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  1. jeff550

    DAY 8 : Gonna be off a few days | Ovnidos Log, from the deep to the everest (5'5'' bastard)

    Would love to see updates about how you progress toward you other goals, obviously if you don't find value for yourself in posting them there is no need, but I think it would be valuable to see on here.
  2. jeff550

    How do you make people feel good when they're around you?

    The biggest thing you can do to have a positive impact on the people around you is be positive whenever you are around them, especially if they are casual friends. No one wants to be around someone they don't really know who is brining down the mood. Also be as confident as you possibly can in...
  3. jeff550

    Trying to decide which camera I should buy

    No reason to get into debt for a camera, at the end of the day this lens: will work good enough with any Nikon camera body for what you are looking for. This will get you started and build you a good...
  4. jeff550

    Another option for a camera apart from Andy's recommendations?

    IF the lens you bought says AF-S you are good, if it just says AF return it or return the whole thing. My next purchase is probably a camera body with AF built in, but I have the D5100 and I have no problems with it.
  5. jeff550

    Another option for a camera apart from Andy's recommendations?

    So the M10 looks like a mirrorless which I don't know too much about, but my gut feeling says stick with a traditional DSLR as you'll have way more flexibility with lenses to buy.
  6. jeff550

    Rottweilers' Log

    I don't know what the market is like in where you are, but depending on your life goals and job status I would wait until you have a job locked down unless the market is completely different than the US market. Since if you buy and house and the price goes down, you are essentially stuck there...
  7. jeff550

    Seeking partner(s) for NMMNG exercises

    I'm in, message me and I can shoot you my number/preferred communication method
  8. jeff550

    More Tinder Photos

    Do you have any resources for developing a more attractive neutral facial expression? For now I will be sure to smile every time I take photos Should I start with beta-carotene for this, since I have lived outdoors for entire summers and never gotten the slights bit of a tan. Appreciate the...
  9. jeff550

    More Tinder Photos

    Shot some more photos real quick after getting my hair cut tonight, here are the ones I think are okay. Let me know what y'all think. This one is my favorite, its a little blurry on my computer but looked fine...
  10. jeff550

    Noself's Action Log: Down from 20% BF to 18%

    I know how you feel man, but I'm sure you know its so important to try your best to push any resentment away. I feel he reason most men don't know these feelings is they are too afraid to actually try. Most other men I know just date the first girl that will sleep with them and are happy with...
  11. jeff550

    Spider’s Progress Log 🕷 DAY 366: Continuation Log Link ⛓️

    The biggest problem I've had any time I've tried no fap is falling asleep, it's basically a crutch for me to fall asleep so you aren't alone there.
  12. jeff550

    notAndy's AA Program Log - Day 46. Finished :)

    Watching your journey is convincing me that I need to do the AA program, which is absolutely terrifying to me, but seeing the benefits as you go through it is truly inspiring.
  13. jeff550

    More Tinder Photos

    Yeah, that's accurate. Will try some more on my deck and see if I can get more comfortable in front of the camera, was certainly a weird feeling the first time
  14. jeff550

    More Tinder Photos

    I've got an appointment scheduled for a hair cut, so that should be taken care of in a week or so!
  15. jeff550

    More Tinder Photos

    Starting the process of updating the photos on my profile from random low quality photos, and wanted to know if you think any of these are worth taking the time to edit in faceapp/lightroom/photoshop. Don't love my facial expressions in these, but with faceapp I might be able to get them to be...
  16. jeff550

    New here. blackpill reformer

    I agree that you should spend time working on getting a healthier mindset and see a professional if possible, but also you are young now, if you take the time and do the hard work to work through this stuff no, you can build such an incredible life for yourself.
  17. jeff550

    Brandon Builds - #38 Poly Girl

    I've done walking dates and find them fun, since I enjoy going for walks, and have gotten slightly better reception from them in a limited amount. I have found that if I don't make an effort to stop a few places I can go the entire date and realize I only made eye contact once or twice. I do...
  18. jeff550

    Second Photoshoot. Any feedback? - Getting Laid + Trying to sell a game

    Here is a decent approach framework I found that makes sense to me, never paid for any of his content but the free 20 minute video does a good job giving you a framework to start with...
  19. jeff550

    On the path to a better self

    So much from your last two posts is incredibly relatable to me, the walking around feeling like a moron, being full of nice guy vibes, hating the feeling of not being good enough and not learning skills that you want to, but don't want to go through the process of sucking. I can think of so...
  20. jeff550

    DAY 8 : Gonna be off a few days | Ovnidos Log, from the deep to the everest (5'5'' bastard)

    Congrats man! I've enjoyed following your work and progress, keep it up!