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  1. victorcr1

    Victor's Progress Log - Might need help, time, or both

    June 7, 2024 - Might need help, time, or both It has been a week since I completed day 14 of the AAP (20 high fives) and I am struggling to continue. I went through some downs these last days and asked myself: “What is the smallest thing I am willing do to keep advancing?” The answer I came up...
  2. victorcr1

    Victor's Progress Log - Might need help, time, or both

    Day 14 Drill (Level 2) – May 31, 2024 Give 10 girls a high-five. Guesstimate how long it took you and record it in your AA Log. Repeat this 2 times today, you will high-five 20 girls in total. Completed the drill. I think this was the hardest thing I did in my life (honestly). I almost...
  3. victorcr1

    Victor's Progress Log - Might need help, time, or both

    Day 13 Drill (Level 2) – May 30, 2024 Time, Leave (talk to very first girl you see; DONT let her slip by) Time, Random question- Do you know anywhere that sells good wine?, Leave Time, Random question- Do you know anywhere that sells good wine?, I got a promotion at work/Passed my test at...
  4. victorcr1

    Victor's Progress Log - Might need help, time, or both

    Day 12 Drill (Level 2) – May 29, 2024 Time, Leave (talk to very first girl you see; DONT let her slip by) Time, Random question-Do you know anywhere that sells nice candles?, Leave Time, Random question-Do you know anywhere that sells nice candles?, I'm planning a candlelit dinner for my...
  5. victorcr1

    Victor's Progress Log - Might need help, time, or both

    Hello again. After completing day 6 of the AAP 1 month ago I started finding excuses to postpone it and eventually dropped it (not without guilt or mental stress). However, this last Thursday I managed to come back at it, completed day 7, and used the momentum to do days 8, 9, 10 and 11 the...
  6. victorcr1

    Victor's Progress Log - Might need help, time, or both

    Yeah it is the worst feeling when they don't stop but at the same time it feels great when they give you full attention. Yes, I only approached girls I could potentially be interested in. That is what made me wander around the mall for 90 long minutes. The mall was crowded but finding...
  7. victorcr1

    Victor's Progress Log - Might need help, time, or both

    Day 6 Time, Leave Time, Directions, Leave Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Leave Repeat this 5 times today, you will speak to 15 girls in total. Today was hard to complete, but after around 90 minutes I managed to do it. I was super happy and satisfied at the end. It was rainy but I...
  8. victorcr1

    Victor's Progress Log - Might need help, time, or both

    Day 5 Walk up to 5 women and ask them for the time. LEAVE. Walk up to 5 women again an ask them for the time, but do the drill faster. LEAVE. Asked for time to 5 girls, rested for around 10 minutes, and asked another 5. I found I was way less nervous than yesterday. I would say almost not...
  9. victorcr1

    🇯🇵 colgate does the AA program in japan 🇯🇵 - day 14bc: high fives......COMPLETED

    The survey strategy is brilliant, congratulations
  10. victorcr1

    Victor's Progress Log - Might need help, time, or both

    Day 4 Drill (Level 1) Walk up to 5 women and ask them for the time. LEAVE. Today I did the first drill with relative ease, which made me feel great. Every interaction happened in the same order Hello, what time it is? (In reality it was in spanish: “Hola, qué hora es? or ¿Disculpa, tienes...
  11. victorcr1

    Victor's Progress Log - Might need help, time, or both

    Day 3 Following the programs guidance today I reviewed my Tinder profile by changing some pictures and using some newer ones. I also opened accounts on Bumble, Hinge and Badoo to increase numbers. This exposure to feedback on my actual looks/physique feels actually hard, but I hope I can use...
  12. victorcr1

    Victor's Progress Log - Might need help, time, or both

    Hello everyone. I, Victor, commit to completing the approach anxiety program’s 6 weeks of drills before the 22nd of June 2024. I will be reporting my progress in this log.
  13. victorcr1

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    Hello everyone! I, victor, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. 26 from Spain. I want to get laid more and improve at all the related skills (game, looks maxing, dressing well...). Short term goals: - Complete GLL’s Approach Anxiety Program - Learn Muscle Up - Heal my...