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  • Users: k314
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  1. k314

    Best hobbies, especially to have pictures of?

    Thanks. My goal here is simply increasing body count for now. If I pick up that she'd be compatible as a FWB, we can go from there, but I want to be able to attract the widest range possible primarily.
  2. k314

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    That really sucks, I thought finally, finally I had one good picture there. It looked so perfect. Guess I'm starting over.
  3. k314

    Best hobbies, especially to have pictures of?

    Almost all my hobbies are unsuitable for the Tinder audience and/or not something you can take a picture of and look attractive doing - programming (nerd stuff), target shooting (turns off left leaning women), the music I make (something similar to Vocaloids, too weird), don't really play video...
  4. k314

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Fine, is the boat one usable? Boat's back in so I can't go out and take another until next year. I could blur the background in photoshop.
  5. k314

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    I've read it multiple times. That's why I'm here, the guide mentioned to get your pictures rated here. I'll work on more pictures over time - I've tried to take hundreds but these two are the only decent ones so this time I started with them. The guide said less pictures are better than bad...
  6. k314

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Tinder profile goes something like "Homeowner with a 20A farm, enjoy boating, hiking, ebikes, ... professional web developer .. " I thought this boat picture was going to be a boost but I still get 0 results.
  7. k314

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I'm Jim I, Jim, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. 28 from New York I want to sleep with 100 different girls Going to use online, approaching and social to do it Current short term goals - drop to 150lbs (currently 190lbs, down from 300lbs) - get at least 1 lay with a...