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  • Users: _J_
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  1. _J_

    _J_'s Daily log

    Thanks for the advice The article helps, I don't know why but I've never thought of trying to get laid like long term progress and results like I've done with going to the gym. I'll focus on reframing it to be a long term journey, even a "red shirt year" where I'll learn as much and possible...
  2. _J_

    _J_'s Daily log

    I haven't made any progress recently and that's been do to me not taking action. The more I see on this forum I constantly find that everyone constantly telling people to take action and I wondering what are some actions that I need to start taking to achieve my goals? Some more background...
  3. _J_

    _J_'s Daily log

    9/14/22 Log 10 Nothing special today, I worked and got school shit done. I started a new abs routine and stretch routine but didn't work out because of it being a rest day. Finally finished creatine loading not much physically different maybe my arms look a little bigger. I really should try...
  4. _J_

    _J_'s Daily log

    9/13/22 Log 9 I really want to start logging daily, I think it will help me stay focused and motivated to achieve my goals. I've lost motivation and all the online dating apps right now, I need to take some better pictures for them but first I need to buy some new outfits. I just bought...
  5. _J_

    _J_'s Daily log

    9/6/22 Log 7: Today went well, I hit the gym even though I really wanted extra sleep. I complimented another girl and went to class. I've noticed the dating app free nooby boost has gone away and I've gotten 0 matches over the last few days. Really makes me want to take better pictures but I...
  6. _J_

    _J_'s Daily log

    9/3/22 Log 6 I wasn't perfect with my habits this week but I've made so really good progress on online dating. I've set up a basic bumble hinge and tinder profile and I've gotten a few matches that haven't led to anything yet but It sure is a confidence booster to be getting matches with poor...
  7. _J_

    _J_'s Daily log

    9/1/22 Log 5 Today went well I worked out, complimented a hot girl and worked on my hobby. I've also learned that my room mate is doing a weekend trip next Friday to Sunday so that would literally be the perfect opportunity to loose my virginity, or at least seriously try to. Any time I think...
  8. _J_

    _J_'s Daily log

    Log 4 8/31/22 I could do better right now. I've been really busy... had a fun weekend and had to go in the office to work Monday and this week has already flown buy... its already half way done. I really like the saying time flies when your not paying attention to it... because its true! I...
  9. _J_

    _J_'s Daily log

    8/26/22: I could have done better today. I overslept which meant that I had to miss my workout and I didn't end up working out after work and school but I'll make it up tomorrow. However I did sign up for intramural sports today and looked at some free student gym classes I could join, I'll have...
  10. _J_

    _J_'s Daily log

    8/25/22: Today went well, I worked out as usual and went to my classes. Its really starting to get easy to talk to people, the anxiety that usually is there is noticeably fading away... I'm really proud that I've made this account and I think I'll sign up for intramural sports after I post this...
  11. _J_

    _J_'s Daily log

    I want some accountability so this is my daily log. I also will be making a progress log to track the progress I've made towards my goals. The posts here may be mundane but honestly this log is more for me rather than you. I'd like to end every day by recapping the successes and failures and...
  12. _J_

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I, J, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. I've come a far way in my self improvement journey. I've improved my self hatred, I've lost 40 pounds, I've improved my confidence and more but I've still got a long ways to go. I've never gotten laid before, I haven't had my...