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  1. Skelly92

    Skelly92 Log

    It has been about 5 months since I last updated my log. I am going to be 32 on Tuesday which has inspired me to update my log. While I haven’t updated the log I have made some progress on my life goals. I have lost the weight I put on over Christmas and broken through the plateau of being...
  2. Skelly92

    Skelly92 Log

    Thanks, I will try and socialise more with girls. I have been going along to a spin class at my gym for the last couple of weeks, I will try and be more social with the girls who go along to them. Do you have any advice on where to socialise with girls?
  3. Skelly92

    Skelly92 Log

    When it comes to the numbers for the big compound lift, I recently tested my 1RM for both the squat and deadlift a week ago. For Squat I did 115kg and for deadlift 135kg. My training maxs for the Bench and Overhead are 79.5kg and 58.5kg respectively. I have been running Bullmastif by Alex...
  4. Skelly92

    Skelly92 Log

    My weight loss stayed the same this week, but I have lost about 0.5 inch on my waist. This was mostly because on Thursday we had Christmas jumper day at work and I ended up eating way more food on a Thursday than I usually would. I spent some time this weekend working on improving my bio for my...
  5. Skelly92

    Skelly92 Log

    I worked on improving my pictures a couple of weeks ago and I have started getting more likes than I would usually get with my old one. I am probably getting about 1 or 2 likes a week now. I ended up matching with a girl this week on tinder and was able to get her number and gave her a ring to...
  6. Skelly92

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Thanks for the feedback, I have read the articles before, but will give them another read and check out the videos.
  7. Skelly92

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    I have been trying to improve my dating the last couple of weeks. Any feedback on these photos would be great thanks.
  8. Skelly92

    Skelly92 Log

    I have done a good job this week of working on my photos for the dating apps and have taken photos of myself in the gym, in my car, with my family's rabbit and one of me walking. Only the walking photo is the only one I think is usable at the moment and the others I need to work on getting the...
  9. Skelly92

    Skelly92 Log

    Thanks for the feedback, I will keep working on improving my photos and my poses. I will do the photos outside next time. Yeah you are right about paying an expert to help you, as I bought radical's guide on style a while ago and have used it to improve my wardrobe and got some good feedback...
  10. Skelly92

    Skelly92 Log

    I have ended up putting on a pound or two over the last couple of weeks as I have gotten out of the routine of what I usually do and have let bad habits slip in, such as ordering takeaway instead of making my own food that I would usually do. I have ended up cancelling my membership to tinder...
  11. Skelly92

    Skelly92 Log

    So my car that I bought on Saturday came on Thursday, I did a practice run of my route to work on the same day. I drove to work for the first time on Friday, I stuck to the 30-40mph roads instead of the motorways as I am still getting used to driving the car, along with getting used to not...
  12. Skelly92

    Skelly92 Log

    My weight loss has stayed the same over the last month. I haven’t taken any new dating photos, which I still need to do. I have though passed my driving test last week! I have bought myself a car this week and it should be coming on thursday. It will save me a good amount of time in my day and...
  13. Skelly92

    Skelly92 Log

    I only lost 0.5 pounds of weight this week. I have made some adjustments to my meal prep for my lunches at work this week and hopefully that should help to get me back to losing 1-1.5 pounds of weight a week. On Friday I am going to go out and take some new dating photos of myself. I didn't get...
  14. Skelly92

    Skelly92 Log

    I have only lost 0.5 pounds over the last two weeks. The last week I have been to a meal out with work, along with going to a concert, which has meant that I have been drinking alcohol than I usually do. I also only went to the gym twice doing a weight workout compared to my regular of 4 times a...
  15. Skelly92

    Skelly92 Log

    I have stalled on my weight loss goal this week, it is a mix of drinking over the weekend with the football being back on and having a couple of takeaways during the week. I have tried this weekend to not drink as much as I did last week and will try to reduce my drinking next weekend aswell and...
  16. Skelly92

    Skelly92 Log

    I have lost another 1.1 pounds of weight this week. I ended up seeing another escort on Wednesday this week, I didn't do as good a job of dealing with my anxiety before as I did the first time and ended up just getting BJ from her, as I didn't last. I am going to at somepoint this week ring my...
  17. Skelly92

    Skelly92 Log

    I have lost another 1.3 pounds of weight this week! I think I have got it down now of controlling what I eat, I have got 6 weeks now to hit my target of weighing 212 pounds by the 15th September, which is still viable now as if I lose 1.5 pounds a week I should be mostly there. Now that I have...
  18. Skelly92

    Skelly92 Log

    Haha, not too sure how it even happened!
  19. Skelly92

    Skelly92 Log

    Thanks Mate, hopefully the next session goes better.
  20. Skelly92

    Skelly92 Log

    So I booked in this morning to see an escort to lose my virginity and I did it! It wasn't the greatest experience and I think I could of picked a better escort to lose it to, but at least I have lost my virginity and I can say I am no longer a virgin. The reason for this was a mix of her not...