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  1. nyaztecwarrior

    Aztec warrior resurrection log

    Hello all, Hope all is well. Thought i'd start writing more to Hold Myself Accountable. I turned 28 this week and it's been an incredibly eye opening experience for me. IN 2-3 years i will most likely become a U.S citizen and i am thinking of working in a specific career. I won't get to into it...
  2. nyaztecwarrior

    Aztec warrior resurrection log

    Hey guys it's been almost a year since i've posted. I'm going to be honest, while i've done incredibly well career wise, i have done sh*t with lays. I have over 100 lays but i've barely met any girls recently. I'm looking to go more in depth this week. Just wanted to put this out there so i can...
  3. nyaztecwarrior

    Aztec warrior resurrection log

    Hello 1v1mekid I appreciate the response and your advice :) definitely made me feel a bit better . It’s a full time job but at a different company , this company is much more relaxed which I really like . Maybe I was just putting unnecessary pressure on myself for no reason , it is just my...
  4. nyaztecwarrior

    Aztec warrior resurrection log

    @Radical thank you ! i remember following some of your older posts, hope you're doing well yourself :) I'll def. have to try and post more often.
  5. nyaztecwarrior

    Aztec warrior resurrection log

    Hello all, I haven’t had the chance to update this, mostly because I wanted to make sure it was completed and I am happy to say I have finally accomplished one of my goals I’ve been trying to do since 2016 on and off. For most of 2021, I did not have the best year. I had a hard time finding a...
  6. nyaztecwarrior

    Aztec warrior resurrection log

    I posted in the introduction site a couple of months back but unfortunately i wasn't working towards my goals as i wasn't committed enough and in a really bad state mentally. I am still not in the best place either but better to work on my goals now little by little than not do anything at all...
  7. nyaztecwarrior

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    Hey ya'll ! apparently i have to make an intro here. I, J, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. I'm 25, latino, from NYC. Currently coming out of a Long term long distance relation as well as finishing my degree in accounting so big changes are coming into my life. Although...
  8. nyaztecwarrior

    Question about NYC apartments

    Hey guys! So i have a question, maybe someone would be able to answer it for me :) Are any of you guys in the NYC area, if those, would you know what would be the best way to go about finding a roommate? i plan to move into the Brooklyn area within this year. I've heard a couple of horror story...