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  1. ihnskko

    Tinder template - can "not looking for anything super serious" scare off girls?

    I understand that the template is meant to be for screening - my worry is that it was screening "too aggressively". As I mentioned in the OP, while sex is a priority, I am also open to the idea of a FWB or even LTR, is the girl is cool enough. It's not big deal if one girl mistakes the approach...
  2. ihnskko

    Tinder template - can "not looking for anything super serious" scare off girls?

    I'm going to keep trying my best to improve what I can. The point of the pics is showing you that, while I might be good looking and handsome, there are much better options than me in terms of physical attractiveness on dating apps, and girls might just have higher standards there. The fact that...
  3. ihnskko

    Tinder template - can "not looking for anything super serious" scare off girls?

    Yep, I am fully aware of that. I'm just trying to optimize as much as possible and avoid losing leads :) I'm sure that the scale is far from perfect but it does show a good progression. Also in that scale '6' means 'above average'. People usually think that anything below '7/10' is "bad", but...
  4. ihnskko

    Tinder template - can "not looking for anything super serious" scare off girls?

    I appreciate the compliment and I do think I look attractive, but I disagree with being closed to maxxed out. I also think that I'm far from being close to the top men in terms of physical attractiveness. For starters, I am just 5'6", and, as an example, I look nowhere as good as men like these...
  5. ihnskko

    Tinder template - can "not looking for anything super serious" scare off girls?

    Their hotness is a major factor. My ex was quite hot, but she felt like an outlier due to how quickly she agreed to meet. Most lays I've had from Tinder were girls that looked cute in pictures, then were a chubbier or uglier than expected in person - fuckable, but not the kind of hookup you...
  6. ihnskko

    Tinder template - can "not looking for anything super serious" scare off girls?

    I've been trying the Tinder template on the KYIL guide, and after some light conversation/banter I used something similar to the following on two girls that seemed receptive: One girl ghosted, which is not a big deal - she probably wasn't interested. The other one said something like and...
  7. ihnskko

    Feedback on Tinder photos requested

    Thank you everyone for the great feedback! I will experiment with some of the photos you have suggested. So far, I've picked five that I think are decent, edited them, and cropped them to match Tinder's requirements. Here are the final results: There are some other...
  8. ihnskko

    Feedback on Tinder photos requested

    Hey guys, I just joined KYIL and introduced myself here. I want to optimize my Tinder profile and I need your help to choose from the best pictures I have. Unfortunately, most of the pictures where I look good and I am doing interesting activities involve my ex, and I do not feel comfortable...
  9. ihnskko

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I, ihnskko, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. Hey guys, I'm a 25 year old Italian guy currently living in London. Background I have been a disaster with women in my teenage years, mainly due to low self-confidence and lack of experience caused by a troubled upbringing...