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  • Users: dex
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  1. dex

    If anyone needs SEO, let me know.

    What's up guys, if you have a website and need SEO help, let me know. I can help you for whatever the costs are, no charge, but I would like a review or a testimonial in exchange for the help. I can also help with websites, Google ads, and other forms of digital marketing. Just let me know. Dex
  2. dex

    THE BROWN SHOGUN - japanese language progress + social life update

    Thanks for posting this dude. I am very curious what you do for work? How did you afford to move to Japan, and why did you choose Japan as your place? Do you really like Asian women, specifically Japanese ones? I respect your hustle, and after watching your video, I think your vibe is honest...
  3. dex

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    "I, Dexter, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously." 33 living in the U.S. - want to own a home outside of the U.S. one day. Long term goals: I want to find fiscal abundance. I currently have 2 jobs; 1. I run an SEO business as a solopreneur and I also work as a bartender 5...