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  • Users: rebel
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  1. rebel

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    MakingAComeback Fixed, let me know if it needs anything else.
  2. rebel

    Help With Tinder Profile (Rate Pics)

    arcade_fireee Yup will experiment more with bumble. jakeD Good to see you on here bro. It has been a while! Thanks bro! Hope you're doing well my guy!
  3. rebel

    Help With Tinder Profile (Rate Pics)

    pancakemouse photo 1 was a walking pic but cropped...but got it, wont use it as a main profile anymore. Sixth photo, I had a dog photo. Literally just of my friends dog as a placeholder, since I wanted to narrow down by having what I thought was my top 4 or 5 photos.....since I didn't know...
  4. rebel

    Help With Tinder Profile (Rate Pics)

    Hey guys, Been around for a while, was on GLL starting from 10 years ago during the OG days when I was 15 (25 now). (Humble brag) I've gotten the whole getting laid from cold approach down. And by getting laid from cold approach, I mean can CONSISTENTLY pull from bars every 2-4 outings and...
  5. rebel

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I Abel, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. 25 years old from Los Angeles, CA Been around the self improvement community since age 15, found goodlookingloser at that time and started cold approaching 10 years ago while still in highschool. I can consistently pull from in...