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  1. gnarly

    3some2024 log

    Try switching on CB to their 'Advanced trader interface", the name of the product has changed from year to year, but activating the pro interface unlocks their lowest tier fees (likely the .6% you saw advertised.) I would double not recommend storing any significant amounts on PP, stories a...
  2. gnarly

    Tinder beginner looking for criticism to improve his photos

    Welcome @trefle. Good start. Maybe try a full body photo. Something looks off with the ISO - not too familiar though. Have you tried full auto mode just to compare? You should be able to look back at what settings the auto chose, and replicate similar settings in the Priority modes as a...
  3. gnarly

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    Keep it up Thrice. If your struggling to approach, maybe try re-framing it in your head. Could you, instead of going in with the intent to get the girl on a date or back home, approach with the intent to ask for her help with a photoshoot & offer to get some shots of her aswell. Test in the...
  4. gnarly

    What Jeans Do You Recommend?

    IMO had great experience with the Levi's 511. Have had the same pair with no holes/tears for about 15 years now. Due to living in the tropics the jeans only come out in the winter time. All around favourite jeans have got to be Pajama Jeans, not for durability (typically only get 1 year out of...
  5. gnarly

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    Howdy Crisis_Overcomer While not directed at my opening post, your question nonetheless applies. Not directly focused on growing the notch count, I get laid regularly. If it grows as a byproduct of the self improvement journey, that's a cherry on top. I want to work on improving...
  6. gnarly

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    Sup I'm Gnarly. I, Gnarly, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. 32 from the Americas I want to: - Gain confidence interacting with females. Going to use meetups, online, approaching and social to do it. - Exit the 8-5 grind within 3 years (2026). Going to use independent...