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  • Users: sabe
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  1. sabe

    Sabe's Logs, Tinder, Dating, + generally tryina improve with girls

    25/50 rejections lets gooo, did 6 approaches today, 4 boyfriend rejections all sweet interactions 1 dismissive, 1 number. I will post here once a week starting now to keep me accountable and get feedback. I have quite a few numbers on my phone but I tend to forget or they don't replay to the...
  2. sabe

    Sabe's Logs, Tinder, Dating, + generally tryina improve with girls

    15/50 I did two approaches today, nothing of interest happened but I didn't enjoy either conversations. Again the same pattern emerges, I'm too friendly, I act as I do when talking to a stranger on the bus and not as someone who saw someone beautiful from afar and couldn't help but say Hi...
  3. sabe

    Sabe's Logs, Tinder, Dating, + generally tryina improve with girls

    14/50 rejections + 2 numbers Yesterday: number, Rejection bf, number. Today: Rejection bf, Rejection too young. Up to 14 rejections and 21 approaches. I'm sure I can destroy this challenge by the end of the month. First week doing it and I have to say this was a way bigger deal in my head...
  4. sabe

    Sabe's Logs, Tinder, Dating, + generally tryina improve with girls

    Today was awful, I didn't approach so much. I think its because I expect/ thought about good reaction it really put me in my own head. The more I focus on trying to rack of the rejection the easier it becomes, but I also don't play to win when I do that. But when I think about getting the number...
  5. sabe

    Sabe's Logs, Tinder, Dating, + generally tryina improve with girls

    Yeah I'm gonna stick to it. 6/50 Rejection counter 4 - Lesbian couple, looked at me with disgust haha! First bad reaction 5 - had a boyfriend, pretty good reaction outside of that but did seem preoccupied since they were hanging with another girl. I didn't introduce myself to the other girl...
  6. sabe

    Sabe's Logs, Tinder, Dating, + generally tryina improve with girls

    jakeD Haha thanks for the advice man, It's really hard for me. Its like I don't value myself that much If I sleep with them, I would rather get rejected more. I don't want to feel disgusted with myself, I'm already struggling with the sexual shame as is. That being said I made a commitment to...
  7. sabe

    Sabe's Logs, Tinder, Dating, + generally tryina improve with girls

    Progress logs and updates - First off, I went to a meditation retreat for the weekend and I feel so fucking happy I'm out of the world. General vibes are great. - Talking to girls almost every day outside of the retreat, few cold approaches but not enough for sure (I really need to just buckle...
  8. sabe

    Sabe's Logs, Tinder, Dating, + generally tryina improve with girls

    Thanks colgate ! You a G. Might take a break from the apps for a bit until I have the style, archetype, photos to back it up. I have plans for photography fashion and the like, won't say anything till I start taking action so I actually have something to brag about instead of getting a dopamine...
  9. sabe

    Sabe's Logs, Tinder, Dating, + generally tryina improve with girls

    This dating shit feels so hopeless to me man. I'll try to stay positive but its been taking a burden on me. Tinder is basically no matches and when I do I still get ghosted, been trying to get better at texting but holy shit I'm shit. Bumble I get the daily 3-4 matches, and every 3 days one of...
  10. sabe

    Sabe's Logs, Tinder, Dating, + generally tryina improve with girls

    Apps has given me nothing, I don't know how to text man I'm so shit. If I follow the tinder guide I get ghosted faster than i can say "what do you do for fun?" LMAOO, all good I realized I don't really have that much approach anxiety if I talk with everyone around and be a social guy. The goals...
  11. sabe

    Sabe's Logs, Tinder, Dating, + generally tryina improve with girls

    Removed picture 5 and 7, after the tinder bug I get a match every other day. I did one boost Friday night, and another Saturday morning and both only gave a single match. For each of the matches, I get ghosted when I ask for the number, well there were 4 people that I asked so far so not much of...
  12. sabe

    Sabe's Logs, Tinder, Dating, + generally tryina improve with girls

    thanks for the really quick feedback really appreciate it dude!! Removed the 5th picture. Should I add any other photos from the photoshoot? Will go shopping this weekend for some "Younger" looking clothes. Need to talk to my stylist for what that means or if anyone can point me in the right...
  13. sabe

    Sabe's Logs, Tinder, Dating, + generally tryina improve with girls

    Hey everyone! Need help! I have totally procrastinated posting here. I was lurking since I was afraid you guys would be mean but taking action on my own I came to realize I definingly need help. My goal is to eventually find a long term relationship, but pick the right person. I am a virgin...
  14. sabe

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I, Sabe, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. Background: General stuff, 21 currently a virgin, graduated uni with top marks but in 2.5 years most of which was in Covid. During the time was extremely depressed but got over it through meditation, journaling, exercising...