maybe if i work hard and do the right things i’d be good enough to get some fucking pussy but no; alas here i am. I’m fucking getting blackpilled.

Sydney is widely considered to be the most difficult city in the Western world for apps. Like, don't kill yourself, but just for perspective.

Regarding your profile: all those great photos and you chose the shirtless mirror selfie where we can't see your face as your primary?!

Also, you are wearing the same outfit in every photo. At least remove half of them so it doesn't look so evident.

And your bio literally says information that the girls can already get from your profile.
zar04 said:
I’ve attached my profile.
Dude, youre wearing the same outfit in every picture. To girls this screams: I did a photoshoot once and made it my entire personality.
Im not gonna make the same mistake I made on Thrice's log and get preachy, but he had a similar sentiment to your post for years but still managed lose his V card.

Youre only 19, you feel like youve tried everything but you actually havent. From what I can see, you did some looksmaxxing, got a nice outfit, did a photoshoot and called it a day. There is so much more you can do. In fact, when I started I had a similar mentality: do what I thought I had to do and then I should be getting unlimited pussy. When I first posted some of the experienced members here gave me advice on style and pictures but my ego was way to big to take it: Im a good looking guy, I put in some effort for pictures, therefore I am entitled to girls, right? For some this will work, for most its not enough. I am only know realizing how much effort it truly can take to get there, but this also means that it is possible to get there with enough effort.

Please realize that you have not put in all of your effort, and no this doesnt mean your a lazy piece of shit, but it means that there is a lot of potential for you to grow.
september said:
zar04 said:
I setup a tinder account; bought premium; put up my photos (all rated 8+ / top 2% on photoeval which is notoriously hard on look ratings) and i’ve gotten fucking pathetic results. Like 5 matches ; all of which have gone nowhere with the girls just doing 1-2 replies before ignoring me.

hey next time before launching into your emo crybaby im gonna kill myself rant can you share the following extremely vital information

- how many swipes you did (can guess. order of magnitude is fine)
- how many days ago you started doing this (can't be more than like 14 since that's when you last posted without having evaded the ban yet)

@pancakemouse @GoodLookingNerd like on god decent chance the dude posted this suicide note after starting literally yesterday and doing 10 swipes. and is shitting his dick because if you recall its the same dude who posted a year ago about how he needs to take tren and go on a "suicide charge" and get laid within 4 months or else he detonates the vest because I don't even remember wtf the convoluted logic was

I realize your perception of me is skewed because i usually post here as a form of journaling when im under alot of stress and need to get my thought out somewhere. Though your not wrong; i probably should be less dramatic. Most of my frustrstion arises from the fact that i bought a burner phone for about 150$ and some google playstore giftcards for about 400$ but then google decided to flag my giftcards for no fucking reason so i’ve lost what should’ve been a good month-2s worth of budget money.

I’ve done roughly a thousand swipes - and after the first day where i got maybe 5 matches; i’ve gotten 0 matches since then. It’s quite frustrating since its basically the same as it was before; i’d hce preferred to see a measurable improvement in my results.

I’m gonna go buy another outfit abd schedule another photoshoot. I’m also gonna get a couple photos of me doing some of my hobbies so i look more interesting. I’ll boost more and swipe more.

I’m going to go out clubbing on the weekends to do some in person approaches. I have a feeling that online dating is a net negative - everything about in person approaches is better but they’re scarier - if i can get over the fear i’d never need to use this fucking app designed to make me hate myself.

Have taken notice; am putting the shirtless pic away and actually using the other photos.

I’m starting 450mg of test a week along with AIs and I have a pct in place; as well as a training coach and a meal planning regimen. Will run for 11 weeks. Picking up vials tomorrow. I’m sure that atleast a majority of my problems arise from having low testosterone - having a higher sex drive at the very least would give me more motivation to improve my dating life not to mention the added muscle gains and confidence. My gains have largely plateued for about 12 months now; i’d say the combination of bad mental health; depression low self esteem etc. are likely low test symptoms - should be greatly aided .