• Welcome to the forums, Guest. Please note that you must make a post in the introduction thread and upload an avatar to gain full access to the forums. You must post a real picture of yourself, your face can be blurred or cropped out.

Terms and rules

1. Welcome. These forums are community-run. Content posted by members here is not endorsed by the moderators.

2. 18+ only.
- You may only join if you’re 18 or older.
- You may only mention anyone who’s 18 or older.
- Mentioning any girls under 18, even in a situation like “I hit on a girl then found out she was under 18”, will result in a warning then ban. Yes, even if it’s perfectly legal in your country.

3. Add an Avatar of yourself. This is mandatory to use the forums, otherwise your account will be deleted within 3 days.

- Humans respond favorably to human signals. We're community, not a bunch of anonymous avatars and letters.
- It’s hard to give you self-improvement and getting-laid advice without knowing what you look like. If you’re not getting results, chances are your looks, style, bodyfat, etc. are holding you back - but we can’t know that without knowing what you look like.
- Including your face is recommended but optional.

4. Take yourself seriously. This forum is for helping people who help themselves. If you’re serious about your goals and turning into the best version of yourself, you’ll love it here.

5. Take action This forum is about commitment, taking action, and getting shit done. We don’t expect you to be perfect, but you shouldn’t be spending all your time procrastinating by being a keyboard warrior. As a rule of thumb, take action first, and then discuss after.

6. Focus on the positive We encourage being authentic and discussing your true feelings. But don’t sit around focusing on negativity for days and weeks on end. Focus on what you can change and how you can make progress and work on your mission.
