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  1. TheGreatTurk

    Any folks in Switzerland?

    Hey folks, I have recently moved to Switzerland and want to improve my Tinder game among other things. If you are from Freiburg & Mulhouse, let me know and we can shoot and wing together. ;) Would love to hear from you, PN me!
  2. TheGreatTurk

    If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

    I have listened the first 50 mins of the first part. My 2 cents for you: There is no shame in making a mistake, we all do that. (as long as you have not added permanent damage to someone, disfigurement or some other way of non-reversible damage) But I find it very virtuous that you admit to...
  3. TheGreatTurk

    If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

    You are welcome. Be proud of who you are.
  4. TheGreatTurk

    If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

    I am more interested about what kind of a person you are NOW, than what kind of a person you were 10 years ago. No need to worry. I would really sit down and listen to this. (I consume maybe 3-5% of what you publish) It sounds like an experience that we can all learn from, as a person.
  5. TheGreatTurk

    The Midwest is BRUTALLY COLD. Other good locations?

    1. I have not told anyone that they will fail. 2. We have free speech, and we are all free to say whatever we want within the confines of general respect. I am free to say what I want, that might include one day that he might fail. No point in censoring me either. No further answers on my...
  6. TheGreatTurk

    The Midwest is BRUTALLY COLD. Other good locations?

    Watch your language please. You might be of another opinion, but respect is another matter.
  7. TheGreatTurk

    The Midwest is BRUTALLY COLD. Other good locations?

    Well, if you are living in a town of 10k people or so, without any dynamics... Sure, you will get laid more elsewhere. If you are in a town of 200k with a technical college where 4 guys are chasing a girl (happened to me), move elsewhere. But if you have a dismal life in Chicago (which is a...
  8. TheGreatTurk

    The Midwest is BRUTALLY COLD. Other good locations?

    Dude if you plan your moving location just based on getting laid, you will probably regret that decision very soon. (very soon after you get laid, which is not that big of a feat) What makes up your life? What do you like? If you like windsurfing, of course you would not find that in some cold...
  9. TheGreatTurk

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    Mate, my suggestion is that, you use a nickname instead of your full name. I am Turkish and although I am the most blasphemous atheist you can find, people are racist and they still see me as Muslim. (especially on Tinder & similar platforms) Use something like Mo or Moe instead of Mohamed.
  10. TheGreatTurk

    How are my pics? (UPDATED)

    I would like to add something to this. Most girls are in fact, quite desperate to find a quality guy. It is not an uncommon thing to come across a sexy 8-9 out of 10 that have not had sex or met a quality man for 6-12 months. You appearing "larger than life" or "out of her league" is a very...
  11. TheGreatTurk

    How are my pics? (UPDATED)

    Leave the one with the crown. Also the one where you have your mate next to you. Your pose is good, but he is ruining it. He should be blended out by a better objective and you have to be the focus. The gym photo is good, but you can take a better one in the gym. In general, you need a DSLR...
  12. TheGreatTurk

    How are my pics? (UPDATED)

    Tone down your nationality mate, if you are living in Europe. I am Turkish originally, living in Germany. And unfortunately racism exists. I dont mention this until matching. I assume, I would be getting half the matches I get, if I pre-screened girls.
  13. TheGreatTurk

    Am I the only one selling options?

    You are entitled to your opinion, but I have been making these profits for the last 6 months on paper trading. I think yours is a very conservative approach. I have made money from stocks and lost as well in the last decade. It was a break even for me. Now to my question: is there anyone here...
  14. TheGreatTurk

    I can attract women, but struggle to forming meaningful relationships.

    lol this was not my comment, I was quoting the thread owner's comment. No idea, why forum attributes this to me. :)
  15. TheGreatTurk

    Am I the only one selling options?

    Hey guys, just wondering... Am I the only one selling options? Depending on your risk aversion / hunger, you can make 1-5% per month on your start capital with this. I am currently selling iron condors on SPY basically because it is very easy to follow, but gains are low as well, due to the...
  16. TheGreatTurk

    I can attract women, but struggle to forming meaningful relationships.

    I have the exact same problem, almost the same story as well. Have you tried reading Mark Manson?
  17. TheGreatTurk

    Anybody from Germany in this forum?

    Guys, I am still looking for someone to shoot each other regularly. I got a camera.
  18. TheGreatTurk

    My Photos - Need Feedback

    Hey everyone, I need feedback on my photos again. Would be glad to hear any sort of feedback. :) edit: removed these, thanks guys. I will come back with better / newer photos!
  19. TheGreatTurk

    My current situation (need your feedback)

    Hey guys, I would love to give you guys an update about my situation. So, I have quite a lot of improvement on my body. The shitty photo in the bathroom was taken 2-3 days ago. I do not have a sixpack, but I believe I have an accentuated body and girls' attitude towards me has definitely...
  20. TheGreatTurk

    Problem with Avatars

    Hey admins, this goes for you. I have had these two killer photos, but I cannot make them my avatars. The system rotates them automatically. When I rotate them in the other direction, to compensate for it, it stops rotating, so it is still not in the right orientation. How can I fix this issue?