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  1. Olafsmash

    Trèfle's progress log - Mediocre dating streak after 11 lays

    sounds like you tried to escalate too fast at your place. i understand it sucks to have this happen but we have no choise but to look at the positives and then try again. events like this is the price low XP men like us have to pay in order to improve. keep your chin up and dont beat...
  2. Olafsmash

    Tinder profile review :)

    Would you reccomend signing up for Mastermind over at PWF? Do you have any experience with it? I'm probably going back to daily logging here on kyil, so I could share one convo each day here too. No idea where else I would get feedback.
  3. Olafsmash

    Tinder profile review :)

    what to do when you dont have the creativity to do these things? ive tried to get better at text game for a year now and feel like im not improving at all. idk what to do.
  4. Olafsmash

    Brandon Builds - #38 Poly Girl

    good shit thank you, would be really cool with a even more indepth guide i plan on making a real effort on this down the line.
  5. Olafsmash

    How to stop watching P?

    Great points from ya'all. I want to add another method which is proving really effective for myself. A QUALITY BLOCKER I'm not talking about a shitty one that you can uninstall yourself or bypass easily. Porn is a ridicilously hard addiction to beat with willpower alone. I could read...
  6. Olafsmash

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    Congratz man! I remember a while ago you stopped posting and struggled. Now back with this. I'm pleasantly surprised!
  7. Olafsmash

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    that was an entertaining read and congratz, great job!
  8. Olafsmash

    Brandon Builds - #38 Poly Girl

    What a fantastic read. Some guy's think "archetype" is slapping on some stylish clothes and it's done, but it's way more complicated than that. Very impressed, thank you!
  9. Olafsmash

    Scott's Progress Log

    i would not bother. Wont get anywhere with these pictures. focus on style, losing fat and figure out how you will get good quality pictures
  10. Olafsmash

    Scott's Progress Log

    sup man. You have to shave your head. It has to go. You look good in the icy waterfall pic. You look handsome, but the haircut is really bad and makes you look old. Grow your beard like that too. Good news is that you can recreate faceshots like that with better style, more edgy and in cool...
  11. Olafsmash

    Brandon Builds - #38 Poly Girl

    Killing it bro !
  12. Olafsmash

    Lost 104 lbs and got a FT office job, still a virgin at 21.

    Check out "Playing with fire" on youtube for text game mate. It helped me a lot.
  13. Olafsmash

    Supplement thread

    lots of stuff here to chew on, thanks guys
  14. Olafsmash

    Supplement thread

    What's up guys. I'm looking to restock on supplements. So far i've used vitamin D, ZMA and multivitamin, but i'm wondering if there are more usefull supplments out there with proven benefits. There's so much information out there it's easy to buy some MEME tier stuff so i'm wondering if any...
  15. Olafsmash

    Tristan's Dating Log

    Welcome back bro
  16. Olafsmash

    Spider’s Progress Log 🕷 DAY 366: Continuation Log Link ⛓️

    This not true push yourself to do some form of training and it'll help your rut and recovery.
  17. Olafsmash

    Ash's log - 130 days to be the new me.

    Dont worry about nofap, worry about cutting porn out instead(if you use), thats the real poison. Its also really hard to quit, especially when you are at the beginning stage of improving in other areas like lifting and eating, so it might be more realistic to take it slow and figure out one...
  18. Olafsmash

    Training log - 15 KGs to freedom.

    As a guy who has struggled with consistency in the gym, this seems like a ton of volume for a beginner who struggles with just that. I don't know how long you have been doing this. Are you sure you are recovering and doing all this volume with enough intensity to grow? Just remember that if...
  19. Olafsmash

    Mimbe393939 Progress Log - LAY REPORTS / UPDATES

    awesome! :) :) :)
  20. Olafsmash

    How do you eat more with a low appetite?

    Protein shakes usually dont have much calories Drink whole milk, make your own shakes (peanut butter, oats, milk, blueberries is a nice calorie shake) Use butter when cooking. Add oils like olive oil to vegetables, add butter to cooked pasta Make your own calorie bars, plenty of recipes If...