Having a lot of realisations, man. 100% glad I finally came to the core realisations about myself and where I'm at in my journey.
Way back at the start, people like Andy and Radical, did help me understand this was going to be a many year long road. I am glad Andy in particular helped me understand that. Eventually when I met The Dom, he also made it clear, as a hardcase, who started at 30, it is going to take many years to heal, grow, normalise, and change.
I am super grateful to everyone who helped me and you can see the passion I developed over the years for men's work. I used to just work in project management and was just going to do that. All that changed when I began seeing how deep the rabbit hole as a guy goes.
I am infinitely grateful for the patience of this community, and my old groups, The No Brains Crew and IronWill Grind Chat. I can see how freaking deep in my trauma I was in those times, and how it was just not going away. I am glad for the endless support, and in particular, the belief and patience of Pancake and Rags who could see I was a severe traumacel and of course my relational ability was so damaged from the brutal life I lived, I did actually need some small way of seeing others will not abandon/ostracise/otherwise resemble the hellish situations I was in for so many years.
Most people who are normies won't understand communities like ours.
And furthermore, people do not understand what it is like to truly come from the depths of the abyss like I did, and like others here did also.
I am not the only one. I see it when I read the logs. There are other men who came from the heart of darkness. I know the signs, and I know they are on a long, lonely journey.
Now, after many years, I truly "see it". And can connect the dots.
-Relational ability shut down
-Rebuilding sense of Self
-Rebuilding self-esteem
-Rebuilding self-belief
I am not one who is apt to trauma drump, that isn't useful, and frankly, the first decades of my life were so genuinely horrific, that I could scarcely put it into words. The few human beings who have heard the full story, simply looked at me aghast, in disbelief that I am still here.
The survival instinct in human beings, is a real thing, and mine was always there. In the darkest recesses of hell, you still have a fitting chance. I am living proof.
Decades of such destruction, create an unconscious and subconscious mind that is so destroyed, it takes YEARS to rebuild.
And frankly, it is messy work, as you saw in this log the early years. And if we ever get an extreme hardcase again, you'll see them write the same things I was writing.
The wounds of being let down, again and again, enduring decades of abuse, living in unsafe, unstable situations, attracting vile human beings who disappoint you and bring a lot of chaos your way, when it's set back after set back, year after year, as time goes by, you either give up and check out, or, you simply understand that to see the light again, you are going to have to engage in a rebuilding process the likes of which very few human beings will ever have any concept for.
My entire physiology was destroyed by the time I was 25, and I was basically bed bound. That is what extreme chronic stress from the moment you leave the womb will do to you, with no safety, no where to retreat, when adverse childhood experiences take place early, you are also attracting others who are similarly wounded, and your relational dynamics do not create a proper psychological foundation for life. You live in survival, trying to seek safety, and this stress state is always active. Always. I am not the only one. I've spoken to others here who had the exact same thing.
Overcoming that chapter, was years of work on biology, getting back into work, and rebuilding from there, was years of biohacking, anxiety recovery, neuroplasticy, all this shit. While enduring loneliness to the soul, while living well under my potential, but progressing year after year,
When you are that deep in the shit, all you can do is pick up the shovel, wake up in hell every single day, and just say, fuck it, and dig, day after day, for years.....
I KEPT GOING. And on my 3rd promotion, I finally had the financial means and position in my former career to drop it all and start working on MY REAL PROBLEMS......
Which were, my relationships
Moving to London with TimmyTurner, was the first time in my life I was truly happy. It was the first time I actually experienced genuine goodness. Timmy, was a legendary human being. I met JourneyToOptimal there, who has become one of my close friends. The forum was fun as fuck at that time, and was a bit more active than now due to Andy, and also, I was so fucking determined to win.
I was a virgin. And then got laid. I slept with some attractive women, and just couldn't believe what as happening.
I went from 250lbs to 187lbs and was approaching daily. Legend shit. Did over a thousand, and my AA began to go away.
Banged lots of chicks, tonnes of dates, fucking awesome time. Started IW at the end of that year and went back to my parents to build it and learn biz. The first year of learning biz, is just a blur. It was a lot of stress.
Beyond that, went to Budapest as you recall, living with Paw helped my relational healing and ability to form relationships probably more than anything else I did. I want to assure you, the times I had in my life before this were fookin grim. You are not living a normal life and forming normal friendships and stuff. And the people you do connect with, are other traumacels, who are getting their shit back together. And those people, are just not who you want to be around. Paw, was a fucking normie, and had not lived a life of pain, misery and sheer destruction like myself. This, helped me a fuck tonne. He also is one of my best friends to this day, called me yesterday actually, and is one of the things that helped me heal.
Some people actually care about me, and have become actual friends to me. I left all the chats I was in people trauma recovery is so exhausting and such hard work I literally can't handle it. But so many, still reach out.
Ralph, who I posted above, despite some of the comments people made about him, is a good person who has actually cared about me as a human being, asks me how I am, wants to see me back in my groups, and you have to understand, the kind of people I knew in my old life before self-improvement, were genuine pieces of shit who didn't care if I live or die. They were all fucked up people, which is who you attract when you grow up in abuse, and the walls I put up, the challenges I had building any type of proper relationship, all became clear to me as the years went on.
Timmy, was an awesome friend. I would feel anxiety texting to him when I left London because my psyche was in such pain it wouldn't let me do "non goal" directed things.
@Thebastard was an exceptional friend and mentor to me, but when my early childhood trauma discover began, I wanna say, about January of this year when I was still living in Budapest, when he would message me I would shut down and go into freeze.
The reason was, The Bastard, was getting really close, and I had opened up to him a lot, and he was a safe and trust worthy person. I can say, he was more mature than most, and more supportive and compassionate, than most human beings I have ever known. I can say, I truly respect and admire him as a man, and he saved my life along with Andy. If I succeed in my life and become who I must, it will be about 5 guys who were just unwavering in their support that I will attribute that to.
The relational difficulties were emerging here. I didn't understand it at the time, but I just COULDNT respond. I would freeze and couldn't deal with it. Dr Gavin has helped me understand this, but this is a form of subconscious defence mechanism when someone has gotten really close.
The Bastard, understandably, just let me know this wasn't acceptable, and didn't speak to me after that, but he was very kind and mature about it.
I still haven't reached back out, and still do feel anxiety about doing so. This, is because the traumas I need to resolve, are still there, and being worked on.
I wanna say, 99% of the men who were in my core circle as I was going through all of my trauma discovery, were supportive to the extreme. There were only 1 or 2 who grew so tired of hearing my crap when I was deep in my trauma they turned on me and got malicious. I was surprised, but I do not blame them at all, have no judgement towards them, and wish them nothing but good things. Understandably, I never spoke to them again after that. I don't believe in turning on people when they are going through dark times, and I understand what healing and recovery looks like, and how it is deeply uncompassionate to do this when someone is actually doing the work and doing all that is humanly possible to heal and grow.
There is just nothing like what we have here, and what I was able to build to help me recover and become who I am today. I will fully recover, heal, and grow, and get to where I need to.
Spaces like ours are shared, they allow men to rebuild themselves, and be positive, contributing members of society.
Which is why I do this, and the other work I do. It became a calling, and a mission.
And I will suceed.
Most men do not have a thought in their brain, that says, alright I'm going to cold approach and use the apps and fuck tonnes of chicks whilst living the self improvement life for a few years. Probably they'd see characters like Scotty and Chris, think they're weird, and call it a day.
Guys like us, are the small subset who for some reason, actually relate, and we are the tiny, tiny few, who will become so serious we enter spaces like this and just commit 100%
I also believe, there is a reason they are like this.
They have had their own wounds, some healed, some resolved them, but they have ALL had their own journey.
People don't spend hours of their own time, to help someone else, if they do not deeply come from a place of having been there, and wanting to see that pain resolved in others.
This, is a great thing.
I am going to make it.
Got back here, got back on keto, already lost 5lbs.
Doing inner work for hours each day. Got expert guidance, at all levels, and over the past few months of going this work, have healed SO MUCH.
I can see, how I was a few months ago, and how I am now, is a major improvement.
Like all other goals, I will achieve this one, and on the other side, I will:
-Be lean, attractive, have great style, and an archetype
-Unlock deep groundness, self-belief, swagger and vibe
-Build 2 successful companies in specific niches, that align with my own unique mission in life (IW & CMU)
-Restore my relational ability, have deep and meaningful, flourishing friendships, relationships with men and women alike, and be able to live a fully healed, well rounded life
-Explore the world, live a legendary life
-Continue to be an advocate for mental & physical health recovery, for creating performance and achievement, and for transformation and success
I'll get there.
Of this, there is no doubt.
I am an achiever, determined to a level few will ever understand, and have a proven track record.
Inner game issues, are no joke, and when you discover them, which took me 3 years of going through a full developmental process, it is time to take the bull by the horns, face the dragon head on, and prevail.
As you can understand from this post, this is why there is no point in me doing more dating. I slept with pretty girls this year, and still felt bad inside. I had a girl who wanted to be in relationship with me, who I found flaws in and amplified them with a tendency to see the negative, and downplay the positive. I got an audio note from Ralph, who reminded me of some of the things I was saying a few months ago when I was deeper in my trauma. "Low SMV hell", "cockroach", stuff like that. I was sad to hear these things because it shows me how deep I was at that time. I wouldn't say these things now, and it upsets me that I was there.
Realisations and breakthroughs, come when the seeker is ready.
This, WILL be resolved, and I'll find what I see.
Alright. Going back to it.
Keep working lads,