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  1. Lonely_Rottweiler

    Rottweilers' Log

    Hello Brothers I'm starting my new goals, and I think I made the right goals for the year. So, Goal 1. travel as much as I can:
  2. Lonely_Rottweiler

    Rottweilers' Log

    Hey Man, I appreciate the advice. I thought about moving out but it would be too financially, and not to mention emotionally, difficult to do. I was thinking of using the slight edge to take long vacations alone away from home to help with improving my mindset about my family. Well, I...
  3. Lonely_Rottweiler

    Rottweilers' Log

    Brothers Last week, I tried to call my FWB to wish her a happy new year, in hopes of establishing a communication with her again... then a guy answered, I tried my best to pull an excuse on calling and still greeted a happy new year to the guy. I'm angry and it has been spilling out of control...
  4. Lonely_Rottweiler

    Rottweilers' Log

    Brothers I have recently availed a personal trainer, in my city, he is one of the best strength coaches if not the best. I see results but I don't have consistency with my workouts and the meal plan, The meal plan, Oh boy, I have never eaten so many eggs in one day. I'm starting to feel a...
  5. Lonely_Rottweiler

    Rottweilers' Log

    Brothers I have been slipping on my calories lately, I think the pressure on the work is getting to me. I fear that one day they'd realize that I'm not very skilled at my apprenticeship and they'll let me go. Only two tasks are important to me these days, To build an impressive body and to be...
  6. Lonely_Rottweiler

    Rottweilers' Log

    Hi Brothers It just occurred to me that I have been an ungrateful bitch lately, so I decided to change my POV with my goals. The situation/s I'm in: Laguna girl -I have been messaging a girl on Instagram lately and she's hot. The chat has been stale lately but she has been messaging me that...
  7. Lonely_Rottweiler

    Rottweilers' Log

    Hello Brothers Last night I had my first one-night stand, She was a chubby woman, we met on bumble. yesterday she just called me to come over and fuck. So after work, I went to her transient house and bought her dinner. She made me wait outside their house and I was surprised when there were...
  8. Lonely_Rottweiler

    Rottweilers' Log

    Hello Brothers I'm back, I started my apprenticeship this November, and I am enjoying my work but I find it hard to adjust my diet, work out and work. I still want to get lean and muscular. but my priorities are now jumbled. But I did join a gym below our office, every lunchtime I try to sneak...
  9. Lonely_Rottweiler

    Rottweilers' Log

    Hello Brothers I had cold approached quite a few women this week, and I enjoyed seeing them smile after I complimented them. I may not have gotten laid but it's good to know that I made someone's day. I'm still scared of maybe one day some lady will be hostile toward me, but I'm more scared of...
  10. Lonely_Rottweiler

    Rottweilers' Log

    Hello Brothers colgate was right my calories were not tracked properly, I didn't even know what kind of rice I was eating. but I did reach 75 kg before my birthday, by not eating rice so often and doing 12,000 steps a day. so I was kind of proud of that. :D Brothers I paid for sex again...
  11. Lonely_Rottweiler

    Rottweilers' Log

    Hello Brothers, "Calisthenics is hard, man" "bro. You're just walking." -My inner thoughts I'm currently at 78.4 kg, I have been tracking my workouts, and I have recently added 6000 steps to my workouts; and I'll slowly move my way up to 10000 steps to burn more calls to avoid hurting my...
  12. Lonely_Rottweiler

    Rottweilers' Log

    Brothers Today, I went out feeling good about the day. Having a guitar on my back while walking down the street makes me feel like I'm the cool guy from high school. I had a few cold approaches today, but it suddenly rained. Oh, and I bumped into my FWB. She said she was sorry that she hadn't...
  13. Lonely_Rottweiler

    Rottweilers' Log

    Brothers Nothing eventful yet. I just had a feeling that life is good.
  14. Lonely_Rottweiler

    Rottweilers' Log

    Hello Brothers It just occurred to me that I have less than four months to accomplish my goals. Maybe you guys feel the pressure, too (?) I was lonely because I had numb manhood. It made me feel like I was just a dildo. But nothing stops me from becoming a happy dildo with a great physique. I...
  15. Lonely_Rottweiler

    Rottweilers' Log

    Hello Brothers Today was my rest day, but I decided to do some jump rope. I couldn't sit still. I always feel like I should always be doing something. I recorded this video because I've been experiencing pains...
  16. Lonely_Rottweiler

    Rottweilers' Log

    Brothers Today I didn't carry weights. I focused on using the jump rope and walking. I remember the first time I lost weight, all I did was cardio. I would jog for an hour and a half and lost 10 kg in 3 three months. I used this exercise when my then-girlfriend told me I needed to lose...
  17. Lonely_Rottweiler

    Rottweilers' Log

    Brothers Thanks colgate , I guess my hobbies are too detached from my goal. I wanted to get some "win" to hopefully boost my confidence and have something to show people, to convince them that I'm worth being a friend or something. Today, I enrolled myself in a guitar class for three...
  18. Lonely_Rottweiler

    Rottweilers' Log

    Hello Brothers This past week, I was busy learning new things, like improving my art and trying to make a video game, it was more complicated than I had anticipated, but I guess it's a good thing because my mind is occupied with a lot of troubles right now like, my FWB not being available or...
  19. Lonely_Rottweiler

    Rottweilers' Log

    Brothers Thanks hush And BDG-95 !, Thankfully, we weren't too loud that people started knocking on our door :). I learned that it would be nice to scout out the place before bringing a date with you so that you and your woman would have nothing to hold you back from enjoying the moment. I...
  20. Lonely_Rottweiler

    Rottweilers' Log

    Brothers Lay report #2 I met my FWB for lunch, but we decided to buy ice cream and eat it in a hotel nearby. We talked for a bit and were making out on the hotel bed. We kissed so hard that her braces started hurting my lower lips. Then she taught me how to use my hands then. I fingered her...