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  1. Lord Rey

    On my road to a happy sexual life

    Last pic is good, and it's your best, so it should be your first pic IMO. The rest is okayish, but there's a lot of room for improvement: The hat pic would be better with a cleaner or more interesting background. Also IDK if that hat is really good "fashion wise". The tennis pic could be nicer...
  2. Lord Rey

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    @Sparkles I like the 14 because it feels more candid, but overall even if most of these pics are good from a photographic perspective, they still frame you as the "nerdy-businessman". What you need is more something like 17 and 18 but in higher quality and better framed.
  3. Lord Rey

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    @Sparkles Well, the quality of your first 3 pics is technically great, but they're too repetitive. You give that "nerdy-businessman" vibe which can be okay for some girls, but I don't think it's an archetype really in demand. Although I think the first pic is really good. Not a fan of the 4th...
  4. Lord Rey

    House of Brothers: Founding a "loser fraternity" - Pushing back the schedule, saving 15k

    I vote in favor of the creep shots too! With regard to the topic of this thread, I find the idea very interesting. Definitely can see the benefits of such a project. I'm eventually interested in trying something like that for a few months, especially since I'm not too far from the proposed...
  5. Lord Rey

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    Maybe ask her why? If she answers something vague, you can then ask her if it has something to do with what happened with the other couple. That's how I would proceed. I don't think acting like nothing happened would be wise if she clearly starts avoiding you or "not feeling like going out"...
  6. Lord Rey

    sony a7 iii camera

    This is totally true. The guy with the camera ends up with the worst pics of the group because the effort he puts in shooting nice pics for his friends is rarely (if not never) reciprocated. Yeah... I was that guy. Any source/data supporting this claim? A high quality pic is a high quality...
  7. Lord Rey

    We have Liftoff

    Great news about your job! When you have money and work on something you like, you get all the doors open to improve other areas of your life. Also, don't beat yourself up about porn. I find it very hard to quit without getting laid consistently. I'm sure you'll be able to forget about it when...
  8. Lord Rey

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    MakingAComeback Nice shooting! Very cool! I assume it's for OLD, so I would say it's better not to look too agressive/intense because some girls will report your profile if they don't like it. So, I think these pics are risky for your OLD accounts, even if they're very nice, and the ones with...
  9. Lord Rey

    Brandon Builds - #38 Poly Girl

    Fuck man, you're slaying it! I'm really getting jealous now! :D I always wanted to do the same, getting laid with my camera, but I've never had luck with OnlyFans girls. Besides, I'm out of the BDSM community now, living in the Swiss Alps where the last local munch was attended by 5 people...
  10. Lord Rey

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Yeah sure, I just sent them, but do you realize PNG is a horribly inefficient file format for photos? There's no noticeable visual difference with my JPEGs, which are already of super high quality (98%), but the file size is more than 15 times larger.
  11. Lord Rey

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    MisterE Oh yeah true, you don't have popping abs but I still think this pic is very usable. Checking the RAW file from the original, I see there's some motion blur, but it's not catastrophic. Here's the original with my corrections:
  12. Lord Rey

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    MisterE Hey man, I don't understand why you want to redo this pic? I think the original is very good already! But yeah, I edited the one I preferred for you:
  13. Lord Rey

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Indeed, My Sony A7 IV shows barely any noise at ISO 3200, while my now old Canon M6 Mk II shoots barely usable pics at the same ISO level. But nowadays digital noise isn't a big deal anymore with AI denoising tools. I strongly recommend DxO PhotoLab to develop RAW files as their denoising tool...
  14. Lord Rey

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    MILFandCookies Wow thanks for your nice comment, it means a lot to me coming from such a great photographer like you! Actually, for the pool pics, I just did my best to balance the shadows in DxO PhotoLab as the lighting was very poor there, and I didn't have a flash for my Sony camera back...
  15. Lord Rey

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Squilliam Lol what kind of argument is that? If a high value activity is only defined by its cost then we would need to be millionaires to get laid… I really want to see your yacht pic now. :D You can use this argument against almost all activity pics: "Anybody with a couple hundred bucks can...
  16. Lord Rey

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Fair point. I don't actually need a drone pic, but I'm thinking that it would be a cool addition to my profile as flying this little thing has become a big hobby of mine. It would help displaying the photographer archetype I'm going for. Furthermore, it's something different than most hobbies...
  17. Lord Rey

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Slurp It seems we can't send pictures trough PM, so I'll just post it here: About my drone pic, yeah I prefer the composition of the second shot too, it's more about my facial expression that I'm not really sure which one is the best.
  18. Lord Rey

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Slurp Except for the obvious editing that your picture needs (especially for the noise omg), I think it's fine. I don't know if someone else has something to add, but to me it would be usable if edited properly. BTW, if you send me the RAW file I'd like to edit it for you because I can't stand...
  19. Lord Rey

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Paragliding is cool and I don't think your editing is too obvious. So very usable. Standing pic is better than sitting pic IMO. In sitting pic, the editing is very noticeable as your face is lit too differently than the others. So, I would keep standing pic and cut the guy so you'll be more...
  20. Lord Rey

    WARNING. These common meds might give you permanent sex. dysfunction

    Yeah, so I always had mental issues for as far as I can remember. It was mostly OCDs and anxiety. I basically was (still am somewhat) obsessed with hygiene, especially with keeping my hands clean. So I'm used to washing my hands very often (and used to do that long before COVID, so long before...