Search results for query: *

  1. DozerBoy

    Eric's Log - Mixed Bag

    I did it. I went in and told Bossman that I’m leaving. I also told him that “it’s not you, it’s me.” I’ve been denying the truth to myself for… 8-ish years now. Engineering just ain’t the thing for me. He asked me to stay for a month while he finds my replacement. I kinda hate the idea...
  2. DozerBoy

    Eric's Log - Mixed Bag

    On Wednesday I told my boss that I was going to leave the company. He was taken aback. He asked me if I had another gig lined up. I said I didn’t. He encouraged me to not leave. He offered that we could explore other options within the company. Said we could talk. We didn’t talk the rest...
  3. DozerBoy

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Two (more technical) critiques for the two of you (rohanp and k314): 1) Make sure your lens is clean. rohanp, I can tell that your lens was dirty by the hazy look that your pictures have. I'm presuming you're using your phone. Before you take a picture, wipe the lens with your shirt (so...
  4. DozerBoy

    Eric's Log - Mixed Bag

    Volleyball Friday was a bit of a bust. I pulled a quad halfway through the first game and sat out for the remaining, like, 2-3/4 hours. Woof. BUT. I did end up going out for drinks with some of the people. Worth it. Had a lot of fun. Had a lot of good conversations. I felt good. It’s...
  5. DozerBoy

    Eric's Log - Mixed Bag

    I’ve been slackin’. Missed my Sunday evening posting deadline. Haven’t been taking much action to get closer to my goals. I suppose I’ll talk about the few things I *have* done between last post and now. I went on a “date” with “Lights Girl.” It was a bust. She was… I dunno. Not my type...
  6. DozerBoy

    Eric's Log - Mixed Bag

    kratjeuh; I know it should be 0. Every time I go to the machine to get a soda, I know that it’s a step away from where I want to be. I only ever have soda at work from the vending machines; I don’t have any at home. I’ve got a refillable water bottle that I use. I also have a pack of gum...
  7. DozerBoy

    Eric's Log - Mixed Bag

    Thanks, MAC! I read your NYC bootcamp report. Super inspiring. I’m gonna keep at it. Even when things get tough. Speaking of… It was another hard week/weekend. Diet/weight: I’m back where I was with diet. Well, not quite. I’m back up to about two sodas and snacks a day. Still too much...
  8. DozerBoy

    Eric's Log - Mixed Bag

    Another hard week. I signed up for a couple activities on Meetup. Yesterday, I went on a motorcycle ride with one of the kids that was an intern for our company over the summer (for me, 22 is a kid). The ride was really nice. We stopped halfway through and got some brisket mac & cheese...
  9. DozerBoy

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Yeaaaaah. 4 and 6 are from when I was still wearing my clapped-out glasses. I wanted to keep them in because they’re my “social proof” (4) and “this guy does cool stuff” (6) pics. I’ll nuke ‘em. I have 1 where it is because I wanted the “sex appeal” to lead. I’ll try leading with style...
  10. DozerBoy

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Ok. I’m getting’ in on the fun. See attached for my current Tinder portfolio. I’ll admit; it’s a mess. Very much bland “nice guy” and not much of a story. I’m working on building an archetypical vision for myself (thanks Bman for the fantastic guide that you put together). I’m trying...
  11. DozerBoy

    Eric's Log - Mixed Bag

    OK. Lots of stuff to go over. Firstly, when I alluded to a “critical missing piece” to my plan, I meant building a social life. I’m going to need to build a solid social life before anything. My current social life is practically nonexistent. I play videogames with three of my college...
  12. DozerBoy

    Eric's Log - Mixed Bag

    Strugglin’. Hard. I can write all this stuff. Make it sound pretty and happy and optimistic. But I gotta say that it’s not. It’s not pretty and happy and optimistic. I’m not happy or optimistic. I’m realizing how much I missed in this life. And I’m angry. I’m frustrated. Obviously...
  13. DozerBoy

    Eric's Log - Mixed Bag

    Another week done and dusted. Let’s take a look at what I did for myself. On weight and diet: I had one soda on Wednesday. Thursday after work I had beers (3) with a coworker. My dinner that night also consisted mainly of deep-fried cheese curds and tater-tots. Not ideal, but it’s not...
  14. DozerBoy

    Eric's Log - Mixed Bag

    I really want to be sexy for once in my life, so this week I started to crack down on my soda-drinking and snack-eating habits at work. In the past, it wouldn’t be unusual for me to drink four 20oz sodas and eat four packages of snacks (chips, mini-donuts, cookies, etc.) a DAY. That’s, like...
  15. DozerBoy

    Eric's Log - Mixed Bag

    Hello everyone. Eric here. This will be my log. I intend to post at least once a week to keep myself accountable and to encourage myself to focus on taking action to move myself forward. I guess that Sunday evenings are a good time to reflect on the week/weekend. So we’ll say Sunday...
  16. DozerBoy

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    Hello everyone. I, Eric, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. I'm 32. I live in the States (great state of Wisconsin). I've never had all that much success with women. I want to change that. I NEED to change that. At this point, it consumes my mind. I want to get to...