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  1. warpednoodle

    3some2024 log

    Nice progress on the pushups and swimming. But rest is important for you, gotta think long-term. I have felt the same guilt about resting, but I've also tried to bite off way more than I could chew and ultimately accomplished less than if I had paced myself. As long as you are righteous about...
  2. warpednoodle

    3some2024 log

    You made a Grindr account? :lol: I did a few years back for shitz and giggles. Good job on investing, that will pay off big time in the long run. Do you have a job that matches 401k contributions? That's free money. Physical silver is a good thing to buy as well, especially constitutional...
  3. warpednoodle

    3some2024 log

    I love the beach boys! Never heard of the killers or blink 182 but I'll check em out, recommendations from other people is usually how I find new music (cause I don't use spotify). What metal bands am I into? oh man.. this might take awhile :lol: There's more but these are what comes to...
  4. warpednoodle

    3some2024 log

    I also have bad posture from hunching over my desk, doing dead-hang stretches and pull-ups/chin-ups made a huge improvement. They're also free if you find a tree limb or playground. Or you could buy a pull-up bar that slides into your door frame. I don't know shit about drums, but as a...
  5. warpednoodle

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    Hey guys! 'I, warpednoodle, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.' age: 21 sexual experience: 1 girl main goals: build muscle, gain sexual experience