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    T0NY M0NTANA's cold approach daygame log

    18/06/23 5 in town with a mate [5] approach, [2] blowout, [3] conversation, [1] number 1. 6/10 Brunette, tried to front stop, instant BF objection before I even opened my mouth lol 2. 7/10 Blonde, front stopped, opened direct, walked around me mid-opener 3. 7/10 Blonde, front stopped, opened...

    T0NY M0NTANA's cold approach daygame log

    15/06/23 Yesterdays thursday evening session with a mate [6] approach, [3] blowout, [3] conversation, [0] number 1. 7/10 Hungarian redhead. front stopped, opened direct, 5 mins convo, tried to close, husband objection 2. 6/10 Brunette, front stopped, opened direct, 5 mins convo, tried to...

    T0NY M0NTANA's cold approach daygame log

    27/05/2023 Yesterdays Saturday session, met my buddy did 6 approaches in a few hours [6] approach, [4] blowout, [2] conversation, [1] number 1. 6/10 Blonde, front stopped, opened direct, 5 mins convo, number closed 2. 7/10 Blonde in a shop, opened direct, instant BF objection 3. 7/10 Indian...

    T0NY M0NTANA's cold approach daygame log

    22/05/2023 Back on it after a couple weeks break due to having flu for 10 days~ and family in town for a week. 5 approaches in city center on saturday with a wing [5] approach, [3] blowout, [2] conversation, [0] number 1. 7/10 Brunette milf, front stopped opened direct, 2 mins convo then hit...

    T0NY M0NTANA's cold approach daygame log

    29/04/2023 Few approaches today in the city [3] approach, [2] blowout, [1] conversation, [1] number 1. 7/10 Brunette brazilian, front stopped, opened direct, 5 min conversation, number closed 2. 6/10 Middle eastern, side stopped in mall, opened direct, just walked away from me 3. 6/10 Blonde...

    T0NY M0NTANA's cold approach daygame log

    Little cut update 4 weeks in. Relaxed and flexed abs in a morning after a 24 hour fast, no pump, 6 weeks left...

    T0NY M0NTANA's cold approach daygame log

    ...tried to front stop. "sorry in a rush" walked around me. 4. 7/10 Blonde in mall, tried to side stop, looked at me wierd and sped up walking lol* 5. 6/10 Blonde in mall, side stopped, opened direct, 2 mins convo, tried to close, BF objection Date report: Took her into a coffee shop, wanted...

    T0NY M0NTANA's cold approach daygame log

    26/04/2023 6 approaches today in town with a mate [5] approach, [2] blowout, [3] conversation, [1] number 1. 6/10 Asian, front stopped, opened direct, 30 second conversation then she makes and excuse and quickly leaves 2. 8/10 Middle eastern, tried to front stop, immediately blown out. 3...

    T0NY M0NTANA's cold approach daygame log

    19/04/2023 1 approach in town today with a mate before a date [1] approach, [0] blowout, [1] conversation, [1] number 1. 6/10 Ukrainian, front stopped, opened direct, chatted for 3-4 mins, number closed Second date with this one from 11/03/2023 "6/10 Brunette Ukrainian, Front stopped in...
  10. T0NY_M0NTANA

    T0NY M0NTANA's cold approach daygame log

    Second date this one yesterday "12. 7/10 Middle eastern, front stopped, opened direct, she immediately lights up, 5 mins conversation with lots of touching, number closed." We met in town. wanted to take her to 200 degrees but it was shut, ended up in the back of cafe nero again, talked for 30...
  11. T0NY_M0NTANA

    T0NY M0NTANA's cold approach daygame log

    Thanks mate - no i've only been cold approaching for less than a year but I've been in the gym for almost a decade now 5x a week. So I can't really say as to whether it helps or not because i've no reference point of not being in shape if that makes sense. In the UK 8 months of the year you...
  12. T0NY_M0NTANA


    Yeah it does feel weird but you'll develop a thick skin and stop caring soon, if they want to ignore you for asking a basic question, fine - its a reflection of them being a weirdo/being unfriendly and nothing you did wrong. Keep it up
  13. T0NY_M0NTANA

    T0NY M0NTANA's cold approach daygame log

    13/04/2023 Few approaches in the city with a mate today before a date [2] approach, [1] blowout, [1] conversation, [0] number 1. 7/10 Brunette in gym gear, tried to side stop in the mall, immediately blown out 2. 7/10 Black haired bulgarian with shades, 3 mins convo, quite alot of sexual...
  14. T0NY_M0NTANA


    Good approach man, you got this 8-)
  15. T0NY_M0NTANA


    I skipped most of the AA program and just jumped straight into cold approaches. Got bored of asking for the time and directions to various places and skipped to just giving hit and run compliments to girls then slowly built on that. IMO the GLL AA program wastes a lot of time with bullshit that...
  16. T0NY_M0NTANA

    T0NY M0NTANA's cold approach daygame log

    10/04/2023 Easter monday daygame rampage, 14 approaches in city center with a mate over about 4 hours. [14] approach, [8] blowout, [6] conversation, [2] number 1. 7/10 Brunette, front stopped, opened direct, turned out she was 16. Made a joke about feeling weird now, she thanked me anyway for...
  17. T0NY_M0NTANA

    Cold. Approach.

    There's really no good reason not to do it. I see your goal is 'up confidence with women' and cold approach addresses that directly. The only reason not to do it I guess is to preserve your ego, because it will get blown into 1000 pieces through rejections, flakes, awkward conversations, dates...
  18. T0NY_M0NTANA

    T0NY M0NTANA's cold approach daygame log

    04/04/2023 2 approaches in the hometown at lunch break [2] approach, [0] blowout, [2] conversation, [0] number 1. 6/10 blonde, front stopped, opened direct, chatted for about a minute. Seemed like she was trying to get away. Tried to close regardless BF objection 2. 7/10 blonde, front...
  19. T0NY_M0NTANA

    Places to Meet Women During the Day?

    Biggest mall in north america? Perfect! I know it's hard when you're out there by yourself, especially starting out - you have all the voices and excuses looping around in your head but with time and consistency they will disapear
  20. T0NY_M0NTANA

    Places to Meet Women During the Day?

    Usually I go twice per week. Once during the week then Saturday which is usually peak time for approaching in terms of volume. I've seen a couple of girls I've approached before too but still nothing happens, the sheer volume of people and the incredibly fast refresh rates of crowds make it a...