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  1. nomorewussingout

    nomorewussingout's weekly progress log

    That's a sick line haha I'm definitely gonna steal that and give it a shot. I basically use this texting guide I found on reddit:
  2. nomorewussingout

    nomorewussingout's weekly progress log

    Semi Update, planning to give a full update in a few days. Wanted to ask the community how you guys would deal with this issue. One thing I'm noticing impedes the momentum when I'm opening up a set with a girl is introducing myself. I have a unique and hard to pronounce name for English...
  3. nomorewussingout

    Vic's Progress Log - What’s wrong with my Hinge profile?

    That's wild. He posts great content on reddit, I basically use his cold approach guide verbatim lol.
  4. nomorewussingout

    Vic's Progress Log - What’s wrong with my Hinge profile?

    Not a bad idea, I'll have to give that a shot.
  5. nomorewussingout

    Vic's Progress Log - What’s wrong with my Hinge profile?

    Hey bro, in terms of a texting guide I found one on reddit that I like and has worked pretty well for me. It's mainly for girls met through online dating/cold approach, but you can adjust it for the situation you're in with the girl in your class...
  6. nomorewussingout

    nomorewussingout's weekly progress log

    Damn, been over a month since I posted. I've been busy moving to a new city to start my masters degree and been swamped with the whole process. So after numerous days of me pussying out to do cold approach literally anywhere (uni, beach, mall etc) I finally grew some balls and approached girls...
  7. nomorewussingout

    nomorewussingout's weekly progress log

    Yeah I'll start doing that, might as well. No harm in trying. Agreed, it's not the worst conversion ratio, but not ideal as well. I think the important thing for me is to continue working on increasing the quality and quantity of my matches.
  8. nomorewussingout

    nomorewussingout's weekly progress log

    Here's the profile I have. I've basically used all the pics that I posted in my previous tinder help post. My bio: I'll buy you dinner if you make me breakfast. Bonus points if my dog likes you.
  9. nomorewussingout

    nomorewussingout's weekly progress log

    Nah I never double text lol, all my screenshots are the end of the interaction. My overall funnel is like this: Hinge past 12 days 40 matches - 8 numbers - 5 dates planned - 2 actual dates. I actually just got back from a date and unfortunately the chick was way fatter in person than in her...
  10. nomorewussingout

    nomorewussingout's weekly progress log

    Sure, here are 3 examples I found. All pretty similar situations, girl is down for the date, but when confirming the day of or setting an actual time I get ghosted. This is the most common impediment I'm finding, the last minute ghosting. I personally chalk it up to classic flakey...
  11. nomorewussingout

    nomorewussingout's weekly progress log

    Nothing has really changed since my first post unfortunately, which I find quite frustrating. I have gotten a decent amount of matches, mainly on Hinge (tinder is really shitting the bed for me), but haven't really been able to convert. Still getting a large amount of flakes. Also been super...
  12. nomorewussingout

    nomorewussingout's weekly progress log

    Committing to making a weekly progress log. Here are my primary goals: 1) Approach at least 10 girls a week (combination of night/day game) 2) Get 2-3 dates per week 3) Build a sustainable OLD profile that actually procures me a decent amount of leads Since I made my OLD profile last Monday...
  13. nomorewussingout

    OLD Photos Review & Feedback

    Appreciate the response! Yeah they look pretty staged because I've had to take a lot of pics on my own lol. My friends either suck at taking photos or are super awkward/weird about it. It's hard to take candid pics by yourself, just gotta keep working on that.
  14. nomorewussingout

    OLD Photos Review & Feedback

    Appreciate the response! Yeah it's hard to take candid pics of myself, and my friends either suck at taking pics or are super awkward/weird about it. Just something I have to keep working on.
  15. nomorewussingout

    OLD Photos Review & Feedback

    Whoops forgot to change the title name.
  16. nomorewussingout

    OLD Photos Review & Feedback

    Whoops forgot to change title.
  17. nomorewussingout

    OLD Photos Review & Feedback

    Hey everyone, got some new pics after hearing feedback from you guys. Let me know what y'all think. I'm gonna bite the bullet and actually make an OLD profile now, so would love to hear any feedback on how I can use these pics. Also these pics show up with lower resolution on the...
  18. nomorewussingout

    OLD Photos Review & Feedback

    Sweet thanks for the suggestions, appreciate it.
  19. nomorewussingout

    OLD Photos Review & Feedback

    Haha appreciate the candid feedback man. I took a look at your 9 lays in 6 weeks post and think that'll really help, need to do a little more studying and practicing like you said.