Ali's latest activity

  • Ali
    Ali replied to the thread Sewerdog's log.
    Checkin: A full day of cleaning! Got some very good results and customers were sending messages saying how good the windows looks. Got...
  • Ali
    Ali replied to the thread Sewerdog's log.
    Recapping the week: I've got to 20 monthly customers now. If I can hit 80 by the end of the month I'll be in a good spot. I have a pure...
  • Ali
    Ali replied to the thread Sewerdog's log.
    I'll check that out, it was working yesterday but not today so im gonna go through all the wiring and see if somethings loose as well...
  • Ali
    Ali replied to the thread Sewerdog's log.
    Checkin: Completed a job this morning, who will become a monthly customer. Went door to door and got 7 more people which is great. A...
  • Ali
    Ali replied to the thread Sewerdog's log.
    Got 3hrs of door knocking done this afternoon, landed 4 more jobs and gave my details out to more people. Had a message come through...
  • Ali
    Ali replied to the thread Sewerdog's log.
    Completed my door to door for today, managed 3hrs 30mins but only got 1 job. Gave my details to about 10 people and three people invited...
  • Ali
    Ali replied to the thread Sewerdog's log.
    Had a challenging day today but learnt a lot! -my first clean if the day eneded up being monsterous! So much grime. I decided to try...
  • Ali
    Ali replied to the thread Sewerdog's log.
    The fuse in the battery for the chemical pump. It uses a trickle charger so I plug it in and leave it for several hours, I'm nit sure...
  • Ali
    Ali replied to the thread Sewerdog's log.
    Got my ass kicked today! -First the pure water isn't available in my city! Only the next one over, there are stations to fill up with...
  • Ali
    Ali replied to the thread Sewerdog's log.
    Checkin: -Had a great workout -Traffic was crazy, something to bear in mind for the future, I didn't get to my door to door spot till...
  • Ali
    Ali replied to the thread Sewerdog's log.
    The door to door bulldozer is gonna gain unstoppable momentum!
  • Ali
    Ali replied to the thread Sewerdog's log.
    Got a half day for my last day at work! Just got back so for today: -Have lunch -Workout -Affirmations -door to door 16:00-18:30 I...