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  1. Coyote_Tracks1

    Coyote_Tracks1 Progress log

    Boy, It's been a busy week. Firstly my online dating progress is....progress. I'm getting more matches than I ever did before when I tried using the apps years ago. Unfortunately the matches are almost entirely women that I couldn't dream of lifting. But still, improvement. I can improve my...
  2. Coyote_Tracks1

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Thanks a bunch man. Exactly the kind of feedback I was looking for. Gonna do a couple more shoots this week to get that head shot just right.
  3. Coyote_Tracks1

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Hi folks, first ever set of profile pics where I've actually tried. However some of them are the only photos I really have for certain situations and I'll need to get some better ones (like the photo with an animal). I'll improve them over time of course but any constructive feedback is greatly...
  4. Coyote_Tracks1

    Coyote_Tracks1 Progress log

    Alright, so in the past couple days I've done a couple photo shoots and gotten profiles up and running on Hinge, Tinder, and Bumble. Gonna buy memberships for Bumble and Hinge tomorrow, already have the platinum for tinder. Need to photoshop my shots and reupload them tomorrow. Gonna go out and...
  5. Coyote_Tracks1

    Coyote_Tracks1 Progress log

    Day 6 GLL AA program (ask first woman for time, leave.) (ask 2nd woman for time & directions to a nearby location, leave) (ask 3rd woman for time, directions, and ask her if she's been there before, leave) (repeat cycle 5 times to talk to 15 women in total) Holy shit was this harder than just...
  6. Coyote_Tracks1

    Coyote_Tracks1 Progress log

    Thanks man! I appreciate it. I'm not sure what's in my heart and soul; but in 2024 I'm going to try my best and see what happens!
  7. Coyote_Tracks1

    Coyote_Tracks1 Progress log

    Here follows the notes of the day of the GLL AA program I've done so far transcribed from my journal notes: Day 4 AA Program (Ask 5 women for the time. Leave.) No real issues. Was scared to talk to women in groups. Some women seemed leery at first but got friendly after realizing I was...
  8. Coyote_Tracks1

    Coyote_Tracks1 Progress log

    Okay, so I've been gone a while. My original goal was to build a business because I was living in a small town without many opportunities to meet women but honestly my heart really wasn't in the thing I was trying to do. I will build my own successful business but that's not what's been on my...
  9. Coyote_Tracks1

    Coyote_Tracks1 Progress log

    Over the past couple of days I’ve worked on my business my making a bunch more earrings and I got another store in a nearby town to stock my earrings! I’ve also made up a physical catalog of all my earrings and left it where I work. All told I’ve made more money in the last week than I have in...
  10. Coyote_Tracks1

    Coyote_Tracks1 Progress log

    Busy couple of days. The coaching call was great. Got a lot of great ideas and helped me adjust my focus on some things. It's also really great to have someone who has actually helped people a lot with building businesses and dating give their honest opinion on your ideas and plans and let you...
  11. Coyote_Tracks1

    Coyote_Tracks1 Progress log

    Not much got done today between work and a very busy halloween. Maybe 10 minutes writing. Tomorrow will be better.
  12. Coyote_Tracks1

    Coyote_Tracks1 Progress log

    Worked on short story. Having trouble figuring out how to get the main characters to meet in a believable way but moved them closer to that meeting at least. Spent 30 minutes writing.
  13. Coyote_Tracks1

    Coyote_Tracks1 Progress log

    Current Situation: 35, 5ft 5", No spare tire but no 15% body fat visible abs either. Enough muscle from my job to not be an absolute twig but could be better. Won't claim to know much about style but if I had a date tonight I'd be wearing what I am in my profile. Currently living with parent...
  14. Coyote_Tracks1

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    Hello everyone, happy to be here. I hope we can all help each other achieve our dreams. I, Coyote_Tracks1, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. Very very TL;DR for me (More in depth in my progress log): 35, 5ft 5", White, A little muscle from working on my job. No spare...