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  1. Killing boredom

    KB's log

    Update on the girl: She delayed meeting again, we agreed to meet saturday but then during the day she said she wanted to break up, "didn't think things could be fixed". I said I'd cut contact etc but she said she wanted to give me my birthday gift(she had mentioned it before, my birthday was May...
  2. Killing boredom

    KB's log

    Definitely interested, send them my way! Shopping was a small disaster, roamed for hours and didn't find what I wanted. Well, I was thinking about buying something like ~6 pieces and ended up buying 2. Got a few accessories and new earrings so I guess its fine. Will look more online, I didn't...
  3. Killing boredom

    KB's log

    Thanks, talking to more girls indeed made it easier. Just wanted to do it without feeling like an ass, but yeah. And drama fest is right. I do like the girl but not to the point of justifying the shit show. Had a "talk" with her and said something along the lines of "we shouldnt be exclusive if...
  4. Killing boredom

    KB's log

    Ah, I have no clue. She doesn't have many friends and I didn't actually meet any, we weren't on that type of relationship. It's completely out of my control anyway
  5. Killing boredom

    KB's log

    Thanks, I'm looking forward to being part of the community. I think she loved me and she made it somewhat clear but a bunch of the baggage is kinda my fault, I didn't see the relationship as very functional and since I didn't think she'd be able to help me fix it I acted douchy for a while...
  6. Killing boredom

    KB's log

    Bought a pullup bar, built a workout routine with the help of some people and got started. Will go shopping next week(thinking wednesday) for clothes and new shoes. Have been feeling a bit shitty about the girl I talked about. She's being evasive and not affectionate, despite we talking a...
  7. Killing boredom

    KB's log

    So, the pandemic hit me hard. Stopped taking care of myself, became very sedentary etc. Became apathetic and depressive. Started back on Tinder after things started opening up and met this girl - says she's "assexual fluid" from the start, don't really care to elaborate or have an opinion but...
  8. Killing boredom

    KB's log

    Yo guys, I'm fresh to the forums and the blog, still going through all the chapters. I am commited to changing my life completely, so I figure making myself accountable is the place to start. I'm 31yo, playing online poker professionally from Brazil. I was initially(many years ago) repelled by...
  9. Killing boredom

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    Yo I'm KB. I, KB, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. 31 from Brazil, playing online poker full time My goals are: Either get into a healthy(by my standards) relationship or get laid at least once a month - Related to last goal, I need to internalize it is ok not to be...