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  1. D

    dezenove - Daily Journal

    Bigger goals Now that I've taken the time to break down each goal I had this year, I feel it's right to review them. I realized that I can much more than I thought I could. So I will use my audacity. Dream body. This year I will get my dream body. I will work out early in the morning and eat...
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    dezenove - Daily Journal

    A Little Humility Recently, I've been having a hard time working towards achieving my goals. Although I was able to gain weight through diet and the gym, my plan to make money went downhill, unfortunately. About college, I decided to be more patient, to be able to study with quality. About...
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    dezenove - Daily Journal

    Day 12 In the first day of the year, I went to a walk on the beach and went to talk with the creator. This year is starting good. I've hit 78kg and i'm just waiting some guys from hong kong reply my emails so I can buy some things to open a store here.
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    dezenove - Daily Journal

    Day 11 - Happy New Year!
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    dezenove - Daily Journal

    Day 10 I'm back home! Today I went to the gym, even though I was tired. Also, I maintened a good nutrition today. I can't stop thinking about what I am gonna do with my money... everytime I think about an alternative, I face many more obstacles. ... Anyways, Happy New Year! Hopefully this year...
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    dezenove - Daily Journal

    Day 7 Spent the past days on the farm. Nothing to do other than think. I did some research on things to do with my money, organized my classes for this semester. Doing good. But it can be better...
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    dezenove - Daily Journal

    Day 2 Nothing happened. Just a normal day. I organized my room and watched some videos about entrepreneurship.
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    dezenove - Daily Journal

    Hello. As I was saying, today is my birthday! Now I start a new journey, a new cycle initiates. 365 days from now, I want to be better than today. In addition, I have some goals that can be achieved in this period of time: Be organized (maintain my room and my studies organized) This has...
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    dezenove - Daily Journal

    Good afternoon, guys. I'm still learning how to use this forum as it's my first experience with a forum. One of my goals in my journey to achieve a good life is to keep writing a daily journal, just so I can read my thoughts. Idk, it makes me feel better. Today is my birthday! I am now 20...
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    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I, dezenove, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. 19, Brazil I want to achieve my dream career as a lawyer and politician I want to develop social skills that can help me Short/Medium term goals - Gain 6kg - Read - Make enough money to buy a house - Finish writing a magazine