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  1. Taylor

    Taylor's Log

    Life Update 10/8/23 Big Goals Improve the health of my body Financial abundance Health Slow and steady progress. Sex / Dating / Relationships Natasha been traveling for a month+. Been an interesting experience, did the work on missing her and not communicating as much. Been a good opportunity...
  2. Taylor

    Taylor's Log

    Big Goals Improve the health of my body Financial abundance I'm trying out the exercise Andy recommended on the call. 5 reasons it would be okay if I didn't get my health goals: Everyone's body eventually decays and dies. Life is decay. I'm really just fighting timelines. I've had an amazing...
  3. Taylor

    Taylor's Log

    Gratitude I just was going through some old papers and found several thankyou letters that I had written some of my teachers/mentors when I was younger. I never sent them at the time, because I was scared to be that vulnerable. I just went ahead and sent them. It feels really good. Thank you to...
  4. Taylor

    Taylor's Log

    I had a very high-paying (to me) job opportunity come up in my old industry, although I'd have to move to central Washington for it. That pointed out several things for me -I love having a home base in Alaska, I want to live here most summer / spring, probably for the rest of my life -I'm really...
  5. Taylor

    Taylor's Log

    Giving Value / Making Money I've been thinking a lot about how I can give value and support myself at the same time. I've basically made a contract with myself that I won't be happy until I can support myself from "my own thing." That and raising children with a partner are the last 2 things...
  6. Taylor

    Taylor's Log

    Life Update / Wins 9/4/23 Big Goals Improve the health of my body Financial abundance Health I stopped everything else a couple months ago to just focus on my health. I traveled to a specialist in the type of cancer I had been diagnosed with and found out I was misdiagnosed. I had actually...
  7. Taylor

    Taylor's Log

    I'm experimenting with posting my life updates here Consent This was a new experience for me. I had sex with a new person, who I screened hard for being into bdsm and threesomes, she had a great personality and was cool. She kept asking for a certain sexual thing, which I didn't want. I...
  8. Taylor

    Taylor's Log

    Hey! I'm Taylor. I joined Andy's coaching program 9 months ago, just now getting around to an intro here: In the last year, with a fuckton of help from Andy and everyone involved in his coaching group, I've went from comfort to pursuing my dreams in many areas: -Sex / Relationships: --went...
  9. Taylor

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    What up, I'm Taylor. Alaska based. Will post a longer version elsewhere. Short version: I love self-improvement, mindset, coaching, BDSM, among other things. I help Andy, Cam and Ed with the group coaching program. Current Goals: --Improving the health of my body --Create Financial Abundance...