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  1. bestmanican

    @Bestmanican's Tinder Review and Profile Qs

    My new Bio good idea, yeah ill get rid of the flags. I wont put in the ❌bi-sexual tho because maybe bisexual girls might not match. Whats youre opinion on the pics?
  2. bestmanican

    @Bestmanican's Tinder Review and Profile Qs

    Hi everyone i'm new to this whole forum and have a few questions relating to the 5 part tinder guide. before my bio was " Born at a very young age" but now im thinking of adding in my height and race (since in the guide foreigners seem to get more matches). Im half irish and half bolivian...
  3. bestmanican

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I’m not sure how this website works yet, but I’m trying, thanks for the reply. Nice to know people are helping each other on this. But yeah the tinder guide is what got me started on this website. I’ve been working on part 1 And 2 for the past 2 weeks and I’ve bought lots of clothes...
  4. bestmanican

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    Hi i'm bestmanican i'm 19 living in Ireland. I am a college student going into my 3rd year in September 2020. by christmas i want to be able to ride as many beours ( irish slang for pretty girl ) as I can. - by Christmas time I want to ride at least 5 different girls. (With COVID-19 i'm...