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Upper body session done.
Looks like I've become monsterously obese. Time to start cutting.


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Lost so much strength on my dl! alcohol is such a shit drug


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Goal - Lose 6.9 kg (15.2 lbs) of fat mass - Get back down to sub 15% body fat (ideally 10% by summer LARP Season)
How to reach goal -> 500 Calorie deficit per day, 3 training sessions per week minimum
Estimated time to achieve goal = 14 weeks (Monday, April 7, 2025)
Expected Weight - 72.7kg (160.2 lbs)

Drink Fucking Water!

Don't Drink Alcohol

The first event I want to be in shape for starts April 4th, so I need to push a little bit harder to be ready a week earlier. If I stick to the plan, I should be at 14% body fat on time and 11.5% by May, Just in time for summer to be pool party ready.

Starting stats
Weight = 79.6 kg (175.488 lbs)
Body Fat Mass = 17.8 kg (39.24 lbs)
Body Fat % = 22.4% (Yikes)

Week 1
Was sick but managed 2 days in the Gym and walked on average 4,446 steps per day (total distance 25.0km)

Average Calorie counts (average on each category not exact totals):
In: 1654
Out = 287
Deficit = 627

Deficit goal hit, would have been closer to 1000 a day If I trained. General mood was not great due to a huge diet change and feeling poorly all week.

No Drinking - Failed -> had some beers with my dad and some rum over the weekend. Need a harder rule on this as this affects most of my other habits.

I will do a body scan at the gym every 2 weeks, this will give the best data to know if it's working out.
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7.1 - GYM at 9 am

1 Incline press 30% 3x6-10 +
2 DB pullovers 3x8-12
3 Preacher curls 11. 4x8-10 +
4 Triceps cable pushdown 4x8-12
5 Seated DB side delts 3x10-15 +
6 Lat pulldowns MAG mid 3x8-12

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1 Zone 2 conditioning 45m
2 Neck extensions 3-4x15-20 +
3 Neck curls 3-4x15-20

9.1 - GYM at 11 am
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2 Neck extensions 3-4x15-20 +
I'd be cautious with free weight neck extensions bro. I did them for a bit and started feeling like a pinched nerve at the back of my neck. @arcade_fireee injured himself neck training, and I think it was on account of extensions. I use a neck harness to hit the back of the neck.
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I'd be cautious with free weight neck extensions bro. I did them for a bit and started feeling like a pinched nerve at the back of my neck. @arcade_fireee injured himself neck training, and I think it was on account of extensions. I use a neck harness to hit the back of the neck.
Good you told me that. I already got the warning from my PT while I was still grappling and training the neck the same way as now.

Will switch it up for something different.

Pain free benching and dips


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Fired up this week


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9.1 - GYM at 11 am

1 Romanian Deadlifts straps 3x6-12
2 Leg press 3x8-12 +
3 Leg press calf raises 3x15-20
4 Machine rows straps 0. 8. 3x8-12
5 Face-pulls 26. 3x10-15 +
6 Kneeling Rope Crunch 26. 3x10-1

But right after that got sick. Again.
So no gym for now. Sucks

I am using grippers all the time tho. Bought some new ones and randomply placed them around my flat. So I just pick them up whenever I see one of them.
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Exposed the pecs and shoulders to deeper ROM today, pain free again


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More pain free benching. I'll stay at this weight and up the reps till the first set is something like 12 before progressing


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Starting stats
Weight = 79.6 kg (175.488 lbs)
Body Fat Mass = 17.8 kg (39.24 lbs)
Body Fat % = 22.4% (Yikes)

Week 2
5 Sessions in the gym total

Stats were hard to track as my family cooked quite a few meals for group gatherings. I started to track and realised the numbers were useless as I had no idea of what was going into any of the food. This is a fail on my part and I need to be more on top of this

No Drinking - Failed -> A bottle of wine in week 2 with cans of cider while visiting friends in the north. Current days without drinking 4

Week 3

Scan Stats:

Weight = 77 kg (169.75 lbs) - Down 2.6 kg (5.73 lbs)
Body Fat Mass = 15.9 kg (35.05 lbs) - Down 1.9 kg (4.19 lbs)
Body Fat % = 20.7% - Down 1.7%

Currently ahead of monthly target and on track for a clean week. If I didnt fail to track in week 2, I'm pretty sure this would have been 3kg to date, the issue is that this is losing the weight a little fast. I need to either get my calories up, or I will need to have more protien to make sure my mucles are reparing after session. I have 5 kg of fat mass to lose which will put me at 15% body fat. If I keep the current pace, I can get down to my inital goal in 6 weeks. Keeping at that pace and dropping another 4kg of fat (10 weeks total) should put me at about 10% in time for the event season.
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1 Cable rows trian bi S 3-4x10-15
2 Rope triceps extension 3-4x10-15 +
3 Cable lateral raises 3-4x10-15

NEXT TRAINING: 23.1 at 11:30 am
NEXT TRAINING: 23.1 at 11:30 am

1 Leg extensions 2. 3. 4. 3-4x10-15 +
2 Machine calf raises 3. 3x12-15
3 Peck deck 4. 3-4x12-15
4 DB Foreams curls 3x

NEXT TRAINING: 25.1 at 11:30 am
NEXT TRAINING: 25.1 at 11:30 am

I did that in my flat.

200 pushups.
200 band pull-aparts.
200 reps each wrist - grippers.

NEXT TRAINING 27.1 at 11:30 am.