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  1. gettingoutofcomfortzone

    GLL website is offline.

    Seems the website is down or taken offline, does anyone have a working link?? It would be great if someone happen to pdf the webpages. Can anyone help?
  2. gettingoutofcomfortzone

    175 Days Left till 2023.

    Yeah, I hope so. At this point, I just have to see only by acting. I came across something profound. Choices may be decided easily, but harder to act. My mental coping mechanism makes choices that deem to be clear. It is only by doing I can understand the benefits/shortcoming.
  3. gettingoutofcomfortzone

    175 Days Left till 2023.

    What I have found out is Pain due to being in action is important and valid. Pain due to inaction and idleness is unnecessary and invalid. I have to keep the former and eliminate latter. How do I do this ? I had a conversation with my dad. I am thankful for that. As someone who had seen me...
  4. gettingoutofcomfortzone

    Fat to Skinny.

    I have been going to gym and finding the effort rewarding the past 4 weeks. but, the current week have lost the motivation to do so. I think I am plateauing in my mind. Although, I stand to loose a lot in my physical body. This is me taking action and will fix it by getting my diet sorted and...
  5. gettingoutofcomfortzone

    175 Days Left till 2023.

    Failed flawlessly at both goals. didnt go to gym, didnt apply for jobs. but found out my year old understand myself report. guess what? I am exceptionally high for neuroticism with very high withdrawal and exceptionally high (higher than withdrawal) for volatility. in simple words, I give up...
  6. gettingoutofcomfortzone

    175 Days Left till 2023.

    Thanks man. That sure helped progress until I spontaneously went and over fed during the evening. all the while knowing and keep on telling myself that I will regret it. I will get back in order. In fact, yesterdays chaos helped today to steer back my progress. Feeble mind sometimes has the...
  7. gettingoutofcomfortzone

    175 Days Left till 2023.

    shit shit shit..!! what a bad waster of time sunday was. MY diet got fucked. my work didnt get done. had too much time wasted with things I wont ever do. need today to get back again. why is that JUST WHEN IT STARTS to get going good, I FCK UP? I am so close to ruining my progress. I am scared...
  8. gettingoutofcomfortzone

    Non-conformance..!! Tinder log..!!

    I have the following activity pic. this was the salvageable picture out of all. Whoever decided to put pool table into the arcade is an idiot. Thoughts? I thought since I already have a smile pic, I figured to go for a serious look.
  9. gettingoutofcomfortzone

    Non-conformance..!! Tinder log..!!

    Thanks for the kind words. the jacket one was my first time working with remote-dslr. so, I am glad how it turned out. But you are right. I can do better if I get in a social pic, an activity pic. and a full body pic. I have asked a friend to spot me tomorrow. will update in the log once I...
  10. gettingoutofcomfortzone

    Non-conformance..!! Tinder log..!!

    this is what I have at my Tinder as well. I will remove nr. 1, and get some sports activity done. I need to find a dog friend and will retake the pic.
  11. gettingoutofcomfortzone

    175 Days Left till 2023.

    I wil try this from monday. I have to get my docs. ready as well to facilitate this.
  12. gettingoutofcomfortzone

    Non-conformance..!! Tinder log..!!

    my current pic set. what do you think foducossy42 NightRoller MILFandCookies : I forgot that I am not supposed to smile. I was lost in the convo. do you think I should redo some of the shots ?
  13. gettingoutofcomfortzone

    175 Days Left till 2023.

    hey, I didnt want to post before I made what I deem considerable progress on my physique. During July-August I was on a journey that didnt make much sense then. But, looking back I think I had chosen my vices more than my strengths. I was sort of in a LDR situation right until August end when...
  14. gettingoutofcomfortzone

    Any one in Sweden?

    yo. for some reason, my PM doesnt work. Are you still active on the forums?
  15. gettingoutofcomfortzone

    175 Days Left till 2023.

    Guess who didnt do what they said they will.. things were put on hold while I dragged every day with not useful things. but, it is a fresh month and therefore I am back. new slate. goals are the same. accountability is back on the menu..!! To do : Gym, Write, Job application.
  16. gettingoutofcomfortzone

    175 Days Left till 2023.

    Guess who is back mothafckaaaaaaass..!! I just got done with the vacation days and got back to normalcy. Time to get back into the groove. I will start posting regularly from tomorrow. Excited to be back..!!
  17. gettingoutofcomfortzone

    175 Days Left till 2023.

    day 26: slow start for a day. but full of good thoughts and not engaging my negativity. I think going to the gym even after a bad day/diet helped. today, feels like I have control over my diet and life. will make it as productive as can be, thanks for the advice Vice. damn, I love being...
  18. gettingoutofcomfortzone

    175 Days Left till 2023.

    Day 25: important day and soon coming up on 30days.!! A major headache regards to my car is done today. Never in the future will I make the same mistake of doing things last minute again. Today, already filled up on calories due to sweets. So, fasting the next 12 hours. Give me the power...
  19. gettingoutofcomfortzone

    Any one in Sweden?

    Looking to meet anyone from this forum.
  20. gettingoutofcomfortzone

    175 Days Left till 2023.

    Day 24: today, I feel mediocre. I feel that ladder towards my ascension glimmers out of the fog . A hint of where I climb and how far I can go. Today, I aim for mastery of the hours, not of salvation.