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  1. M

    Tinder Pic Feedback

    Thanks for the feedback guys, definitely helps me gauge the quality of the photos better now. ImChuckBass Appreciate detailed insight, good to know about the green shirt. I'll definitely be spamming pictures every weekend. Going to try to round out the selection with one gym photo and one...
  2. M

    Tinder Pic Feedback

    Hey guys, I've been following the Tinder guide and gleaning advice from the forums for a while and have curated some photos (mostly new) that hopefully work well enough to get me started getting out there on dates...
  3. M

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I, MuadDib, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. Hey guys, I've been a lurker here for a little while now and finally decided to jump in and be involved in the forums. Been consistently improving myself seriously over the last year but hope to get a little extra...