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    how to post here?!

    hey guys i just spent about 2 hours + on a new article and now i get an error message that i can't post it :(

    Need some honest feedback on photos

    Thanks for your honest feedback! I will give it a try ;) Actually unlike most here I'm not particularly focused on sex. I travel around and want as many matches as possible (also e.g. bumble bff) By the way a guy I met from bumble bff showed me this forum haha - so it's fun and it works

    Tinder starting point. Opinions por favor?

    I would definitely take the dog first. not sure about the others, probably keep headshot. - ah and make a group photo with other short kings

    Need some honest feedback on photos

    Hey guys am new to this. I see myself as a good photographer - but so far only animals and landscapes. So regarding people photography I have no idea 😂 That's why I ask you for a particularly hard / honest / unadorned feedback: Just tell me which one you would take first, which ones otherwise...

    Need advice - which photos to use?

    As you know, I am not an expert either, but here is my opinion: 1,2 cool, but is just about the environment 3 I am not a gan of the glasses / facial expression 4 I would take as first photo 5 maybe zoom in a bit 6,7 I like, again zoom in a bit 8 unfortunately your eyes are almost closed 9 good...

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    Hi! I want to help other people rate their pictures, have mine rated, and of course I do this to get more matches ;)