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  1. Brother_Tucker


    jakeD I'm actually in Denver for thanks giving with a friend. If your around, we could grab some drinks and swap some notes?
  2. Brother_Tucker

    Rice photo log

    Rice what are you even dating for? I remember writing on your log ages ago and seeing that you were all over the place. I think you want to screw around but you kind of want a girlfriend? Going beyond your profile and messaging and onto the girls you do convert. Why is your retention so low...
  3. Brother_Tucker

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    I think that's kind of a challenge with a bow photo, it's always going to look forced when you're pulling the string. Even 30 lbs bows start to cause you to have the shakes after drawing an arrow for a while. I know I can do better and will see if I can use one similar to the examples shared by...
  4. Brother_Tucker

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Cheers man, I will get an out door wooded one when I can catch my brother to take the picture. Having a second shirtless photo in the line up might be a bit much, but I know I can get a better one and will get around to updating it. Having a photo do 2 things could be good. My shirtless picture...
  5. Brother_Tucker

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    I managed to get an updated archery photo on the range today, I will try to get one in a wooded area when I get a chance to upgrade. Does this look better than the red shirt one?
  6. Brother_Tucker

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    I feel like I just looked at a whole mans life. Some of these pictures really age you. 4 and 6 make you look super old. You need a really good shot of you for picture 1 that shows you have style. 1 looks a bit too Grindr when put next to the rest of your profile. The Motorcycle picture is the...
  7. Brother_Tucker

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    To be fair, I do think about the roman empire about once a week. It was pretty mad.
  8. Brother_Tucker

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    foducossy42 I actually disagree with this feedback based on the goals you shared, ultimately you have a person in mind that you are looking for. Switching to 100% fuckboy and kink will be a different group of people the profile will be appealing to. It's worth testing 2 different approaches...
  9. Brother_Tucker

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    I appreciate the ordering changed alot and I wasn't clear there. The I have my shit together shot is number 1 (suit picture), the sexy shot is showing you're fit, in this case your running picture. Your kink picture is ok, it's very polarising and it will filter some users, but thats the point...
  10. Brother_Tucker

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    The park picture is probably the second most important photo in your line up. It's genuine and approachable and it doesn't surprise me that this is the entry picture for girls on hinged. People underestimate easy prompt entry points on hinged. I wouldn't use the park last, I think you're on the...
  11. Brother_Tucker

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    So the ordering is an interesting challange. The story you tell will resonate with some girls and push others away, where as different ordering could potentially attract some of those you lost. What I found that works is that you don't want all professional photos first, because it makes you...
  12. Brother_Tucker

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Yeah, I will grab a better action shot of me doing archery, for now it was a hobby shot to work with, but I will work on getting a making this look cool shot. Your profile has improved massively. The suit picture is excellent. The whole things looks a lot more varied. I would probably drop the...
  13. Brother_Tucker

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    So I did get a photo taken at the archery range, but I'm thinking I need it to be more dynamic. Anyway for a hobby shot, I had this one, I think it's OK, but I will need one where I have the bow actually drawn. Thoughts? foducossy42 You mentioned you want your profile to look more douchy...
  14. Brother_Tucker

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Thats fair, I want to get some more active stuff in my profile and this came out as a good shot of doing something more than posing for a photo with good background. I will try to get a good one doing archery on a range instead.
  15. Brother_Tucker

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    It's worth a go, what you don't see in that photo was 1000 other nerds dressed in full medevil armour getting ready to charge and it was baking hot that day. I will give it a try and see how it performs.
  16. Brother_Tucker

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    I was wondering about photos that show off your life style or hobbies. I know it's good to have some photos that share a story about what dating you would look like. I had a really good one snapped of me at a really nerdy event, but I'm not sure if it's too out there. Any thoughts would be...
  17. Brother_Tucker

    Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

    Something I picked on here, I think you misunderstand what frame is. So a lot of people in the community think of it as a life bar that goes down when you fail a shit test or say something stupid. The reality of frame is that it's who you are and how you perceive the world. If you are acting...
  18. Brother_Tucker

    Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

    Congratulations, you've hit that point. You know you can get laid but the whole thing feels like ground hog day where you do the same date over and over, you land the same punch lines and sort of lose the spark that made everything fun. You've hit a level of abundance where its no longer the...
  19. Brother_Tucker

    Road to Game Competency

    Hey there, I read the whole log and I have some thoughts. You seem to have the same problems of running out of things to say, or worrying that a random person will interrupt your set or worrying about a 12 vs 2 stop. Before I dive into that, I need to point out the elephant in your room: You...
  20. Brother_Tucker

    Best places to move to in United Kingdom

    Bristol and Bath are great places. Both cities are really close so you can dip into both pools for dating. There's also 4 Universities between the 2 cities, so you have a constant rotation of people joining the dating world. You are also an easy train ride over to London, Cardiff or the North...