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  1. uniloser20

    Tying Mental Well-being to Looks

    My initial rationale behind my username is that I'm a virgin, I have extremely low self-worth, I currently don't have many skills or experience to leverage in the job market, and I'm not making very much money. That's a good point you made though, I'll change it.
  2. uniloser20

    Tying Mental Well-being to Looks

    I'd love to know some of the actionable steps I can take, if you wouldn't mind sharing.
  3. uniloser20

    Tying Mental Well-being to Looks

    I remember when I was in high school, I didn't care that much about my looks. Other things were important to me, such as friends, class, having fun, picking a college, etc. However, now that I'm in college, I literally obsess over my appearance. If I open my front camera and notice the skin on...
  4. uniloser20

    Patty's Data Science Journal

    Didn't post yesterday but didn't practice at all. I'll get back at it today.
  5. uniloser20

    Patty's Data Science Journal

    Practiced a little bit today. Followed along with a Ken Jee tutorial, learned how to make some visuals with python pandas as well as some basic data transformation (like extracting new variables from existing variables to help make the prediction model more accurate). Starting tomorrow, I'm...
  6. uniloser20

    Patty's Data Science Journal

    For my first post, I'm going to lay out my current background and ambitions. I'm a junior in college, set to graduate in 2024. I have a good amount of experience coding in Python and Java, but I'm trying to build up my data science skillset and portfolio before I graduate. The best way for me...
  7. uniloser20

    Patty's Data Science Journal

    :lol: I decided to make this separate from my normal journal because I think it's kind of a separate topic from normal school/life/gym/work. I'll keep this log updated with learning, projects, and job applications/interviews.
  8. uniloser20

    Tretinoin: 5 Month Results

    Interesting. I'm a complete caffeine fiend, usually drinking around 4 cups + a monster per day. Maybe quitting could be beneficial! I'll ease off the coffee and keep you updated on the results. However, tretinoin has been a miracle for me so far so I will continue using it.
  9. uniloser20

    Tretinoin: 5 Month Results

    I had to get a perscription, but it wasn't a struggle whatsoever. Dermatologists are usually pretty quick to prescribe it. I'm pretty sure you can also get it online. Start out applying the tretinoin after your night lotion has already absorbed, which will "shield" your skin from it initially...
  10. uniloser20

    colgate's training log - mouse to bulldog

    Impressive shit, dude
  11. uniloser20

    Tretinoin: 5 Month Results

    Sure! At night, I use Cerave Hydrating Cleanser in the shower. After the shower, I pat my face dry with a paper towel then apply the tretinoin. I try to only use a pea-sized amount. I let it stay on my face without any lotion to interfere with it while I brush my teeth, floss, and clean my...
  12. uniloser20

    Tretinoin: 5 Month Results

    ☝️This☝️ The first few months I was on it, I didn't see visible results. The results came all at once in the past month. It takes a hell of a lot of patience, and wondering "Am I just a genetic outlier who will never see any benefit from this drug?" It's annoying having to apply just the right...
  13. uniloser20

    progress log

  14. uniloser20

    progress log

    I'm moving this to the member's only but can't delete it
  15. uniloser20

    Tretinoin: 5 Month Results

    Summer of 2022, my skin condition gradually got worse. I didn't think much of it at first until I opened my front camera in class one day and realized it had gotten bad. I'm 20 years old, and have been facing skin issues since the age of 12. I completed a round of Accutane at age 15, and it...
  16. uniloser20

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I, Pat, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously Hi there. I'm Pat and I'm 20 years old. I'm a student at a large university. Some of my short-term goals are 1: Building a career (preferably as a data analyst or database administrator), 2: Get my dating life in check (I've...