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  1. Indian Loser

    Indian Losers Progress Log

    Hi guys! Hope you're doing well! I wanted to post an update here as to where I am and what's coming next. I moved away from my small city of 300K people in Western Canada about a week ago. I ended up banging one other girl, which brings my total count to 48. 2 away from the goal of 50! I'll...
  2. Indian Loser

    Indian Losers Progress Log

    Happy to do so. I mentioned this in the post but maybe you missed it: I am about 40lbs lighter in my pictures (they're from when I was 29 and a lot lighter). If I had updated pictures I'm sure I wouldn't do as well. But I haven't had any issues with it. I'm sure women are a bit surprised but I...
  3. Indian Loser

    Indian Losers Progress Log

    Cheers man! Appreciate the insights. I think you're right.
  4. Indian Loser

    Indian Losers Progress Log

    I'm already at 50 and nowhere near where I want to be. To be fair, it's just a number I threw out there. I'm more concerned about having the consistent quality that I want. My theory is that I will get to that level at about 200 lay count but it could be way sooner than this for all I know. It's...
  5. Indian Loser

    Indian Losers Progress Log

    You're right. I just don't want to move to Montreal right now because it's going to be winter and cold as fuck. It's not worth it to be there right now. Another idea I've been playing around with is moving to South America until it warms up in Montreal.
  6. Indian Loser

    Indian Losers Progress Log

    LR #2. Girl #46 Brunette with Blue Eyes 6.5/10 This was an interesting interaction that I ended up learning a lot from. I learned about how prolonging sex with the girl can make it easier to retain her after you eventually have sex. I think it's because more investment has built up. I also...
  7. Indian Loser

    Indian Losers Progress Log

    Here's a lay from September 2023: LR #1 - 45th Girl White, Curly Hair. 6/10 Pretty straightforward lay here from Bumble. I was out of town visiting some family. A week before coming back to my hometown I started Bumble up again. I matched with this chick and she's about a 6 overall (Face =...
  8. Indian Loser

    Indian Losers Progress Log

    Hi all, I'll be using this thread as a way to keep track of my progress in the game. In this thread, I'll be reporting on actual lays. I'll have another thread that's dedicated to field reports that talk about failed dates, cold approaches etc. I'm going to be dedicating the next 2.5 years to...
  9. Indian Loser

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    Hey gents, I, Indian Loser, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. Goals For Next 2.5 (by the time I'm 35): 1. Get laycount up to 200+ using nightgame, daygame, and online game. 2. Move to larger city this year so volume won't be an issue 3. Get a rotation of regulars...