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  1. TwystNeko

    TwystNeko's log

    So, it's been a while. Kind of had a rough couple of weeks, with a covid scare and being off work for a week. I find myself plateauing - I've been hovering around 190 for about 2 weeks, so it's time to change things up. Gonna start changing my diet a bit- cut back on carbs, for one...
  2. TwystNeko

    TwystNeko's log

    So, weighed in today at 193.4. Got back with my regular trainer, and workouts have been more consistent and less dying. Got my contacts ordered as well - I went with 6 months of monthly contacts, as those have the best fit for me. It'll probably last me a good 9 months or so.
  3. TwystNeko

    TwystNeko's log

    Progress! 197 lb. Had a brutal session with my PT on Monday - 300 lunges, 200 Hindu Squats, 100 crunches. He *wanted* 300 squats, 200 crunches, and 100 jump squats, but I was dead after the first 200 squats. It's taken me until today to actually be able to walk without pain. I kind of...
  4. TwystNeko

    TwystNeko's log

    Okay. Fancy scale was confused about BF% - I tried it at the end of the day, so its readings were skewed. Weighed in this morning, 199lb, 31.7% BF. So that's better. It also has a reading of "visceral fat", which is ideally the fat I should lose. It says I've got 23lb of visceral fat. So my...
  5. TwystNeko

    TwystNeko's log

    Thanks for the recommendation! So today I picked up a fancy bathroom scale that does body composition data. 35% bodyfat. Yikes! I knew I had a ways to go, but daaaamn. Maybe I need to go Keto after all.
  6. TwystNeko

    TwystNeko's log

    So today, I set up a bi-weekly, virtual-for-now training session with my personal trainer. Starting Monday, he'll have a program for me to do. Also went and got some sample contacts.
  7. TwystNeko

    TwystNeko's log

    Progress! I'm down 2lb, so that's right on track for my plans. if I can lose 2lb / week, I'll hit 180lb by mid-October. I also managed to almost give myself a concussion this morning. Picked up a cheapish door resistance band gym. Didn't fit on the first door I tried, and when I took it off...
  8. TwystNeko

    TwystNeko's log

    Not a lot this year - since my store reopened a few months ago, I work 5 days a week, 11-7. Hard to get out and do anything, but I do try and bike or walk. Did 20k on the bike on tuesday, to pick up a 35lb kettlebell. That was fun. :)
  9. TwystNeko

    TwystNeko's log

    Yea, I figured leaving it out is the best choice. And there's not a big rush right now, anyways, due to the pandemic. Can't go out, but have to work. woo. :| And like I said, out of 10 years of photos, I have no pics of me with anyone else. And, tbh, most of them are unflattering. So. That's...
  10. TwystNeko

    TwystNeko's log

    So something I was thinking about tonight while winding down - My 'side hustle' is as a kid's entertainer - I'm a professional balloon twister. like so: But I can't see how that's even gonna help me on a tinder profile. I mean, I can spin it to be funny, but it's not especially sexy or...
  11. TwystNeko

    TwystNeko's log

    I actually have! I even know basically what I want - I have a logo for my ballooning gig - a balloon with a necktie. Simple, yet unique. Just have to sort out the details of getting one done. (shop, costs, etc)
  12. TwystNeko

    TwystNeko's log

    So one of the benefits of my job (I work in a thrift store) I can get some pretty nice clothes for cheap. Like this Buffalo leather jacket - $12 CDN. Not really an 'outfit' here, just chucked on a reasonable t-shirt. I think what I might end up doing is going through all my clothes, and...
  13. TwystNeko

    TwystNeko's log

    Oh, I'm a coffee drinker. Also, a friend pointed out that drinks like Coke Zero actually increase hunger and desire to eat. So that's another good reason to quit. I have tried contacts, after the first day I had issues with actually getting them in again. But that was years ago, I might give...
  14. TwystNeko

    TwystNeko's log

    Alright, let's do this. I've attached a couple pics of me. I prefer having a shaved head, and until I shaved it for comfort under masks during covid, I had a pretty beefy, yet decently maintained beard. I think I'm gonna keep it at this length (short) now, instead of growing it out again...
  15. TwystNeko

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    My target is 180lb, I'm currently hovering around 200. I haven't tracked calories in a while, but I'm starting that back up now. Also, actually scheduling my workouts so I actually do them. ;)
  16. TwystNeko

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I, Noel, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. So. I'm Noel. I work retail full-time, and have been flying solo for almost 3 years now. It's been a bit of a rough ride. I kicked out my psychotic, drug-seeking sister, lost the nice townhouse I had, gave up my car, then got...