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  • Users: Mitos
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  1. Mitos

    Rate my Tinder Pics

    MILFandCookies thanks for your feedback :) What do you guys think of this one?
  2. Mitos

    Is Kratom worth it

    I think you guys are right. Kratom is just masking the problem. I reduced my anxiety and ADHD a lot with nutrition, supplements and mindset. I will keep doing that. And there are also none addictive substances like Glycine or Magnesium that reduce the symptoms.
  3. Mitos

    Rate my Tinder Pics

    Here is a new one. Feedback welcome.
  4. Mitos

    Is Kratom worth it

    hush That is totally true. That was the reason I quit. I attack my problems now head on at a root cause. But it is still a long journey to fix it all. I thought maybe it is good to incorporate kratom again 2-3 times a week when there are no real negative health consequences with it.
  5. Mitos

    Mitos Goals

    Hey guys here is my update for last week. There is a lot going on right now. I improve on so much levels. I make a good amount of money from my investments now. between 1-2k a month. We also got 2 more new clients. We are between 10-20k every month now. I have one friends with benefits now and...
  6. Mitos

    Is Kratom worth it

    Hey guys I need your opinion on this. Almost 10 years ago I did Kratom as part of my lifestyle like 3x per week. It had great benefits for me with my ADHD and anxiety. Also put me in a great mood every time. Helps with premature ejaculation. Downside is that it is addictive. I quit after like...
  7. Mitos

    Mitos Goals

    Update from this week: (1) Business: We got a new client again. I have a lot to do and business is getting of the ground. We want to reach 30k a month till the end of the year. Right now war are at about 15k. I really looked at my life what is costing me the most amount of time and focus. It is...
  8. Mitos

    Mitos Goals

    30.10.2022 (1) Business: Took the day off. I usually take one day a week completely off from business. (2) Dating: Went to salsa class again today. I love it. This is something I want to keep in my life. I also want to go to some Salsa or Bachata Parties this year. It is a lot more fun than...
  9. Mitos

    Am I the only one selling options?

    Hey, I sell options too. I buy quality stocks and also sell options on them. Short Puts, Short Calls, Bull Put Spreads and Bear Call Spreads. Never did a Iron Condor. I keep it pretty basic. I invest about 1-3 hours of time a week.
  10. Mitos

    Cool Blue Necklace

    Hey Guys, does anyone know where I can buy this blue necklace that Iman Gadzhi is wearing. Looks dope in my opinion.
  11. Mitos

    Mitos Goals

    27.10.2022 - 29.10.2022 (1) Business: I deleted my Instagram today. Also deleted Youtube from my phone. I really want to go on a dopamine detox to have more focus. A big part of business success in this day and age ist just the ability to focus. Cal Newport from the book Deep Work calls this...
  12. Mitos

    Mitos Goals

    26.10.2022 Was very tired today. Only slept a few hours. Sleep Quality is super fucking important for me. This is one of the reasons I don't go out to clubs much anymore. (1) Business: Had a onboarding with our new client and a sales call with a new potential client. We are now at 9 clients...
  13. Mitos

    Mitos Goals

    24.10.2022 - 25.10.2022 Yesterday I just did all my daily habits but nothing special. But today I already could see that the philosophy from the Slight Edge works great for me. I did the AA Program a few years ago but struggled with approaching on a regular basis. So I took Andys advice and...
  14. Mitos

    Mitos Goals

    22.10.2022 - 23.10.2022 (1) Business: Had some client calls. nothing special. (2) Dating: Had a Date in the evening. She was cute and new to my city. I showed her around the city. Did probably a 2h walk and finished at my apartment. We drank some wine, watched a movie, startet kissing and I...
  15. Mitos

    Mitos Goals

    20.10.2022 (1) Business: We talked to some potential new clients. We found a way to do cold acquisition with instagram and LinkedIn which is working pretty good. Business itself is pretty stressful because we are in the beginning and have no systems and structure in place. We fix this step by...
  16. Mitos

    Mitos Goals

    18.10.2022 (1) Business: Did my Deep Work for the day. Nothing special. Calls with our clients etc. (2) Dating: Went out to approach but didn't do any approaches. At least I went out there (3) Health/Fitness: Did a yoga Routine. Took my supplements. Still experimenting what supplements I need...
  17. Mitos

    Taking Self Portraits

    Thanks Mr Privacy I try to get my hands on a DSLR camera from a friend and take some pictures with it. Ultimately I need a buddy or photographer who can take quality pictures of me.
  18. Mitos

    Mitos Goals

    17.10.2022 (1) Business: Did my Deep Work Session in the morning and completed all tasks for the day. I always write my most important goals for our business in my journal the day before. (2) Dating: Had a Tinder Date yesterday evening. We went for a walk in the evening and it was a beautiful...
  19. Mitos

    Mitos Goals

    16.10.2022 1. Relationships: Today I went to my second salsa class. It is easy to get to know a lot of women there and there are also a lot of big salsa and bachata parties in my city. I need to practice for a few more weeks and then I will go on some parties. I also set up 3 Tinder Dates for...
  20. Mitos

    Mitos Goals

    Sure bro :) I always build a Cristal clear vision in my head how my life should look like. When opportunities presented themself I always took the risk to move closer to my vision. Was always scary. I also highly recommend watching this video and reading his books...