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  1. InsaneAndHappyWithIt

    #RoadToHotGuy volume 2

    TL;DR IS SOMEWHERE IN THE MIDDLE Hey thank you for reply! Honestly I did not expect anyone to reply ... I added a couple BDSM pictures to my profile - there's the picture of my friend I'm currently meeting, on the ground with a leash I hold I created with bondage , and a picture I found on...
  2. InsaneAndHappyWithIt

    #RoadToHotGuy volume 2

    I think this is interesting, but still way fucking long, so TL;DR: how can I improve my Tinder/Bumble profile? I'm looking for 1-2 sexual relationships, or a single multiple long term relationship where I meet girl once per week and she accepts that I have other girl from a completely different...
  3. InsaneAndHappyWithIt

    #RoadToHotGuy volume 2

    Hello, Don't know where to start. Maybe let's start with the fact that I have the ability to catch girls. I've done this before, for better or worse, and while I am currently involuntarily celibate, once I get back into sex, I used to be good and fun about it, also done some basic BDSM before...
  4. InsaneAndHappyWithIt

    You guys were right

    Hey Man just wanted to say you haven't lost anything. Except maybe ur dignity for a moment if you dislike girls that don't share attraction to you sleeping over and you let her sleep over (i used to get this sometimes). If that's not the case, you lost nothing bro. I'm happy you did something...
  5. InsaneAndHappyWithIt

    Etiquette for seeing multiple women ?

    My goal is to be upfront about who I am and what I'm seeking now. Reading your post, I don't understand what is your issue. What are you worried about? What is your question? When do you stop what? Duh. Rephrase bro.
  6. InsaneAndHappyWithIt

    Radicals Log - 90 Outfits

    I have a problem with accountability, or maybe I'm talking about something else. 1) I have no social shame/accountability (zero feels) as to whether I finish 95% of stuff I talk about. That's coz... 2) I only care about the remaining 5%. That's the stuff I care about. 3) But, I often get...
  7. InsaneAndHappyWithIt

    How much should a photoshoot cost?

    Holy shit, I'm nowhere near that kind of money right now, right now I can't imagine I'd spend 440€ on anything else than pure money investment that'd pay back. Hey, baby steps. Or just steps. One at a time. And Lostcause , better start charging more fokin soon: I see you live in Kraków. I...
  8. InsaneAndHappyWithIt

    Does Anyone Have Experience Being a Sub?

    No experience being a sub, but I do have switch tendencies if I'm with a girl who's into that (now is the time lol). Been fantasizing about being drowned lately. I haven't had sex with a woman who's full into being dominant, though. Seems different. I'd say just go check it out and play with...
  9. InsaneAndHappyWithIt

    How much should a photoshoot cost?

    I don't want to overpay looking for photoshoots
  10. InsaneAndHappyWithIt

    How many Times do Girls on Tinder and Bumble Swipe per Day?

    No offense but don't you guys have better things to sperg on. Why is this important, at all?
  11. InsaneAndHappyWithIt

    Bald fashion inspirations?

    Do you have any? Or the ones in the Andy article work anyway?
  12. InsaneAndHappyWithIt

    How to handle not having my own place, online dating?

    I live in a fockin' barrack by employment agency, it's just the conditions are shameful, it's a really constricted place. We're forbidden to invite guests during coronavirus, but I see people not from our park sometimes. I guess I'll try anyway, but it'd be a bummer if I invited her in and...
  13. InsaneAndHappyWithIt

    How to handle not having my own place, online dating?

    Do I set up the date in the nearby city, get to know each other, and arrange another date near hers? Or do I straight up ask her before 1st date where she lives?
  14. InsaneAndHappyWithIt

    I ask for honest opinion on my looks

    Nah, I am Polish, living in Utrecht, Netherlands at the moment
  15. InsaneAndHappyWithIt

    How do you prioritize and focus your goals and needs? I am being dr

    TL;DR at the bottom I have so many desires, they are all fighting for my attention. For example, I'm working out, all goes well, then during the workout I get horny and suddenly the most important stuff I need to do after workout is to get girls somehow... Later I go to work, my mind is...
  16. InsaneAndHappyWithIt

    Anyone know where to get Depoxatine?

    Where are you from? I've bought products from this site (not dapoxetine though) and can confirm they're legit:
  17. InsaneAndHappyWithIt

    My deepest dream that I truly need your help with

    I need to earn substantial amount of money to support that apartment. Right now I'm working a physical labour day job that would only support a shared apartment. As for how do I earn that kind of money, I don't know. My live is ridden with money problems, I've been living past 24 years on...
  18. InsaneAndHappyWithIt

    My deepest dream that I truly need your help with

    This is going to sound funny to some of you, but it's been huge problem for someone like me... I want to be living alone. Have my own apartment. I'm just so fucking sick and tired of having those random flatmates. I hate their guts. I don't earn enough to have my own apartment. I have no...
  19. InsaneAndHappyWithIt

    The hotter the girl, the more I do this "I reject you first" Nice Guy move

    And it's incredibly visible... Even with women that are taken, at work, etc. I'm kinda paranoid because I know people see this. I'm very tense around very good looking women, awkward, ignoring them, etc. very shy. I've only recently started going out more again with groups of friends and so on...
  20. InsaneAndHappyWithIt

    How to Fall In Love With the Process of Working Out

    Here's a habit builder that'll increase your motivation to exercise: after you've done your workout, observe mindfully how you feel and behave, as well as how others perceive you. I become more spontaneous, funny and mindful When you're aware of positive aspects it'll save in your mind and feel...