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  • Users: Zug
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  1. Zug

    Seriously, what do you want in life? Where do you want to go? a deca/centi millionaire for this to be viable without a host of financial issues. I'm saying this as someone who seriously considered it. I *think* you could probably raise kids with multiple wives without damaging the kids if the social situation was stable, but thats a BIG LIFT. Even...
  2. Zug

    Zars new log - actually taking this seriously

    Me, read my log if you don't believe me. Grow the fuck up. You're acting like an entitled hot girl, and whining like a child. I don't even know you and I don't want to fuck you after reading this. The more you think these thoughts, the more it leaks out in your behavior, the more other people...
  3. Zug

    Brandon Builds - 2024 NYC Gathering of KYIL & WW Legends. Join us.

    Haha, this was actually one of my questions. "What are we going to do and how are we going to handle when we change our mind about something important?"
  4. Zug

    Brandon Builds - 2024 NYC Gathering of KYIL & WW Legends. Join us.

    I explicitly brought up all the uncomfortable topics and expectations I could during discussion about moving in. Who's doing what chores, how much is she going to pay to live here, whats her ideal sexual cadence per week, what level of fitness are we going to maintain, etc. How would a...
  5. Zug


    The only things that might do this are Maca, Tongkat, and exogenous Testosterone. I don't find the manic state pleasant, but these are the only things I know of that give that sort of feeling. However, they're pretty hit or miss, lots of guys are non responders.
  6. Zug


    I think this is totally normal. It definitely gets better, its still getting better for me, nearly every time. Porn is becoming less arousing for me, sex is becoming more arousing. None of my fantasies involved me before, and I couldn't even make them involve me if I tried. Now all my fantasies...
  7. Zug


    I think the issue here is not understanding reality. Looking at porn, or looking at girls in a club, is a passive act in your brain. Its not engaging with another person. This type of arousal is real, but its of a completely different nature than sex with a human I don't mean this...
  8. Zug


    Explaining what PT141 feels like is difficult. It doesn't give you an erection, at all. You won't have a boner walking around the park. It doesn't do anything physically to give you or help you keep an erection. At all. AFAICT, what it does is lower the stimulus threshold to get aroused. I once...
  9. Zug


    You can't use PT141 8 times a week. It would ruin you. You can use it twice a week, but twice a week every week isn't sustainable either. Also, its hard to use, because you need to take it 2-3 hours before sex for it to really work. It does continue working for like another 15~ hours, but the...
  10. Zug

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    I don't think my picture advice is particularly useful. Others can give far more specific critiques.
  11. Zug


    As someone who's been struggling with ED pains for years now, I don't understand why people focus on "libido". First off, I think it's important to define libido. I think the best description is a general level of horniness and desire to think about sex repeatedly. To the point it becomes a...
  12. Zug

    Lusty's 5'4 fat to fit looking for love log

    I didn;t turn the corner overnight after losing the weight either. First its your weight, then clothes, then good pictures, then your profile, then your texting, then your dating, then your escalation, then sex, etc. There's always another mountain, and most hard work doesn't pay off until after...
  13. Zug

    House of Brothers: Founding a "loser fraternity" - Pushing back the schedule, saving 15k

    I think this is an awesome idea and I would have done this in a heartbeat a few years ago. This is far superior to any form of coaching or trying to do this on your own.
  14. Zug

    Coyote_Tracks1 Progress log

    I don't know stuff that cheap, but Acqua di Gio Profumo from Armani - This is nice office friendly one, this is more "smells good" then "smells manly" Suavage from Dior - This is at the edge of still office friendly, this is a mix of smells good / smells manly Spicebomb or Spicebomb extreme -...
  15. Zug

    Lusty's 5'4 fat to fit looking for love log

    Early on I used porn as a release for all my pent up resentment at lack of results. It does help alleviate some resentment, but the real issue is that you have that resentment and that it needs a release and that release needs to be porn. Those are the real underlying causes, and the porn use...
  16. Zug

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    You don't have to be chipper in the face of rejection. Don't set the bar that high. You just have to reach the point the pain of being too scared to ask / approach is higher than the pain of being rejected. That's it. Once you reach that point you are good. Being chipper in the face of...
  17. Zug

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    ...buying some bimbo a new iphone. I want to help people aim up, and become the best version of themselves, according to their definition, not mine. (*within reason) This gets real complicated when you try to think about hedonism philosophically. I'm not referring to the Epicurean definition...
  18. Zug

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    What? Why? What does one have to do with another? Why is her appeal being so high a negative hit to your emotions? You can experience the same thing if you want. Go on Seeking and put your networth as 10m+ and see what its like. Or go to a 3rd world country and swipe on Tinder. The experience...
  19. Zug

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    ...of the wins you've had. My first observation of this was everytime I wanted to get promoted at work I would take on some higher level certifications*. (this was a good system at the time, but don't recommend it anymore). Everytime I passed them I'd have very little in terms of externally...
  20. Zug

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    You are accomplished. The real issue that no one talks about is the accomplishments don't mean anything other than in a short few minute window where theyre happening or bragging about it later. People are not unhappy because they haven't won, they're unhappy because they live like a loser. 80%...