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  1. King Approach

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    Voldemort's group would have been cheering you on for walking out on the date. In fact, they would have been like "I would have just walked off immediately after she said no without saying anything". :lol: Looking back, not the best strategy perhaps.
  2. King Approach

    Do Any Of You Want To Get Off The Ride? (Feeling Lonely)

    Just want to chime in and say I'm 33 and feel the same way, although I haven't had success with girls yet at all. However, I already know that if I started getting laid it wouldn't really matter, I'd still feel empty inside. I approached over 2,000 girls in the last year and a half, and did so...
  3. King Approach

    Hard Reset Advice Requested

    Hey guys, So I'm considering getting back into OLD. My current device is banned/shadow banned on pretty much all dating platforms. I've read the hard reset guide that was posted by pancakemouse on here. I just wanted to delve into my current strategy for hard resetting and would like any...
  4. King Approach

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    Iiiinteresting. I think because I am a little bit older than you, and therefore have some bad habits more ingrained in me I may need more than two sessions , spaced out over a period of time. But I'll figure that out later. Just curious, why do you think $500 is a baseline? I've seen some...
  5. King Approach

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    Niiice. I'm ready to get on the Colgate program. How much is it for a bootcamp? lol And I've been mulling over getting an escort myself. I've even set aside money for it and have looked into various sources. You've completely convinced me that this is something that is a must-do. Also...
  6. King Approach

    Mimbe393939 Progress Log - LAY REPORTS / UPDATES

    Good stuff man. When I first started going out to approach, I considered it a victory just to leave my house with the intention of approaching. Any approaches I made were considered a cherry on top. At this point it seems like you are already making approaches, so any approach you make is a...
  7. King Approach

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    Bro, I'm Japan right now, it ain't that great... I got thrown into a quarantine hotel for testing positive and it sucks ass :cry: . But yeah, keep going bro. When the girl is saying your nervous maybe just try agree and amplify next time? Just own it and be like "fuck yeah, I'm nervous...
  8. King Approach

    Best Books/Resources for Game Dating?

    Cool. I'll definitely check out Andy's guide. And yeah, without question action is the biggest teacher. I don't think I need much, just maybe a few tweaks here and there and maybe better logistics.
  9. King Approach

    Best Books/Resources for Game Dating?

    Can anyone here recommend some good books/resources for game/dating? I've read Rational Male, Book of Pook, some Heartiste's blog posts, Yaz video, and 60 Years of Challenge. Out of all those, IMO the best is 60 Years of Challenge for the tactical/dating aspect and Rational Male for the...
  10. King Approach

    Why an Abundance Mentality is so Important

    Are you getting laid a lot? If not, I kind of feel this is a cope. Is it the case you knew she was going to reject your ass anyway and so you preemptively rejected her to save your ego? I think you should have at least gone for the smash if you thought she was hot. Chances are she would have...
  11. King Approach

    Best wat around a Tinder ban?

    If I already did a face verification in the past will they recognize me if I make a new account but don't verify?
  12. King Approach

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    Sup. I'm looking to fuck hot chicks through cold-approach. I've done many cold approaches and have had some close calls, but I have yet to get laid from it. I live in So. Cal. in an area that has challenging logistics. I believe this is the biggest challenge for me to overcome. I work a...