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  1. psmasher

    New daygame lay, sexual questions opener, etc.

    I judge a girl by how much i fanaticize about banging her and her hygene, I see at least 3 hotter girls every time I walk into walmart than that girl that you linked. Even then I dont see the point in pedestalizing girls as 9s and 10s. It's either would bang or would not bang and every girl in...
  2. psmasher

    How to look like a fuckboy in pics?

    A middle finger at the camera looks pretty trashy. do that
  3. psmasher

    New Pics

    second and forth
  4. psmasher

    The Midwest is BRUTALLY COLD. Other good locations?

    Gonna have to agree with this guy. Moving cities just to get laid more sounds kind of ridiculous looking at it now, and I asked this same question not too long ago as well so no hate. I still ask myself this question sometimes and I always come to the conclusion that it's stupid as fuck. Don't...
  5. psmasher

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    I didnt say he has to use drugs, its just a common thing. I wasn't trying to act your or anything. Peace.
  6. psmasher

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    Asking for IG is really a bad sign in my opinion. Girls categorize guys into 3 different categories, and they almost entirely do this off of looks 1) complete nerd engineer guy. This is a guy unequivocally men and women know doesnt get laid, even probably in a relationship, and it would be a...
  7. psmasher

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    Thanks Andy! Seems like I was on the right track then, this has been my experience with game as well (even though the term remains undefined) I initially started off doing what I would call "game" (smoothe speech, worrying about PUA tactics like push pull, rapport, etc). It was an awful way to...
  8. psmasher

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    Do you have any examples by what you mean with game? Look, I'm open to the idea that this game thing exists, but in my experience it doesn't work. All of the girls I've hooked up w, I've noticed that they've given me some clue that they are into me. The very last one was on the phone with her...
  9. psmasher

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    I thought good looking loser and Andy have both covered already that game is bullshit? Using techniques and tactics to bed a girl literally does not help you pull at all. Outside of screening heavily and being extremely aggressive for the lay, game is completely bullshit
  10. psmasher

    Erectile Dysfunction

    Of course I meant that it's false for myself. I think a reasonable thing to say would be: everyones body is different, and there are too many factors (outside of diet alone) that would indicate what would be the perfect diet for someones sexual life, how many calories they should consume, etc...
  11. psmasher

    Erectile Dysfunction

    This is false, my dick was measured at 8 inches right on the dot when I was in 5th grade. Since then after using a lot of uppers (stimulants) during my party years I have had trouble even getting it to 7 inches, it usually hovers around 6-6,1/2 inches while being at maybe 70% hardness. When I...
  12. psmasher

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I, psmasher commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. At the moment they are to get laid once a week, every other goal is just kinda a freestyle at this point im making a log now