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  1. Lieutenant Lucid

    Where should I restart my life?

    MakingAComeback This is how I'm approaching it. Non-linear healing is a bitch but the silver lining of it is the few good days you have, you get a glimpse of all the untapped potential you have when you're not weighed down by your symptoms. I've had maybe less than 10 days like that in the last...
  2. Lieutenant Lucid

    Lucid's Log - Starting over

    Got a lot of work to do on myself so I figured I'd start one of these WHERE I'M COMING FROM I'm at a major crossroads in my life. I've spent the last 7 years recovering from some major autoimmune issues that forced me to put every aspect of my life on hold. I couldn't tolerate exercise or most...
  3. Lieutenant Lucid

    Second Photoshoot. Any feedback? - Getting Laid + Trying to sell a game

    Feel free to hit me up to discuss game development. I've worked on a few projects in the past (though none to completion) as a narrative writer and worldbuilder. If you haven't already, I suggest looking on reddit for people to work with. r/INAT is pretty active. There are a few others but I...
  4. Lieutenant Lucid

    Where should I restart my life?

    thanks for putting it this way, i seriously needed to hear that. I've been pretty depressed about my situation and all the time I've been forced to waste while I recover. knowing that someone in a similar position has made it out of this alive and thriving is very comforting. I'm looking forward...
  5. Lieutenant Lucid

    Where should I restart my life?

    Yeah definitely not planning to stay in a small town. My only hang up with large cities is that it's harder to find nature-dominated areas but it's not a major thing i guess when you have no ties anywhere most large cities are similar to each other. i have always wanted to go to Europe. this...
  6. Lieutenant Lucid

    Where should I restart my life?

    MakingAComeback thanks man, good to know I'm not the only one who's faced this issue. ngl, given my age it's pretty daunting
  7. Lieutenant Lucid

    Depression/anxiety as symptoms of underlying physical issues (and what to do about it)

    I'm not a doctor, nor have I had any medical training. This post is not medical advice, but based entirely on my own experiences and insights. You go to your doctor, tell them you feel depressed, and what's their solution? They put you on anti-depressants which alter your brain chemicals to...
  8. Lieutenant Lucid

    Where should I restart my life?

    Long story short, I'm approaching the end of a 7+ year recovery period after my health crashed in 2015. It's effectively been a factory reset on my life. I'm just now looking at moving into my own place again in the near future - but I have no idea where to go Outside of 3-4 friends across the...
  9. Lieutenant Lucid

    Commit to baldness... or get a hair transplant?

    Dang $18k for micropigmentation?! I saw pancake mouse quoted $4k-$5k on his looksmaxxing guide and thought that was bad enough. Guess i gotta save up
  10. Lieutenant Lucid

    Commit to baldness... or get a hair transplant?

    Yeah if I don't do the hair transplant then I'm at least gonna go with the micropigmentation Can't grow a full beard, sadly. Just the goatee. If I can tolerate the minoxidil without any sides I'll try it for that as well. Thanks for the suggestion
  11. Lieutenant Lucid

    Sleep Quality

    drz Sorry to hear you're dealing with this. My sleep went to shit in 2015 and it was nothing short of torture. Lots of good suggestions already made here, so hopefully you've found a solution by now. If not then I'd suggest looking in a bit of a different direction Poor sleep can be a result of...
  12. Lieutenant Lucid

    Commit to baldness... or get a hair transplant?

    MakingAComeback Lots of good info here, thanks for taking the time to write it out. I'd say I'm a norwood 3, but it sounds like the risks of Dutesteride and Fin aren't really worth it for me. Even if it's only 5% of guys who see side effects, I'm already in some small percentile of people with...
  13. Lieutenant Lucid

    Sales Copywriting: One of the Easiest Ways to Escape Your 9-to-5 and Make 6 Figures

    MakingAComeback great to hear it. keep the momentum up I actually meant to take Carlos Reidlich out as a reccomendation, but I guess I never did. I paid for his $5k mentorship and it was so shoddy and low-value I've completely dropped it. You'll get far more value from Colin Theriot, and his...
  14. Lieutenant Lucid

    Sales Copywriting: One of the Easiest Ways to Escape Your 9-to-5 and Make 6 Figures

    Thanks man. Sounds like you're fucking killing it. Keep me updated on your copywriting progress
  15. Lieutenant Lucid

    Commit to baldness... or get a hair transplant?

    What the title says. I'm unsure if I can pull off the jacked bald/buzzed guy look Avatar photo was taken 2ish years ago and is what I look like now, though you can't see that I'm also balding in the back/crown area. I'm not jacked but plan to get there once my health is in order I've been...
  16. Lieutenant Lucid

    Sales Copywriting: One of the Easiest Ways to Escape Your 9-to-5 and Make 6 Figures

    Radical Good to see you here man. My bad about the link, appreciate the understanding. Is it okay if I just say to look up the series on YT?
  17. Lieutenant Lucid

    Sales Copywriting: One of the Easiest Ways to Escape Your 9-to-5 and Make 6 Figures

    I originally posted this on Reddit and the GLL forums. A lot of people found it helpful so I'm reposting it here. DIRECT RESPONSE MARKETING: GRAB CAPITALISM BY THE BALLS (YSK there are lots of other ways to escape the 9-5 life if you look around. This is just what worked for me) One of the...
  18. Lieutenant Lucid

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I, Lucid, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. Spent the last 7 years recovering from debilitating health issues misunderstood by modern medicine. Living with my mother at 34 because I've been too sick to care for myself. No friends, too sick to exercise, dating is beyond...