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  1. michaelho068

    Tretinoin: 5 Month Results

    I used tretinoin for a while too. Got it from alldaychemist. Basically you buy it from an Indian company and they ship it to you without a prescription. Was cheap as hell in case anyone wants a prescription without a dermatologist appointment. Downside is that it takes 1 month to ship though
  2. michaelho068

    Committing myself to the AA program

    Hell yeah bro! The aspergers label was really discouraging at first. But after a few months of cold approach I realized hey, I can actually do this even if I do have aspergers. So now I'm just like fuck it, get the volume and experience and I'll be better than 99% of guys aspergers or not...
  3. michaelho068

    Committing myself to the AA program

    Haha! Hey bro are there any kinds of photos that are off limits? Me and my homies love taking photos so I have a lot I could share on the forums. just want to make sure I don’t go against forum rules when I post photos
  4. michaelho068

    Committing myself to the AA program

    approaches for the day: 7 Good approaches today. Started off the day shit cause I was physically tired, but my friend helped me build momentum. Approached 7 cute chicks. 1 "instadate". Reason I call it an "instadate" is because me and my friend approached a set of japanese twins. We walked...
  5. michaelho068

    Committing myself to the AA program

    Updated my fashion too so this is how I roll these days when I’m out approaching
  6. michaelho068

    Committing myself to the AA program

    Gains are coming in. Hopefully I’ll be smashing these girls soon! Today I’m gonna go for 20 cold approaches. I’ll approach cute girls but also average girls. I wanna treat today as an experiment and see if I can ramp up the volume by talking to mid chicks. As Chris Deoudes said, lower your...
  7. michaelho068

    Committing myself to the AA program

    Good day today. Did 7-8 approaches. STAGE 1... venice beach... Notable cold approach #1: Approached a surfer girl who was hot! She was showering to get the sand off and she had this bathing suit that was really thin! I didn't want to talk to her while she was showering. Camped around the...
  8. michaelho068

    Committing myself to the AA program

    Today I did like 6-7 approaches. 2 at Venice beach. 4-5 night game. I used to suck at night game but recently I’ve been having more fun. I was trolling the shit out of this white girl today and it was fun. She was thirsty as hell for dick but wasn’t visually appealing so I just limited it to...
  9. michaelho068

    Committing myself to the AA program

    thanks man! I keep coming back to your thread whenever I need inspiration haha. Favorite one on the forums
  10. michaelho068

    Committing myself to the AA program

    Update: haven't been on for a few months, but long story short I made some new friends, who did GLL stuff back in the day and they taught me how to cold approach. So far I'm at 80 cold approaches, been on 1 date and had a couple of flakes. I would like to continue doing the AA program and...
  11. michaelho068

    Committing myself to the AA program

    Day 6(3rd or 4th attempt) I got busy for a few days and when I tried restarting the program it was hard. So I’m gonna write this as accountability. I’m going to go again for 75 minutes today. It’s night time so it’s harder to do the AA program but I’ll do my best. Will record results later.
  12. michaelho068

    Committing myself to the AA program

    Thanks man. I’m lucky enough to have a positive mindset about this so I don’t really mind failing.
  13. michaelho068

    Hawkins Self-Improvement Adventure: 4 Dates in 6 Days

    Glad to hear that your parents support you man. Good luck on your journey
  14. michaelho068

    Committing myself to the AA program

    Day 6 log(2nd attempt) Anxious as fuck right now and have been walking around for like 30-40 mins. Everyday when I wake up it’s like my social anxiety resets, and I go from pretty confident to very anxious. Just being around people makes me really anxious. In order for me to enjoy talking to...
  15. michaelho068

    Committing myself to the AA program

    Failure. Asked one girl for the time and walked around for over an hour doing nothing. It’s harder to do the AA program at night for me. On the bright side, two girls came up to me while I was standing outside a tattoo shop. Had a decent convo with them and they were unexpectedly very...
  16. michaelho068

    Committing myself to the AA program

    Day 6 log: As I write this it is 6:12pm. Some days my social anxiety is bad, some days it’s good. Today it’s one of those bad days and being around people makes me anxious and tense. Doesn’t help that the first conversation I tried to make today, the dude ignored me(he was shadow boxing on the...
  17. michaelho068

    Committing myself to the AA program

    Yeah man, the Asperger’s label kinda screwed up my confidence and motivation for a while. Thank god I eventually stopped caring that much about the label though, because Asperger’s or not… I’m still gonna do the AA program, make conversation with strangers, get a car sales job, etc.
  18. michaelho068

    Bomber jacket feels small - how does it look?

    Hey bro, Appreciate the reply! It was tight as hell around my armpits and when I raised my arms, the sleeves practically went up half my forearm. I bought another medium sized bomber jacket and I’m gonna compare the two once it arrives. Then refund the one that looks/feels worse The thing...
  19. michaelho068

    Bomber jacket feels small - how does it look?

    Yea I got my prescription done. Just gotta wait for doc to call me back, so I can do a contact lens lesson then Ima be using monthly contact lenses in no time.