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  1. kAldown

    kAldown log

    Today it was again a tough discussion with my father. I stood my ground and told him he could not speak to me the way he does anymore. Also have a conversation about my recent offer with small startup. In addition to not receiving any encouragement, I only heard words like "you better try...
  2. kAldown

    kAldown log

    Today is another example. Sveta telling me how to communicate with peoples without pushing them. For instance, now we having good conversations with my father. I learned about him more than I did before for 30 years. I learned how to stand for the loved ones, even from another loved ones. Were...
  3. kAldown

    kAldown log

    Sunday I remember as lazy-day. Doing nothing. Just walking, drinking mold wine. Although we have deep conversation about my childhood, and how my father used to raise me. Observations. Problems with school. Disobeyment. And how we should not shame ourselves but find power in what we truly believe.
  4. kAldown

    kAldown log

    Saturday was our wedding celebration. I payed attention to other peoples feeling, and discovered progression with my room reading and Kisa's progression with demanding what she wants standing up for what she thinks matters, not letting anyone convince her with bad intention. Very intense day...
  5. kAldown

    kAldown log

    Friday was very tough. That day I started with everything falling apart. At the time I came back home I was angry as hell, so holded my words speaking none. After that I exposed my thoughts in a toxic rude manner. We tried to cover that up multiple times a day. Nothing worked. Then hours of...
  6. kAldown

    kAldown log

    Today I realized the company I put so much stack on it, is actually not as great as I thought. Meantime walked around 7 more interviews and got one company with a nicer offer. Have conversation with Sveta about the planning and how we should cooperate on them for our good. Then I stand my point...
  7. kAldown

    kAldown log

    Today was a lot of conversations not only about relationship, but about myself. Now I require my relatives to talk my words back to me, such I feel like I am stuck. So many peoples told me it's almost impossible to find job with visa support as russian, living abroad. I've found 2 companies...
  8. kAldown

    kAldown log

    for 3 days in a row. I did tons of conversations. Around everything. Sex. Friendship. Jealous. Relation. Plans. Teaching. In addition to my main goals. What can I say. All of this is going well. I see the progress. I did my life, and life of my relatives significantly better. Just tired a bit...
  9. kAldown

    kAldown log

    Friday Got my marriage certificate. Settlet issue with my prev landlord, received deposit back. prepared to meet my father for a wedding celebration were on a meetup about "past traumas during war conflict", after that we sincerely discussed our own views on a conflict. Decided that we should...
  10. kAldown

    kAldown log

    Sine very morning I did not eat and did not drink. Want to get on time and give my analysis for sex diseases, just in case. Payed 30 pounds for a good urologist. This motherfucker told me to come at 10:40. I was there. After that I have to wait 20 minutes in corridor, and then 40 minutes inside...
  11. kAldown

    kAldown log

    Wednesday Yesterday (Tuesday) evening we decided I will work less intensively in order to not to burnout. Yet today I woke up and started following my schedule. Even during the breakfast, Sveta asked me to put the phone away, I refused. The mood in a room decreased. That day was very important...
  12. kAldown

    kAldown log

    Today was another day. At the very morning a lot of small tasks to do. Sveta's mom birthday. And the rest, leaving me far behind my duties. Lets forward the day to the evening. After the dinner at the restaurant, Sveta, Sveta's mom and dad, and me, decided to take a walk. We went to the coffee...
  13. kAldown

    kAldown log

    Today we were in a Jurisdiction house and asked about set of documents required to set a marriage. Adjusted my plans to accomplish this in a few weeks. Then I asked how to trick a system to register as individual contributor. Found the ways. Need to find proper people and do the work. Don't know...
  14. kAldown

    kAldown log

    Sunday Have to move lot's of tasks for the next week. Trying to stick with the most relevant to my close goals: - leedcoding - learning algos - getting info for visa - preparing for the interviews Today I have a strange feeling. Connection with Sveta were very deep since morning. We managed to...
  15. kAldown

    kAldown log

    Saturday Yesterday we moved from Capital of Georgia to our place in Batumi. Here is much better. People are more aggressive here and standing to say what they think, which I like, rather than passive aggressive bitches who secretly hate me for being russian. Weather is wilder. There were...
  16. kAldown

    kAldown log

    Friday Today I have had an interview with the company I most liked. I honestly answered every question pushing my line, even though I thought it would show me in negative way. But I wanted to be open and transparent, because I want that from my colleagues. Interview went well. Next Tuesday I...
  17. kAldown

    kAldown log

    Thursday There is no point of copy-pasting from my journal. So I would rather make a note for most valuable points from a day. Today I went to the meetup to get info about the current situation for dev market and how to get out from this country. Took contacts of 2 girls. Being invited to the...
  18. kAldown

    kAldown log

    Wednesday Did for today: Call with broker company. Potentially Django role or Lead role. Remote or Dubai or UK Answer the ref for DeliveryHero if that has a role receive and gave feedback to a good recruiter catch a company with visa sponsorship and pushed towards an interview configured mail...
  19. kAldown

    kAldown log

    Today (Tuesday) Talk deeply about relationship. Figured some issues and pronounce them loud. Fixed Answered most recruiters even throughout 2021 year Asked for ref from old colleague in Poland Did one med leetcode recursive and iterative Downloaded algorithms book Talked with GPT to practice...
  20. kAldown

    kAldown log

    Yesterday (Monday) Had 4 interviews Reached out new recruiters from LN Read first course of JBP podcast Searched for differences in Big5 aspects between me and Sveta and my friend Started doing journaling Did leetcode 3 easy tasks + mid Configured laptop with lots of tools for work - tmux...