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  1. EliJeeli

    Need Advice on a Girl

    Hey guys, I (24) need advice on how to handle a girl that I've been talking to. I'm not sure on what to do next with her/how to proceed with her. I met a girl (P), 24, high BF%, didn't pay attention to her before, as she isn't my type, but she kept trying to talk to me. She asked if we could be...
  2. EliJeeli

    Help Me Select Tinder Pics

    That article is really helpful, putting in time now to learn portrait mode (iPhone 13 Pro Max) until I can buy a real camera.
  3. EliJeeli

    Help Me Select Tinder Pics

    Okay, I'll use the two you said were good and the dog pic as well as the friend pic so I don't look like a loner. I'll retake the dog pic asap as well outside with hopefully better lighting/angles. Thanks for the feedback.
  4. EliJeeli

    Help Me Select Tinder Pics

    I can't figure out how to delete posts so I'm just posting this here. Hey guys, I've recently gotten into KYIL and pretty much instantly bought Radical's style guide when I found it. I'm currently trying to get every outfit and am close, but not there yet. I also don't have a DSLR camera, so my...
  5. EliJeeli

    Need Advice for Progressing Dates

    Hey guys. 24M here. I'm seeking advice on progressing things with women. I found KYIL mid October. Downloaded all the apps, got better pictures, got Tinder platinum, and have been on a few dates. I fucked up and have horrible student loan debt (120k) so I'm living with my parents for a few years...
  6. EliJeeli

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I, Eli commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. 24 year old in the US. Socially anxious man looking to get a social life and get laid. Recently graduated from college and make 60k/yr but have high student loan debt. Read the guide, got better Tinder pictures (iPhone) and...