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  1. Panzerscarab121

    Panzer's Log

    Went on a Hinge date yesterday, she was 35 so there was a big age gap. Before meeting up during my texting/chatting on the apps there was good energy and i thought this would be a fun date. but when we met, that energy kinda fizzled out. I was asking questions about her, and learning about her...
  2. Panzerscarab121

    Panzer's Log

    Hey guys i think i have a deep long problem, fear of intimacy/performance anxiety. Im pretty new to tinder and i matched with a girl who was down to hook up same day. Ive never done a hook up like this before. Normally ive met girls at parties/etc multiple times and got to know them before we...
  3. Panzerscarab121

    Panzer's Log

    Thank you gentlemen for the insight, i agree these are a bit too staged, but im glad you think they are suitable. And thank you for the advice, ill be sure to implement your words in the next set of pics. as a wise man said, "everything is an iteration". ill be sure to keep improving
  4. Panzerscarab121

    Panzer's Log

    Hey guys, looking for your guys help. I recently started on my self improvement journey and joined the OLD apps. I had some photos that werent super great but was getting a few matches here and there. I did another photoshoot and have higher quality photos, and also decided to delete my Tinder...
  5. Panzerscarab121

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I, Panzer, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. Goals: Get to 15% body fat. Continue to improve in the gym Pick up one other physical activity Improve my style/wardrobe Get Laid Short-term: Improve my tinder pics. Travel out of state at least a few times this year.