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GN's Progress Log - Self-Love Arc: 1 Week of HingeX Results, and Need Texting Advice

As for getting the paid version of Hinge, yes it's worth it for sending unlimited likes. Some days I'll send out a mass dump of likes and just let the matches roll in for the next few days. Pretty much every app you need the paid version. Just part of the game.
To add: I wouldn't get premium Hinge unless your profile is actually good enough. If your profile is good enough, then it's absolutely worth it.

The way I think of it is, dating app subscriptions are like a multiplier. If you get 0 matches or close to it, it won't do much.
To add: I wouldn't get premium Hinge unless your profile is actually good enough. If your profile is good enough, then it's absolutely worth it.

The way I think of it is, dating app subscriptions are like a multiplier. If you get 0 matches or close to it, it won't do much.
I’ve gotten a good amount of likes and matches on a worse profile than what I have now. My match rate is a lot lower now though because of how fucked the gender ratios where I live are, but when I do get matches they are mostly attractive and fit. But that’s true, premium is a multiplier.
Date Log: Chubby Indian Girl from Hinge

We scheduled this date for 1PM as that was the only time that worked for me and her and I had to drive like 20 or so minutes to go see her. I just finished up with the gym+showering and finding parking was hard as the surrounding area was crowded. I got there like 10-15 minutes late. Turns out she said I’ll just wait in my car until you get here, so I let her know and she came over.

She walked in and I greeted her with a hug, was well received. When I stepped back a little I started feeling like I got catfished. She looked a lot flabbier in person. Now that I think about it. All the pics on her profile were taken in lower lighting so she looked skinnier than she actually was. I was horny as fuck though so I just said to myself whatever just try to close. I pay for our drinks, sit down. Usual conversation topics, though she does start to nerd out over kdramas and anime and asks me if I watch so I think it’s fine to talk about. I used to just kinda talk about nerdy interests right off the bat but now I want to see if I can get it out of her first as otherwise I risk her losing attraction.

After I finish my boba I ask her if she wants to go walk around the downtown area. She says sure and we just walk by spots and talk about shops and restaurants we have been in here. She’s from the area so she yaps a bit about places around that she has memories for. I use the walk to ramp up some escalation. I stroke her hair, touch her earrings, put my arm around her back when crossing streets, and eventually grab her hand. She puts her phone in her bag and then holds my hand as we walk. At one point she asks if we should go to some closeby park. I said sure and we go there, more talking. Then we get there and find a sort of but not really hidden bench to sit on. We sit right next to each other, I put my arm around her, and talk a bit.

I think this would be a good spot to take it further so I turn my head towards her. My hand is wrapped around her shoulder. We make eye contact and she says she doesn’t kiss on first dates. I challenge this frame and ask why. She says something about wanting to know the guy. Tease her a bit about this, saying how she knows a good bit about me already. I’m still keeping laser focused eye contact, my fingers are trailing through her hair rather than leaning closer as that would be too much push. She might be liking the way I’m touching her cuz then she’s like “ppl might see, is your car closeby”. Honestly great she saved me the whole asking her to come to my car thing. Her frame here was so easy to break which was surprising. Old me would have just backed off at the first one or two signs of resistance.

Get to my car, it’s hot as fuck outside and inside my car so I turn on the AC and move the front seats back so we have some more space, and put my sunshade. Once we both get comfy we start making out. First time making out in my car shit is kind of weird, I don’t like having so much less freedom of mobility. I do pull away at times, works good. I more handsy with her, and she moves her hands down to my crotch, rubbing it. I move my hands down to hers, she doesn’t want me to put it down her pants but she’s okay with me rubbing on her crotch over her pants.

Course I’m getting horny after making out for some time and her rubbing on my crotch. I’m tryna come up with a smooth way to ask for a blowjob cuz that’s what’s going through my head, but I can’t think of the right words. I end up saying something about how I think she’s a good kisser but the way she’s rubbing down there she wants to kiss something else too. She laughs a little and is like “not right now”, again challenge frame by calling out how she already broke a rule she had for first dates so what’s one more. She does pull onto me again, make out some more. I pull away, try again, still same shit. Honestly I understand, giving a dude a blowjob in a car during daytime in a parking lot is kinda much. I feel like I could’ve gotten the lay had it been evening and much less people. Give up after a while and I take her to her car, say goodbye, and then drive off.

Post-Date Reflections:

-I have been somewhat feeling like I just play a character on some of my dates so I decided to observe this date closer than my others to see. On the date itself as well as texting leading up to the date I feel like I was myself, and when she brought up having dorky interests I felt more comfortable being myself. The only part that felt like a “character” was when I was escalating and going for the lay. I’m trying to make this comfortable for us both but it’s still a struggle.

-I somewhat feel like I am hurting and “tainting” girls by wanting to fuck them so soon. I’m aware of the nature of dating and dating apps yet I still feel some guilt. It’s held me back from escalating hard on dates I SHOULD have. It’s most likely cuz a lot of my dates want an LTR, and I do too but I’m still playing field like I’m going casual. They also don’t look like the kind of girls who fuck on the first date. I just try to tell myself girls enjoy sex just as much as men so no reason to feel this way.

-I was pretty disappointed in my result with this date so later in the day when I decided to bust a nut the post nut clarity gave me so much regret. I thought I was done going out with chubby chicks as the last one was the girl who got me banned off Hinge. Shit made me dangerously fatphobic fr. After her, the next 8 girls I went on dates with were all fit and attractive. Meanwhile this one I got catfished so I felt like I just stooped so low cuz I was horny. I told my brother later and he was like “dude you should’ve just ended the date early”. But after a few days I feel like this is just a hiccup. If I want cuter girls on Hinge now I will have to pay. I’ll get a week of HingeX so let’s see if it means I can get more cute girls. I’m capable of more, I know it.
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Daily Actions:
Today's Calories: 2575
Protein: 117g
Gym: 0/4
Meditation: Yes
Journal: Yes
30 Minute Phoneless Walk: Yes
Electronics off 1 hour before bed: Yes
Skincare: Yes


Daily Actions:
Today's Calories: 2560
Protein: 138g
Gym: 1/4
Meditation: Yes
Journal: Yes
30 Minute Phoneless Walk: Yes
Electronics off 1 hour before bed: Yes
Skincare: Yes


Daily Actions:
Today's Calories: 3118
Protein: 142g
Gym: 2/4
Meditation: Yes
Journal: Yes
30 Minute Phoneless Walk: Yes
Electronics off 1 hour before bed: Yes
Skincare: Yes


Daily Actions:
Today's Calories: 3015
Protein: 152g
Gym: 2/4
Meditation: Yes
Journal: Yes
30 Minute Phoneless Walk: Yes
Electronics off 1 hour before bed: Yes
Skincare: Yes


Daily Actions:
Today's Calories: 3269
Protein: 143g
Gym: 3/4
Meditation: Yes
Journal: Yes
30 Minute Phoneless Walk: Yes
Electronics off 1 hour before bed: Yes
Skincare: Yes


Daily Actions:
Today's Calories: 3107
Protein: 142g
Gym: 3/4
Meditation: Yes
Journal: Yes
30 Minute Phoneless Walk: Yes
Electronics off 1 hour before bed: Yes
Skincare: Yes


Daily Actions:
Today's Calories: 2800
Protein: 144g
Gym: 4/4
Meditation: Yes
Journal: Yes
30 Minute Phoneless Walk: Yes
Electronics off 1 hour before bed: Yes
Skincare: Yes


Finished all my nursing applications except 1, cut it super close with some of the writing parts. Slightly afraid with the amount of words I had to shave off I lost the original message/critical details of my paper. I’m burned out from writing so much so I’m taking a break before I start writing again.

I bought a week of Hinge X, ended up with 67 matches in that timespan from all the likes I sent out (never counted how many I set but I estimate at least a good few hundred) but struggled to covert a lot of them to dates. I had a lot of logistical issues too as I wasn’t checking locations and many girls were really far away from me, I might have burned through my nearby pool a little too quick. I think my text game needs a total overhaul (again). Working on trying to convert a few girls right now like this one semi hot persian 18yr old and this other cute southeast asian girl I am currently texting. There are also a few girls who live really far away I am using as practice to see if I can get girls to come a long way to see me. I think I may have one that is compliant enough to come all the way on her off day.

My location was set to San Jose, which is a dog shit city to be a single man in your early 20s as it has probably one of the worst major city gender ratios in the USA. But I set it there because its the closest big city to me I can feasibly drive to for a date. I just feel generally frustrated with the apps as I feel like all I can get from them are mediocre brown girls, and on top of that they are massively cuck so I just get even more pissed off. I match with plenty of girls I like but they way too often stop responding after a couple of texts (which can be usually after opener or after I ask "what are you up to rn") or don't respond at all. In some cases they were just timewasters. I have a strong feeling my opener is just too weird and confusing. Usually it goes:

Me: "Before I ask you out I want to know one thing"

Her: *some response*

Me: "Are you as much of a blanket thief cuddler as you seem" or " why does you/your profile lowkey give me blanket thief cuddler vibes"

A couple of cases I felt like switching it up and going for something more normie, by opening with a compliment about something unique to her like a dress, accessory, or her pets and maybe asking more about it. Still, would likely get ghosted after I responded to her response of my initial text.

I genuinely hate texting women I am interested in until after I have already been on a date, and I think this is something I need to address. I think I treat texting like ticking off a checkbox list rather than building comfort, investment, and further attraction with a girl. Part of it is feeling like if I don't act fast enough she will ghost before i can set up the date. On that list is opener, ask about hobbies, coffee or tea preference, ask when free, then set up date. That is my ideal path. I assume mediocre brown girls are more willing to put up with my bullshit because they aren't as desired as some of the other women I match with, including the hotter brown girls I actually am interested in. @zekler told me likely also this cuck shit is because they automatically see me as bf material rather than a guy they would fuck on the first date.

I would appreciate some tips on the right mindset to have when texting chicks, a good opener, and how to build investment/comfort properly. Can't find too many good resources online as most of it is too boring or too sexual for me.

Its just a pathetic feeling after switching out a lot of my pics for better ones, thinking I will finally get the quality I want only to still fail. I think I am still just a bit bitter about my last date so I am just taking out my frustration in a not so great way. At this point I hate doing dates for "experience", Im on like 22 dates now I think I get how dates mostly work. I need to improve my physique more and do more stuff that shows higher status.

On a more positive note, at least I know premium DOES work for getting more matches, and if I improve my SMV more and go to a better location I could possibly get matches in the 100s range or just higher quality ones. Crazy how the amount of matches I got on my best week of free Hinge I would get in a day with HingeX.

I approached another girl at the gym on Sunday. This time it’s a girl I went to high school with. She was in my English class and we were good acquaintances, she’s a really nice person but at the time I felt no attraction because she used to be pretty hefty, but she’s lost hella weight since and is pretty attractive now.
Really fucking nice ass too. I just said “what’s up” and she remembered who I was, we had a good convo about what we’d been up to since high school. Next time I see her I’ll ask for her number since I’ve been told with gym approaches to build a little comfort but since I already know her from school and met her again recently.
I would appreciate some tips on the right mindset to have when texting chicks, a good opener, and how to build investment/comfort properly. Can't find too many good resources online as most of it is too boring or too sexual for me.

There are very few good resources on texting online. Its a relatively niche subject all things considered, and its also a relatively new one. Being an expert is hard to monetize. There's no incentive for virtually anyone to create resources for it.

1. Stop with bitching about texting. You may as well bitch you need to shower, diet, workout, and have a job. If its *necessary*, then whether you like it or not is irrelevant. This goes for all aspects of life. Reality and necessity trump opinions and likes. If good texting is uncomfortable for you, no one cares. Too bad. Too sexual for you? No one cares.
2. Don't be wallpaper, don't be normal. Your currency on apps is attention, not normalcy. This trumps almost everything.
3. Be as loud as possible without being phony. (I posted about authenticity earlier today if you want more).
4. Be engaging, force responses, force engagement. (within reason, you can overdo it). Open loop openers are the best, but you need to come up with your own. Some thought / question / statement she gets part of and needs to respond to in order to get the rest. Clickbait.
5. Use the engagement you created to force her to invest, preferably emotionally. The more she invests, the more likely you are to get a date.
6. The sooner the date the better. There are some very few people who will make a date with you two weeks from now and keep it, but the vast majority of tiktok adhd people have similar attention spans.
7. This one takes experience to recognize, but there are a lot of strategies you can use that will lead to numbers, or lead to girls agreeing to a date, but don't actually lead to the girl showing up on the date. They create a lot of false positives. Your goal is not matches, numbers, or girls agreeing to a date. Its girls showing up on a date (Some people try to take this further in that your goal is lays, but this is taking it too far imo. The point of solicitation is to get a meeting where you can then actually pitch the product, but without setting yourself up to fail during the pitch) The flipside is that the opposite exists as well, strategies that do not lead to matches, numbers, or girls agreeing to a date, but do lead to them showing up to the date - Interesting / meaningful bio, having a great instagram, etc.
8. Originality matters, a lot. The girls are getting bombarded with similar guys with similar looks with similar texting. Imagine a world where youre the most attractive man on the planet and every 9 on the app is matching you. What criteria would you actually be using to select girls then? Its almost certainly not looks. All of them already look good and are attractive. You would be selecting on elements that grab attention, which would be elements that are original. (Weird looks, blue hair, interesting hobbies, kinks, interesting bio, real conversations, etc).
9. You can't be a different person from your profile on the date. You can be less extreme version, but you still have to be the same thing. Originality and being loud matter a lot, but you have to be able to back them up. You don't need to be nearly as bombastic on the date itself. I like a slightly boring 2 min basic small-talk phase first, to prove to them that as loud as I am I do know how to be normal. Followed by a period of high engagement that I then convert into more investment, which I repeat over and over, but the engagement novelty gradually fades as we get into deeper and deeper topics and she invests more and more.

P.S. You cannot "burn through" the dating pool in large cities. To the extent you can, its actually a positive. If you can actually swipe through every existing account, that means you only see brand new accounts. This is a huge competitive edge. Being first matters a lot. If you're an 8, your her first match, then you're likely her first date. Before the 9s and 10s have had a chance to even show up yet. The dating pool in large cities has at least 20-50 new reasonably attractive women starting or unpausing their account per day. Do not worry about burning though matches. This is only a real thing in small isolated suburban areas where the number of new accounts per day is too low. Between Tinder/Hinge/FB/Feeld and a 14mi radius I would never, ever, ever, run out of girls within the suburb of Denver. Ever. I may run out of them for the day, but then there is another 50-60 the next.
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I would appreciate some tips on the right mindset to have when texting chicks, a good opener, and how to build investment/comfort properly. Can't find too many good resources online as most of it is too boring or too sexual for me.
Not a texting expert, but what works more often for me is being funny, concise and direct: start with a funny cold read on one of her pics or funny comment (your example is good but has one line too much, go directly to your second line). If she doesn't have much material you can cold read with on her pics, ask chatgpt to give you an opening one-liner lol. If she replies positively, suggest a meeting and switching to phone text/whatsapp/whatever. If the girl wants to text back and forth to "get to know each other" I just pass.

Its just a pathetic feeling after switching out a lot of my pics for better ones, thinking I will finally get the quality I want only to still fail. I think I am still just a bit bitter about my last date so I am just taking out my frustration in a not so great way. At this point I hate doing dates for "experience", Im on like 22 dates now I think I get how dates mostly work.
Dude, I'm saying this with all the bro love in the world: fuck off. You got 67 matches, you recently went on 8 dates with fit and attractive girls, and you could have gotten laid with that last girl (and even if she was flabby I'm sure getting blown would have made your day better, not worse). Sure, you're not a Leo DiC and you're not swimming in pussy just yet, but c'mon man you gotta count your blessings. You're headed in the right direction. You got the right to feel down, I often do for no reason, but learn to take an objective look to the signs and notice when things are getting better.
1. Stop with bitching about texting. You may as well bitch you need to shower, diet, workout, and have a job. If its *necessary*, then whether you like it or not is irrelevant. This goes for all aspects of life. Reality and necessity trump opinions and likes. If good texting is uncomfortable for you, no one cares. Too bad. Too sexual for you? No one cares.
Thats a good point, texting is one of the most essential things in dating and takes up a good portion of my interaction with women/ a woman if I am not living with them/seeing them super often. I don't think I would dislike it as much if I was able to get out the better girls of the bunch that I match with. Thats what I am trying to figure out how to do and I ask myself questions constantly, where the flaw is.

Is my opener bad?
Am I not building enough comfort?

Am I too boring?

Is she just wasting my time?

Did she have second thoughts about me?

Is it just circumstances out of my control?

There may be more, but it will take me some time if I wanted to dig out every last one.
2. Don't be wallpaper, don't be normal. Your currency on apps is attention, not normalcy. This trumps almost everything.
3. Be as loud as possible without being phony. (I posted about authenticity earlier today if you want more).
4. Be engaging, force responses, force engagement. (within reason, you can overdo it). Open loop openers are the best, but you need to come up with your own. Some thought / question / statement she gets part of and needs to respond to in order to get the rest. Clickbait.
5. Use the engagement you created to force her to invest, preferably emotionally. The more she invests, the more likely you are to get a date.

I think some of this obsession I have with being normal is just paranoia over when I got banned and seeing how easily it can happen, but I recognize it is just mostly in my head. I think as long as I am not too sexual or offensive off the bat everything will be fine.

The first part of my current opener does accomplish the engagement point, it has the highest response rate of anything else I did. Even complimenting a girl doesn't really work super well. I could just start with "Why does you/your profile give me blanket thief cuddler/blanket thief vibes", but it works terribly on some girls I really like. It may still be engaging enough though.
6. The sooner the date the better. There are some very few people who will make a date with you two weeks from now and keep it, but the vast majority of tiktok adhd people have similar attention spans.
7. This one takes experience to recognize, but there are a lot of strategies you can use that will lead to numbers, or lead to girls agreeing to a date, but don't actually lead to the girl showing up on the date. They create a lot of false positives. Your goal is not matches, numbers, or girls agreeing to a date. Its girls showing up on a date (Some people try to take this further in that your goal is lays, but this is taking it too far imo. The point of solicitation is to get a meeting where you can then actually pitch the product, but without setting yourself up to fail during the pitch) The flipside is that the opposite exists as well, strategies that do not lead to matches, numbers, or girls agreeing to a date, but do lead to them showing up to the date - Interesting / meaningful bio, having a great instagram, etc.

Yeah I set my dates no later than a week in advance, even that is heavily pushing it. I just ask the girls what day of the week they are free and plan using that.

I had to read your 7th point here a couple times to get it, but it makes sense now. All this work I put into my profile absolutely helps get matches but it doesn't help get dates.

Idk if you think it helps me any, but I feel I should just accept it that I am not gonna get out every girl I want to go out with. Assume I won't get the date. But regardless, I should try to do everything in my power to get her out and put more effort into my texting as a result.

Not a texting expert, but what works more often for me is being funny, concise and direct: start with a funny cold read on one of her pics or funny comment (your example is good but has one line too much, go directly to your second line). If she doesn't have much material you can cold read with on her pics, ask chatgpt to give you an opening one-liner lol. If she replies positively, suggest a meeting and switching to phone text/whatsapp/whatever. If the girl wants to text back and forth to "get to know each other" I just pass.

Its worth a shot, I have used AI for writing and occasional advice on very specific situations. I'll try out "Why does your profile lowkey give me blanket thief vibes" because as Zug said it forces engagement as it makes her think a little but not way too much.
Dude, I'm saying this with all the bro love in the world: fuck off. You got 67 matches, you recently went on 8 dates with fit and attractive girls, and you could have gotten laid with that last girl (and even if she was flabby I'm sure getting blown would have made your day better, not worse). Sure, you're not a Leo DiC and you're not swimming in pussy just yet, but c'mon man you gotta count your blessings. You're headed in the right direction. You got the right to feel down, I often do for no reason, but learn to take an objective look to the signs and notice when things are getting better.

Its def progress over where I was at with the apps a year ago. I simply want more dates with girls I am attracted to and have been getting sick of this "keep an open mind" bs I feel obligated to do with girls. Almost every date I actually was excited for with a cute girl went well. And almost every date I felt no excitement for and the girl was so so, went okay at best. My recent streak of girls who are insanely boring conversationally during the date has me feeling defeated, but considering its a streak I may be the problem. If I make my texting more interesting maybe Ill filter in more interesting chicks.
I just feel generally frustrated with the apps as I feel like all I can get from them are mediocre brown girls, and on top of that they are massively cuck so I just get even more pissed off.
I'm not sure why you're so surprised. If you're not very conventionally attractive, online dating tends to be a big uphill battle. It's the most blackpilled way to meet girls.

I would say the hierarchy of most to least blackpilled methods to meet girls goes something like this:
Online > Nightgame > Daygame > Social circle/warm approach

Sounds like it's time to stop relying on apps. This very frustration that you're expressing is what drove me to start cold approach.

I'm not saying to stop doing apps, but if you rely on them, that's likely going to lead to misery, it's clearly not giving you what you want.

Couple that with the fact that you're in silicon valley, which has one of the worst gender ratios in all of the US. Dating apps already have bad ratios to begin with. Generally speaking, online dating is only going to get you girls that are lower value than yourself.

With all that said, it doesn't seem like you're doing half bad at all. Your expectations are just unrealistic. 67 matches is a lot, my short brown ex-roommate literally could not get a single match on Hinge. Not one.

I'm tall and white and those numbers are comparable to what I get. So you're doing pretty well.

I match with plenty of girls I like but they way too often stop responding after a couple of texts (which can be usually after opener or after I ask "what are you up to rn") or don't respond at all. In some cases they were just timewasters.
Pretty normal. Girls have like 50x the amount of matches we do, and inevitably she will not be able to keep up with all of them. I'm telling you, this is normal even if your text game is impeccable.

You're not going to fuck or even go out with the overwhelming majority of girls you match with. And I'm sure you already know this.

I genuinely hate texting women I am interested in until after I have already been on a date, and I think this is something I need to address. I think I treat texting like ticking off a checkbox list rather than building comfort, investment, and further attraction with a girl. Part of it is feeling like if I don't act fast enough she will ghost before i can set up the date. On that list is opener, ask about hobbies, coffee or tea preference, ask when free, then set up date. That is my ideal path. I assume mediocre brown girls are more willing to put up with my bullshit because they aren't as desired as some of the other women I match with, including the hotter brown girls I actually am interested in. @zekler told me likely also this cuck shit is because they automatically see me as bf material rather than a guy they would fuck on the first date.
I think you are overthinking it. Online dating is pretty damn blackpilled and texting honestly is not that important, within reason.

Of course there's a more and less optimal way to text though. Zug's already given some good advice. Here's generally what I do:

Opener: <name>, I have one question for you
her: what?

Then ask some interesting question about her, involving an assumption. I ain't giving away my material so be creative. The idea is you get her to qualify. Qualifying is an IOI.

Then you just vibe back and forth for a few messages. Don't be boring and ask basic questions. Then ladder your way to a date. I prefer to get her number, and then I plan the logistics.

Check out this article from Pancake's blog: https://pancakemouse.wordpress.com/2021/12/21/yohamis-rules-of-text-game/

A few other key principles:
- Don't push things towards a date unless/until she's compliant and receptive to you. If she's not giving you much back, she's either not interested or you need to build more comfort first.

- As I said, you should yes ladder. Asking her if she likes <insert activity> before you actually pitch the date. Every time a girl says yes to you, the more likely she'll say yes again. The same is true if she says no.

- Whenever possible, try to use let's statements or other statements that show that you're willing to lead, asking her comes across as more beta IMO.

- Try not to write significantly more than she does. Match her effort.

Overall you need to adjust your expectations. You sound like you're on the right track by asking out this gym girl. I commend you for that, because that's one of the most difficult environments to hit on girls IMO. That's how I feel at least. I can approach girls on the street but approaching a hottie in the gym would scare me to death. Haha.
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Why does you/your profile give me blanket thief cuddler/blanket thief vibes",
This is not a good opener. This is a TERRIBLE opener. It a decent spike in the middle of a conversation that is dying, but its not a great spike because it leads nowhere. If you're using a spike to continue a conversation that doesn't have any active topics, then the spike has to do more than just spike her emotions, it needs to generate a new topic you can lead. The reason I could eventually text almost effortlessly is because I knew not only how the girl was going to respond to my spike, but how I was going to respond afterwards in a way that moved the conversation forward towards the date.

You know how you and everyone else bitches how they have "no idea what to say"? Its because of spikes like this. It doesn't lead anywhere, there is no way to reply to it, and the few ways she can reply to it will leave you equally puzzles on how to reply back to her. This is the same reason asking a yes/no question is terrible - it doesn't lead anywhere else, it closes the active thread without generating a new one.

The reason this is such a bad opener is because not only does it have all the problems above, but it has no clickbait value whatsoever. You are getting replies because of your profile strength and because this comment spikes emotions, but don't let that fool you. This is an opener to nowhere. Plenty of women you opened with this got the message and didn't reply because there is no reason to. There has to be something in it for them. Continuing this thread and conversing with you doesn't satisfy any curiosity, nor does lead to any form of validation for them. You're basically posting a job opening that is offering $0/hr and wondering why no one is replying. Yeah the job sounds cool, but so what?

I didn't say it explicitly before, but you want to make your spikes and questions easy to reply to. Don't force her to come up with something to talk about. Don't force her to somehow generate something as an excuse to continue talking. This is the equivalent of charging her money to go on a date with you. That said, you do want to charge them with investment, preferably emotional. The difference is she shouldn't be confused about what she needs to do here. Making her put in work is fine, making her make decisions for you or solve logistical problems is anti-game. Then when she does invest, you should reward her investment with an APPROPRIATE amount of validation. This trains her that investing with you is rewarding. No one wants to open up to someone then be ignored after they put in that effort.

If you spike her emotions, make it clear how to respond, and she refuses to invest anything into the response. Then it is truly out of your hands. If the girl fails to invest appropriately after a satisfying spike, then she's not interested/busy/bitchy. You can try a subtle funny call out of this as a hail mary play. That can work, but even if it does this is the sort of girl who will ghost the date if it doesn't happen immediately.

Clickbait opener that makes it easy to progress the conversation towards her investing
her reply
Your follow up that requires minor investment from her
Provide appropriate amount of validation, then either continue topic, continue with spin off topic from her reply, or provide another spike that progresses conversation towards more investment
Repeat another 1-5 times (This is largely dependent on your style and her buying temperature)
Close by asking her if she is free on Day X or Day Y (Don't ask her what day she is free, every girl will give you a date 4-10 days out and your lead will vanish. By providing her with 2 options that already work for you, you're providing her with both the illusion of choice and the illusion that you are a busy man with only a few open timeslots)

More advanced and optional topics:
I don't like to finalize date plans on the app, as it makes texting afterwards difficult (no open threads problem)
I try to get her to text me by leaving my number. The success rate is slightly lower, but the conversion to actual date is higher. This one is more style dependent, I'm obviously dominant, and this is me training submission.
I use a google voice number with local area code, it also protects me from crazies since Im dropping my number to them somewhat unprompted.
When she texts me, I try to reply asking for her IG. My IG was decent, so this lets her vet me for DHV, provide proof of social status and community ties/safety. All of this is intended to increase ratio of date conversion. Also, getting her IG lets me vet her for catfishing.
There's some girls where there is literally no way to win. Meaning they agreed to a date, but its too far out to keep her attention that long. Either you have to over-invest in texting her to the point she doesn't want to go out with you, or you don't text her enough to keep her engaged. There's strategies to close this gap, but fundamentally you need to understand sometimes this is too big of a lift in many cases.
Many strategies are archetype dependent. Imagine two twins. If one has a profile that communicates "I'm an older dominant man who is very busy", then he can't have a texting style where you write pages back and forth for a few days. The exact same strategy may be crazy successful for a different twin whose archetype communicates "Intellectual, love academia + tortured artist".
Voice notes, images, and phone calls can REALLY work. I've seen it be very successful for many guys. However, I personally didn't get much out of them. Some stuff really works, but only with a certain archetype of man/profile.
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I simply want more dates with girls I am attracted to and have been getting sick of this "keep an open mind" bs I feel obligated to do with girls
I hear ya, been there done that myself, until I realized it's 100% a me problem (in your case a you problem), as in, I'm the one deciding which girl I choose to pursue and spend my time and energy on. You're totally right, "keep an open mind" is BS and any guy with enough experience will tell you, it's only once every other blue moon that you meet a girl who was initially not that interesting but turns out to be fantastic after digging a bit more.

Also, very few girls are gonna give you the benefit of doubt, so it's fair to not start anything yourself unless you feel from the get go that you really want the girl.

Last thing, learn to fail fast. If a girl shows up and turn out to be an obese catfish, or after 15 min of conversation with you pulling jokes and flirts she still doesn't drop her dull manners and RBF, get your balls up and cut it short with honesty, directness and sympathy. "Hey let me be honest, I really appreciate that you came here, I don't wanna waste our time, I just feel like it's not gonna work. I really wish you the best of luck, and you take it easy." and take off.
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I'm not sure why you're so surprised. If you're not very conventionally attractive, online dating tends to be a big uphill battle. It's the most blackpilled way to meet girls.

I would say the hierarchy of most to least blackpilled methods to meet girls goes something like this:
Online > Nightgame > Daygame > Social circle/warm approach

Sounds like it's time to stop relying on apps. This very frustration that you're expressing is what drove me to start cold approach.

I'm not saying to stop doing apps, but if you rely on them, that's likely going to lead to misery, it's clearly not giving you what you want.

Couple that with the fact that you're in silicon valley, which has one of the worst gender ratios in all of the US. Dating apps already have bad ratios to begin with. Generally speaking, online dating is only going to get you girls that are lower value than yourself.
Thats true, you never hear of a mid or ugly guy succeeding on the apps without massively overhauling everything about themselves. I had to overhaul a lot myself.

I have been really tempted to delete the apps again, or at least for a little while to get back into cold approach and work on my mental issues. I am a little worried resetting again despite being banned before would get me banned again when I try to reset. I haven't been banned on the current apple ID or number I use so idk if that will happen. But besides that I think it is the cause of a lot of my negativity among other things. Its true though, I feel like the only girls I can get out are lower value, meanwhile IRL I have managed to get girls out who are my SMV or higher, so really the only reason I am relying on the apps is convenience, which I need to let go of.

With all that said, it doesn't seem like you're doing half bad at all. Your expectations are just unrealistic. 67 matches is a lot, my short brown ex-roommate literally could not get a single match on Hinge. Not one.

I'm tall and white and those numbers are comparable to what I get. So you're doing pretty well.

Im not upset about the match number, its insanely good and tells me premium absolutely works if your profile is good enough. My issue is with the fact I can't get out a lot of girls I want and have to settle for the mid ones. Then I go on dates with them and the date is mid, I get cucked, get more angry, and my mental state gets worse. Nobody benefits. I feel I am not good enough which is the exact mindset I have been trying to escape for so long, only to fall right back.

I think you are overthinking it. Online dating is pretty damn blackpilled and texting honestly is not that important, within reason.

Of course there's a more and less optimal way to text though. Zug's already given some good advice. Here's generally what I do:

Opener: <name>, I have one question for you
her: what?

Then ask some interesting question about her, involving an assumption. I ain't giving away my material so be creative. The idea is you get her to qualify. Qualifying is an IOI.

Then you just vibe back and forth for a few messages. Don't be boring and ask basic questions. Then ladder your way to a date. I prefer to get her number, and then I plan the logistics.

Check out this article from Pancake's blog: https://pancakemouse.wordpress.com/2021/12/21/yohamis-rules-of-text-game/

A few other key principles:
- Don't push things towards a date unless/until she's compliant and receptive to you. If she's not giving you much back, she's either not interested or you need to build more comfort first.

- As I said, you should yes ladder. Asking her if she likes <insert activity> before you actually pitch the date. Every time a girl says yes to you, the more likely she'll say yes again. The same is true if she says no.

- Whenever possible, try to use let's statements or other statements that show that you're willing to lead, asking her comes across as more beta IMO.

- Try not to write significantly more than she does. Match her effort.

Overall you need to adjust your expectations. You sound like you're on the right track by asking out this gym girl. I commend you for that, because that's one of the most difficult environments to hit on girls IMO. That's how I feel at least. I can approach girls on the street but approaching a hottie in the gym would scare me to death. Haha.
Im working on a new opener, it takes a while to come up with new ideas. The article helps a bunch, I checked out some of it. I see I am guilty of some of these things he says not to do.

The yes ladder is a new term, I see where you come from on it. I think I just turn my brain off and do everything in my power to set the date, which isn't the best strategy. Other statements you made are good, I already do the let's statements and don't textmog too much.

With girls in the gym the main thing I and others may need is a good icebreaker. I can't just go up to them and say they are cute. I have to initiate convo with her in a way that isn't totally intentional but its chill.

I hear ya, been there done that myself, until I realized it's 100% a me problem (in your case a you problem), as in, I'm the one deciding which girl I choose to pursue and spend my time and energy on. You're totally right, "keep an open mind" is BS and any guy with enough experience will tell you, it's only once every other blue moon that you meet a girl who was initially not that interesting but turns out to be fantastic after digging a bit more.

Also, very few girls are gonna give you the benefit of doubt, so it's fair to not start anything yourself unless you feel from the get go that you really want the girl.

Last thing, learn to fail fast. If a girl shows up and turn out to be an obese catfish, or after 15 min of conversation with you pulling jokes and flirts she still doesn't drop her dull manners and RBF, get your balls up and cut it short with honesty, directness and sympathy. "Hey let me be honest, I really appreciate that you came here, I don't wanna waste our time, I just feel like it's not gonna work. I really wish you the best of luck, and you take it easy." and take off.
Ive probably only had one girl keeping an open mind with kind of worked and it wasn't cuz initially I found her unattractive, just a very different appearance and archetype from what I was used to. When I got to know her I found the rest of her attractive, and saw some gf potential in her. That ended up being a failed month long talking stage I still think about to this day.

Other times though I have encountered usually girls who are at least somewhat above average in attractiveness have the best personalities. Most ugly or below average girls I don't enjoy talking to and frequently I encounter repulsive personalities. Some of the nicest and chillest girls I have met were absolute bombshells.

Im done doing dates for the sake of experience alone. It feels like a waste of time, money, and energy and it only makes me unhappy and doubt myself more.

I still have a hard time just straight up rejecting girls. I just recently had a date with a girl who came 1.5 hours to see me. I didn't find her that attractive, but I felt bad leaving early because I didn't want to let her down. So I tried to be the good guy and give her a good date. When it was all said and done I went home unsatisfied and annoyed because I felt I got nothing out of the date. But I agree with you, I should be more assertive in that regard.