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  1. Oktane3424

    Places to Meet Women During the Day?

    I've wanted to do train stations for a bit because it's decent volume. Camping outside of certain places always feels a bit weird to me cause it seems a bit stalkerish but maybe I'm just being neurotic. I kicked it outside gyms before and have approached women that way but there didn't seem to...
  2. Oktane3424

    Places to Meet Women During the Day?

    I more so just feel as if I'll gain a reputation as the guy who hits on chicks and I'll get cancelled. It sounds ridiculous but that's where my mind goes.
  3. Oktane3424

    Where to find local wings?

    Yeah sounds similar to Edmonton lol. Next time I'm out east I'll slide for sure. Looking for some people to approach women with.
  4. Oktane3424

    Places to Meet Women During the Day?

    Okay awesome another Canadian 🇨🇦. Do you still live in Alberta or did you move? Yeah I figured I'm going to hit up malls cause they might have more foot traffic, but it's usually on the weekends. Okay cool. I just have such an aversion to being recognized because I've been recognized a few...
  5. Oktane3424

    Where to find local wings?

    How's Ottawa for meeting women? Edmonton isn't bad but I wanna branch out a bit. I miss Toronto lol
  6. Oktane3424

    New daygame lay, sexual questions opener, etc.

    Agreed. It's huge tho but Vol. 2 & Vol. 3 just add onto it as well. Yeah I always thought just saying it was a numbers game was a bit of a misnomer.
  7. Oktane3424

    Places to Meet Women During the Day?

    Thanks Tony I appreciate that!
  8. Oktane3424

    Cold Approach for Long-term relationship

    My last girlfriend I met at the club, however, we really only got serious cause she had known my friends and they vouched for her so I'm sure it's possible.
  9. Oktane3424

    Places to Meet Women During the Day?

    Hmm okay I'll give that a tomorrow actually and see what happens. There's two malls in particular I go to. One of them is the largest mall in North America so I'm actually blessed in that regard 😂. But yea I'll try my best to not let these programs play out so much and focus on what I want.
  10. Oktane3424

    Places to Meet Women During the Day?

    Oh I really appreciate it man. I don't get offended at all if anything I think the perspective keeps things clear for me. It might also be easier if I had somebody to go out with. I had a guy who I went to a local uni with and we'd approach on the streets and stuff too but he's not around...
  11. Oktane3424

    Places to Meet Women During the Day?

    Fair. I think a lot of my mindset has to do with the fact that some of my friends gave me a hard time for approaching in certain places and calling me creepy for it. It's been hard to shake that what I'm doing isn't creepy and it's been a big obstacle. Even though I've gotten laid before from...
  12. Oktane3424

    Places to Meet Women During the Day?

    Hmm okay your city is roughly the same size as mine. How often do you go? Cause I usually would go on the weekends as there is more people there than during the week. It also snows for 8 months out the year here so streets aren't really an option for most of the year except the summer. I've...
  13. Oktane3424

    Places to Meet Women During the Day?

    Honestly I just don't think I'm approaching enough. My fear is that if I approach in certain places often enough I'll get a rep or get called out.
  14. Oktane3424

    New daygame lay, sexual questions opener, etc.

    Did not think I'd see anyone post about Game Solved here. He's one of like 4-5 people who truly get certain aspects of social interactions that I've ever read/met. I have read through all three volumes and I think he's got a lot of great things to say. But, I remember him mentioning to not...
  15. Oktane3424

    Places to Meet Women During the Day?

    Hey fellas, Just had a quick question before I hop into creating a progress log. I've been going out fairly consistently but I'm having a hard time meeting women in decently large quantities during the day. Where are you guys meeting women during the day and where would you recommend? I'm 28...
  16. Oktane3424

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    Hello, I'm Oktane. I'm 28 years old from Edmonton, AB. I, Oktane, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. 2023 Goals: - Get laid with at least 5 women this year - Gain a secondary source of income to start paying down my debts - Start making preparations to move out of my...