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  • Users: Drama
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  1. Drama

    Drama's progress log - Becoming masculine

    Haven't posted in 6 months but actually holy shit, a lot has happened. The business has been floundering because I've spent a year fucking around and not focusing. I changed that last week. Instantly booked in meetings and now have work on. It's possible to still hit $500K this year if I work...
  2. Drama

    Drama's progress log - Becoming masculine

    Hey man thanks for the comment. Yeah I think a lot, if not most guys go through this at some point in their life. Honestly it's a product of your environment. If you're overindulging in certain things like booze, weed, food, sex, music or whatever other dopamine spiking habit, it's because of a...
  3. Drama

    Drama's progress log - Becoming masculine

    Been very slack on self-improvement and life in general over the last month. Smoking weed constantly, playing video games and just generally being a piece of shit. I feel like a broken record here, but I must stop this if I ever want to achieve the levels of success I know I can. I didn't...
  4. Drama

    Drama's progress log - Becoming masculine

    True, I hear what you're saying. I dunno! Maybe I'll get some gene work done and see... Makes me wish I'd really focused on it more when I was 18-25 and got a personal trainer too. I'd be bigger I reckon. There's so many factors that go in to building muscle though, maybe you're missing...
  5. Drama

    Drama's progress log - Becoming masculine

    Appreciate the compliment man, but I don't really think I have great genetics. I just train hard, 4-5 times a week, lift properly, progressive overload, take rests when my body needs it, eat properly, sleep decently well and overall place a lot of focus and emphasis on my health and body. All of...
  6. Drama

    Drama's progress log - Becoming masculine

    2022 Recap What a fucking year huh? I've grown more this past year than probably the last 3 years before that. Just incredible amounts of growth and mostly due to my commitments made on these forums/learning how to cold approach/becoming more masculine. I also built my finances, wealth and...
  7. Drama

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong. Sorry bro you're just plain wrong. Your experience MIGHT have taught you something, but I doubt you have enough experience to categorically say this. This blackpill shit is so bad for your mental health and developing a masculine frame, which you NEED...
  8. Drama

    Drama's progress log - Becoming masculine

    Saw this girl again last night, was fuckin awesome, best lay I've had in a while. Super passionate, really hot girl, she was really into me as well. Took her for a walk with the dog and brought her back to mine to cook her dinner. We fucked before cooking, then had dinner, then fucked again...
  9. Drama

    Drama's progress log - Becoming masculine

    Quick update of the last week: Date #1 - Day game, insta-date, almost lay. Walking the dog on a sunny afternoon after reading/sunbaking in the park, walking back home and stopped to check out a food place, noticed this banging 8/10 Thai girl walk past and smile, probably the best invitation to...
  10. Drama

    Drama's progress log - Becoming masculine

    BECOMING MASCULINE I've come to realise that I'm nowhere near as masculine or alpha as I thought. This is why I've had problems with attracting/retaining the kind of women I want and also not doing as well as I could in my business or other areas of life. I'll keep it brief, but basically...
  11. Drama

    Drama's progress log - Becoming masculine

    Edit: This was a post about me complaining about a bitch that is clearly not that into me, asking for advice on how to win her over. It can't be done. The forums doesn't need this and I don't need this, it's low value male thinking. Keep grinding fellas, fuck bitches, get money.
  12. Drama

    Drama's progress log - Becoming masculine

    Been slack on updating this cause of holidays, at the airport now. It was a semi-holiday, I was staying with my brother in another city, seeing if I wanted to live there. Had a good time just experiencing new places and meeting people. Got some cool pics with my new camera though. None of me...
  13. Drama

    Crimson‘s Journey to Self-Love

    Mate, I'm really, really sorry to hear about this. I don't have much advice to give and I don't think any advice from us here on the internet will really help. You need to get professional help. All I can say is that those who know the darkest depths of hell appreciate the beauty of heaven...
  14. Drama

    Drama's progress log - Becoming masculine

    Another insta-date yesterday and later lay. Was out approaching in a new city (on holiday for a few weeks), went up to this cute 21 year old and told her she was cute, she stopped and we started chatting, teased her a bit, she was laughing and into it, we went to a park and sat down for 30-45...
  15. Drama

    Drama's progress log - Becoming masculine

    Update on the last situation. So I got her number, called her and we set up a date for the Sunday. Then she didn't confirm the whole Saturday, only texted me back midnight on Saturday night saying she was too busy with study, blah blah blah. I was out anyway gaming with my wing, so was having...
  16. Drama

    Drama's progress log - Becoming masculine

    Okay gotta write this one up cause it's taking up too much mental real estate and I need y'all advice. Went on a date with possibly the hottest girls I've ever been on a date with last night. We matched on Hinge - I sent her a rose, which is essentially a super like. Took a while to actually...
  17. Drama

    Drama's progress log - Becoming masculine

    Thanks bro, appreciate the comments on this post and the other ones you made, have taken it all in, adjusting and improving. Definitely need to get over the hurdle of "wtf do I say next" - I've been watching some Tay Social, he's really good at creating polarity and sexualising interactions. I...
  18. Drama

    Drama's progress log - Becoming masculine

    Went out yesterday to do cold approach for an hour, ended up doing 3, getting 2 instagrams, the other one I actually bailed on cause I didn't see it going anywhere. Talking with twonightstander, we're still in the infancy mode with this, so I need to not be so hard on myself and beat myself up...
  19. Drama

    Drama's progress log - Becoming masculine

    This week has been pretty wild - Got laid a total of 5 times (if you count the threesome as 2). Wanted to share my insta-date/lay report from Friday afternoon. I was at the market, buying some fruit. Noticed a cute girl next to me, so I followed her after and did my usual "hey, just thought...
  20. Drama

    Drama's progress log - Becoming masculine

    I want to share a field report with you guys, hopefully to help but also for me to self reflect. Last post I mentioned a girl I met in the lift. One day later (last night), I slept with her. First, she's probably 1 or 2 points below me on the looks scale, so that helps to set context. Second...